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kev martin

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Everything posted by kev martin

  1. Great last ten minutes by Paxman. Gay, what a beauty, Great mark, after smart play by Daisy when she was awarded a 50. Finished with a much needed goal (last score for the game) to put us back infront. Back-line was good in that quarter, Tarrant, Birch and Colvin. Mcnamara all day, running in the heat. L. Peace, great endeavour all game. Also, took control of a stoppage with one minute go in the freo forward area.
  2. Got beaten that quarter. Nearly scored a couple, but for wayward goal kicking. Paxman not impacting and Hanks cage anything going. Commentators are terrible. A Melbourne player with hands pinned and head driven tints the ground, gets a free and one talks about it for ages. No others even play the devils advocate. The same with a soft free to Freo to score their first goal. Disrespectful demonstration by Freo after Freo get their second, starts a small mallee. Commentators love it from Freo. Nothing said about the unnecessary taunting.
  3. Back-line, just holding them out. We are having trouble clearing the area after a point is scored. Tarrant is the General down back with the help of Birch. Nearly snagged one on the siren. Showing some great transitional play when we are going. Skills are good.
  4. Paxman playing well in tight areas and Hore finding space. Smart footy Dees.
  5. The icing is made with the men's. Now for the cake. Do it like last week. Frenetic pressure to get the ball or slow down the opposition. Endeavour for the 4 quarters. Get the points and come back home with the knowledge, we can win anywhere, against anyone. Still hoping Cunningham can come good, need those marks and long kicks. Otherwise, L. Pearce and Daisy to control it with, Zanker, Hanks, Hore, Gay, and Mithin. Expect, improvements from Bannan and Scott. Back-line to repel many balls. Go Dees!
  6. Made Freo look a bad team. Good pressure at times. Really rushed at them and gave them very little space. Basically dominated, though both teams didn't make the most of chances. Good defensive marking and set up. Hopefully, that is getting the rust out of the system. A few times we took it a bit easy, AFL requires, 100% concentration. Don't like unforced errors. "Ruthless", still isn't in our vocabulary. Second quarter we could have finished them. We need to read it better of the ruck tap, and at packs. C'mon Maxy, put the ball down their throat. Thought all the players did their bit when they had too, no passengers. Great backline, forwards taking marks, mids controlling it at times. The tempo of the game was well managed by team. Ran out the game. When the score got closer, they were able to apply enough pressure and skill to kick away again.
  7. Pickett on the wing. Harmes a run with role. Sparrow centre. Pettraca rotating mid and forward line.
  8. Does appears to be a faster moving game, it could benefit us. We have been "red mist" for a while and have worked on turning it down. We should be able to control the tempo. Ball moving quickly into our defence will be best served by a combination of zone (sweepers on the flanks) and man on man. A bit of both ways I reckon. Zone, for the bomb, get out of trouble or no time to lift the eyes kicks, and to fill the lead into space. Man on man against the dangerous and running "hot" players Good interceptors, zone position players, require eye on the ball, as well as their man and communicating well with their team mates. A stable back-line will have the cohesion necessary to implement a bit of both. I think we are in that category, so long as the midfield run both ways to pick up their opposites. Our forward-line will benefit from the quick entry as we seem to struggle with finding separation. Hoping we don't just bomb it in and our general skills particularly when under pressure have improved. I think in 2019 we kicked goals in the time-on period. So fatigue factors will benefit us. We are more an endurance then a speedster team.
  9. Paid for a AFL overseas subscription for around $200 for the season (watch AFL). I can binge on all the games including the AFLW, since I cannot work here and have plenty of free time. It has a couple of shows from Fox but no other sports. Family is in good health. Cannot be bothered with Government support. Happy to wait till normalisation., shouldn't be too long now. Hopefully back watching pre-season training next year.
  10. Excited about the start of the season. Optimistically, I see us around top 6, hopefully make the 4. We matched the Tigers out at Casey. We couldn't get the ball against the Dogs (Gawn won't let that happen again). Their form was difficult for me to judge from that game and the dogs wanted it. The media has us placed in the lower part of the ladder, so we should have something to prove. They know they are underachievers and their egos are bruised. There are new coaches to help Goody. Hopefully, ensuring plans B, C, D etcetera, giving support to our lesser players, plus putting some extra shine on our stars. We have new inside facilities with a kicking range to help us with target practice, our disposal should be better. The windy conditions out at Casey will cause us to concentrate on passing the ball with conviction and precision. Sounds like the team is gelling, from the MFC media output. Our forward line has been redesigned, hopefully giving us more potency and defensive ability. Burgess has alot more of his own data on the players. If he is any good he should be able to maximise their running potential. Our back-line is tuff to score against, and we can sling the ball back into attack from the half-back,. We are looking stronger, faster and hopefully smarter than previous seasons. We should worry most teams, as we are more than just competitive now. The opposition can't take the foot of the pedal, we will hurt them on turnovers, we can dominate for longer periods of play and are a high intensity team. All those "learning" possibilities are going to pay off this season. Jealous of you lot going to the G. I'm stuck overseas, waiting for flights to be available at a reasonable price with reliability, for quarantine regulations to be annulled, and for this whole Covid stuff-up to be finished with. Enjoy the live game and atmosphere.
  11. I think he has composure and can offer outside mid skills., it is something we need. Blood them early, get him understanding what it takes at the highest level. Good early call.
  12. I should be able to attend any gender function or cultural gathering so long as, I respect and act according to the cultural and basic social norms of that group. In an all female group, if I acted without male dominant, masculine behaviour, should I not be accepted and welcomed? In an all male group, if I acted without female dominant, feminine behaviour, should I not be accepted and welcome? Religious identity, political and racial groups should be the same. If I am able to act within the norms of a group should I not be accepted and welcome? Down with all barriers, have all the doors passable. If I am an inflexible, non empathetic and unable to walk in the shoes of my fellow human beings, refuse entry. Though difficult to tell from first appearances. Let them in anyway. Why the segregation. Though I really doubt whether such people really exist. Usually they are acting antagonistic. Respect, the other. If you are a socialist at a meeting of capitalist. Can you not see the others point of view, act appropriately and probably walk away wiser (Visa-a-versa apply's). Humans are adaptable within social situations, if we drop our ego down a bit, not rock the boat, perhaps we can all get along. Perhaps they should have direction and expectations of how to act available. A belief for a night or for a lifetime. I want to live the utopian dream and not in my private Idaho. Tell him he is dreaming. Half flank once told me, The Melbourne Doves. All white guernsey and cheery theme song. We will all be sitting with the Collingwood cheer squad singing 'kum ba ya", together, in a few decades.
  13. The "your joking umpire" or "no way".
  14. What, 18 to 3 inside 50's, umpire gives us a junk time goal. Two frees in a row, probably there. 5. 6 to 1. 3 Hore stepped up. Continuing our style of game. Go Dees.
  15. Playing hard football, holding the ball in the forward line, looking like a team that wants to win. Hanks, Zanker, Lampard, Mcnamara, L Pearce, Mithin, Gay, Heath, all contributing. Adelaide can't find any space. At the moment we are controlling the game. Played two good quarters, keep at it, Go Dees.
  16. I'm not in Melbourne, the st.kikda game is looking wet. If it is the same out at Casey tonight, then our talls won't be of much use. Conditions are for the smalls like Hanks and McNamara, and the strong bodies, like Scott. Perhaps there will be some late changes!
  17. Is moving Cunningham to the bench a warning? She have to increase her output. Hoping she gets motivated, starts taking multiple marks and kicks a couple of goals. Good chance to prove themselves against a strong team. They played a beautiful quarter in the first game this season. Replicate that for the entire game and they are unbeatable. Go Dees.
  18. Thanks for the reply. I interpreted the state of the dressing room as a metaphor for order and control. In comparison to flexibility and chaos, which is more reflective of the real world. If I am too strictly managed then my cultural input cannot impact the collective. I start feeling unrecognised, invisible, a number in the system. I am concerned about autocratic forms of management that require obedience and are not suitable to the modern world. I hope our institutions never move that way, as it will, disconnect us from any emotional or cultural aspects of the self. Well put.
  19. Absolutely, though some do thrive from it. We need individualised approach to get the best from each other Yea poor kid. The path of least resistance.
  20. So not recommended, especially if you have ulterior motives.
  21. I think he is saying we should have a culture were a dropped player is not disrespected when dropped. With openness, compassion and communication the player will understand why and what they have to do for re-selection and minimise the impact of the emotion, fear. Fear will breed, anger and sadness and possibly a lifetime of being messed up.
  22. Yes it can, but is it outlawed, or just not recommended.
  23. A bit like buddhist mindfulness practice. I can see how some flourish with this walk through life. However it can't be for everyone. Does it lead to excellence? Self discipline, versus it will be right on the night, or don't sweat the small stuff. [I heard he wants everyone to shower (clean their lockers) and that produced excellence.]
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