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Everything posted by Superunknown

  1. Really? I saw some pretty hard tackling by MFC?
  2. Can drop VDB. I thought he was epic. I did miss Q3 though walking the dog
  3. More effective than DLers due to proximity
  4. Does Spargo on current form (even cooked) < JKH in current form? Me no think so. Watching Spargo threading passes inside 50 for goal assist and chasing next contests != deserving being dropped. Unless his form / effort defenestrates in the next week....
  5. Brain fade by me. Sincere apologies. (Really).
  6. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but Gaff won't be off to MFC. I am hearing some hot sauce that he is off to... Wait for it Canberra to be on ScoMo's ticket. Thanks mods :mistake emoji:
  7. Like my dear old Nan used to say, why can't we all just be nice.
  8. Super sneaky sabotage. I like it.
  9. I would have used white font.
  10. Who could (and would) we trade though?!
  11. Especially if GoAndGetGaff is heading to dynasty club North.
  12. I really have sympathy for the WC fans. After being 3 Standard Deviations-treated for so long, to have to endure basically-fair umpiring would be like torture. Reduced to using crude climax jokes, poor darlings
  13. https://www.theage.com.au/sport/afl/categorically-incorrect-aly-clarifies-rule-report-20180821-p4zyqh.html
  14. I can barely remember the last quarter so yes someone sharing would be good. Beers, win and G&T from first bounce. I'll have to treat myself to a complete replay.
  15. Now that's very interesting - do you have data upon which this is based?
  16. Still waiting for my call Steven.
  17. Epic game for Weid. You can see the potential. Jeez he's good below his knees, and tackles. Big +1 from me (for what little that's worth).
  18. Was that the one he appeared from nowhere and ripped the WCE to the ground?
  19. Great insight. Pay on hitting KPIs and performance, not so much potential (just my opinion). Would like to see him tear some big name teams apart next year to justify uber $$$.
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