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kev martin

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Everything posted by kev martin

  1. MFC the destination club, you to can squat and use a tent to train out of.
  2. Quite often the other ovals are used by, soccer and rugby teams. Therefore no direct route.
  3. The start was about someone trying to embarrass an AFL person, with photo of public urination. I indicated that the urination is flowing down at Gosch's, on a regular basis and they should be embarrassed by our amateur facilities. I finished by indicating that we have a sideshow of training facilities and could go hubless. A truck and a tent, no wonder we underperform!
  4. Was thinking, they could take the training on the road, with the truck and tent system. Invite the juniors and seniors, and include workshops for the local coaches and administrators. Would not be much different to what they do in The Alice. Become a modern community club by showing off our drills and procedures to the grass root AFL (inner suburb, outer suburb and regional area). Give back to the many.
  5. They don't use it and it seems they aren't instructed to use it by either elders or the leaders. Probably 4 mins if they ran! Takes me the 10 mins.
  6. You are right, though, I have not seen them use either or return to Aami Park. It would mean a ten minute disruption to the group, They choose to hold it or let it out "bush" style. Need a porta loo on site. A proper change room, a secure place to keep their personal belonging and some sort of shelter for all staff and players during inclement weather, should be the minimum of facilities. There is no effective place for physio work. A place to sit down, talk and to review video immediately, I thought, would help. Then get out on the field and repeat. (Especially direct feedback on goal kicking routine and team structures). At the moment they only have a tent and the back of a small truck.
  7. It is, as a victim of drug (alcohol) fuelled exuberances it is revolting. Lived in a tourist/holiday town. Regularly people came near or in the front yard to urinate when they are [censored]. I'm sure the drug takers have done it without any discretion. Though, the issue is a zoom photo of the MFC player squatting or at the tree. We need facilities.
  8. It embarrassing for the club, the players, the AFL, and myself, that our players are always urinating in public. I find myself having to look away and pretend I didn't notice. Sets a bad example. The law says you can't. With substandard, facilities we will be an irrelevant club!
  9. Gold Coast coach Stuart Dew in urinating video, reportedly deliberately leaked The link is to indicate urinating in public that the AFL are embarrassed about. Down at Gosch's paddock there are no facilities. I have seen numerous players urinating in public. Squatting or behind trees is the usual method. Why do we have substandard training facilities? Nearest toilet is a 4 minute walk away. A ten minute disruption to the group. Someone could easily expose the MFC players if they felt very vindictive. Ten in the morning is a better look than outside the pub at night! NOT.
  10. Agree with the sentiments. I don't know the answers. Hoping those who get paid, do!
  11. Not sure if I want to influence them! I will let them do their jobs. Hopefully, they do what they believe is the right thing. The Bartlett spray would indicate that they are not to happy. Keep progressing MFC. We are getting closer.
  12. Thought the word this week was, "ruthless". Ruthless to me, means "putting them to the sword". We had the chance and stopped. We really are softies. I heard Lever talking about ruthless, he kinda indicated, it was in the preparation, the process. I'd like to see us show no mercy in the game. Petracca can swing the momentum, as can Oliver, Viney used to be able to. I thought we played keeping off well. Though, when it came to going, we couldn't transition to fast again. Need to work on their tempo and rhythm. They aren't on the same page! Good backline again. Midfielders found their straps at times. Gawn working well. Salem, linking, getting space and zoning, doing team first. River, an old head on young shoulders. Baker getting involved and looks like he will get better. Kossi is nearly, will get better. Still a few passengers.
  13. Had a chance to prove we are ruthless. What did we do? No effort or desperation, back to doing just enough. Fourth quarter blitz, get our game going in case we make finals.
  14. Roped the dope. Ess, had the impression after the first, that it was all too easy. Now to see if ruthlessness is in our game. We should go on with it and win the next two quarters. Mids working well, the team finding space, great pressure and tackling. Liked that we tried a different game plan in the first and then got into our fast style in the second. Need to be able to switch it up during the quarter.
  15. Noticed on last nights Fox AFL program, video of Freo training in Cairns and the dogs on the gold Coast. Hoping the acclimatisation helps Freo, and the dogs do a FIFO on Sunday.
  16. Do Melksham and Hibberd play well against the old team? I'd like to see Sparrow in for either Melksham or AVB, (probably Vanders out). Jackson in for Fritsch, Hunt or ANB. Probably Fritsch out, so to keep the structural balance. Hibbs in for Jetta. On the fox daily sports news I noticed that Dogs are training on the Gold Coast while Freo are already in Cairns getting acclimatised.
  17. Not in the gender fluid expression of humanity, where people are what they feel they are. They are also supported to be "that", by a more accepting society. There are bigots out there who want to tell others to be like them. Have you not heard about the trans community?
  18. Not in this modern, more accepting, and less bigoted world. Your aunty could have balls and still be your aunty.
  19. We win a close one again. Well done Burgess. Baker got us rolling, great goals. Can't wait for Pickett to get those easy goals! Rivers in every position. Backline held up well again. Langdons' run and connections, so consistent all year. Weids needs to find some space and separation.. Unsure about Melksham, on baller run with opponent tonight, but wasn't convincing. Also thought Fritta was off his game, although never stopped presenting and trying. Liked VDB 1 percenters and that he looks composed with the ball. Umpires got GWS into the game and they had a fair run from them. They seemed to be able to hit us in head or take our legs out. Deliberates were judge inconsistently. Why do we still let the other team score multiple goals as we score 1. We have to stop their momentum surges. Be desperate, become ruthless and harden up. Great last quarter. Hoping for more connection between Gawn and his mids. Gawn's work rate and some crucial marks were important, as was Mays'. We can hope to sneak into finals contention. Go Dees.
  20. I'm really torn between, they have no ticker, or they will surprise me. If they surprise me with a win, will they then surprise me with making the finals? [Hoping so as would love them to be in the final series. I think it is the place that Goody flourishes. Home and away is the process place, where as finals, have that emotional hit inherently that his style misses.] Eight changes, plus getting rid of their leader leaves GWS chaotic. We should do them, given their form and the chaos. Though we arn't all that better and I am not confident of which team turns out for us. The extra days break and we have more to play for may get us there. Lose and wholesale changes will hit the club for next season. C'mon Dees, heart, hard and smart.
  21. We need that pressure game to come back. Hunting in packs, sticking tackles, picking up the spilt ball, and in general, getting to the contest. Does Goody call it, playing our "brand"? Would like to see us dispose efficiently when under pressure, with no clangers and plenty of disposals to advantage. I don't want us to be competing in the same space against each other. Know where your mates are and help each other. Bad luck about Hibbs, good Nev gets a run at it. He can create good chemistry with others and is a team first player. Worried about the forwards. Some high percentage inside 50's conversions will help. Only 3 changes, at least a little more stability. The opposition, not much of chance to train, will suffer team structure problems and cohesion due to 8 changes. They will be playing a more natural game, so there should be lots of holes we can take advantage of. Keep Cameron and Green quiet and we could to steal it. Though they do have a good looking list. Do the Dees want it more and are prepared to put their bodies on the line as compared to GWS getting a roll on and playing skilled football? Bring the pressure, go Dees.
  22. Makes the season a bit more even, though not completely, if they play 28 games. Would like the fixture after everybody has played each other, decided on where on the ladder they sit. Could make them into qualifying matches to the finals, with only 6 spots available and not 8. The FINAL quarter should remain at 20 minutes plus time on. Lots of things can change with such a big number of games. Therefore should be more flexibility to reorganise squads.
  23. I don't get why it wasn't 50 meters. The head sacrosanct, unless it is the lesser players and clubs. Choose to bump, put his shoulder into the head deliberately and feet left the ground. No protection from AFL incorporated.
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