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kev martin

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Everything posted by kev martin

  1. They also have one less day to recover than us after travelling back from the west. Tthe temp is 30 at Freo, and they need to travel to Canberra. Tough draw for them.
  2. Hoping the same against GWS. One day extra, hot conditions and further to travel (WA)
  3. I think, he thought, Max would be there,
  4. Agree, though not the "worst". May was using his body to get a mark and protect the ball drop. If Max wasn't there, he marks it. He let Max attempt it instead of going two up.
  5. I was feeling down. Coincidence had me at a time with a doctors appointment. Mentioned it to him. He said, "that is a bit of an exaggeration". So, basically fobbed me off. Changed doctors pretty quickly. Some professionals know it is a complicated issue to treat. Others, prefer the simple 15 minute consultation (physical) to addressing mental health and the associated psychological, social and spiritual components. Self harm is a terrible symptom to be suffering. Silence is not the way to deal with it. If we had a broken arm we would be straight off to get help from the appropriate services. Wishing mental health services could be as easily accessed by all who may need them. Stigma, uncertainty of outcome, medication targeting inaccuracies, poor quality of assistance, all lead to us having to use the most compassionate and effective solution, that of a friend.
  6. We have so much upside. They could continue to develop and deliver as the season progresses. That first twenty minutes from the start of play, shows me we are heading in the right direction. Oliver on song. Backline doing the wall. Max helping out brilliantly. Lever, smart plays, Tomlinson his best game for us, May a bit off. Salem and Hunty stepped it up this week. Stay switched on Dees. Great that we are starting to show some confidence, in that we can haul in an opponents lead. Pickett on a steep learning curve. Getting clean ball and so dynamic. Keep building, could be anything. Jackson development is a bit slower though still exciting. Go Dees. Enjoy the 2 and nil, and then refocus for another one
  7. Resent an already posted riff. They know how to win!
  8. Full time, hard fought win. Heath big time plays, made for the pressure. Hore and Gay, so composed. Cunningham doing enough in the last. Downie faded a bit, our backline kept tackling and pushing it out. Hanks, Scott, great goals. Paxman what an effort in the last. Doesn't take a back foot. Need to fix up a few dinky handballs that didn't hit the mark and cost them in turnovers. Great team win.
  9. 3 quarter time. 4. 1 to 6. 0 Brisbane way Hard gut running football. Melbourne don't give up. They are trying to construct a win, they are almost. Hoping Brisbane fade in the lat. Paxman back to midfield, Scott in the forwardline.
  10. Half time 3. 1 to 5. O to Bris Brisbane made the most of the opportunities. Good quality game, hard run. good pressure, backlines of both team repelling the play.
  11. Good quarter. Ahead by a point. 1. 0. 6 to 1. 1. 7 Bannan, Hanks, Hore, Zanker, Mithin, Paxman doing well. Backline is a wall. Wind was against us. Daisy is out injured leg, Paxman playing forward.
  12. Heard him say, if they test negative then the game goes ahead. Uncertainty, doesn't help either side, though a bit more for the travellers. Smash them at home Dees. We have been pressurising the opponents and playing like we want to win. Keep that, include the connection and don't miss the easy goals. Gay, Daisy and Hore to fire. Hanks to improve after a bad one in Freo. Ball getters Paxman and Zanker with Mcnamara outside to control the play. L. Pearce, will power and leadership. The backline to repel them.
  13. I want Brayshaw to step it up on the wing (dominate) and Langdon to keep up the good work, I think it will be won in this area of the game. Gut running, creating defensive pressure, attacking possibilities and connections. Trac, Oliver, Viney, Sparrow and Jordan to dominate around the stoppages. Hopefully, we can honour the leads and hit our players "lace out". No unforced errors please. Support each other, do the one percenters, keep it simple doing the basics and take it on when it's your time. Go Dees.
  14. It can't help them. I imagine they won't have that extra time to work on deficiencies and their muscle could feel the burn. Possibly made a bit more difficult since it is the start of the season. If mid year I may agree. We had better get our act together. They look like a team that will punish turnovers. A real test for our backline. King is a difficult match up. Will need lots of body contact so he can't get a run at it. Viney should make a difference to the mids, he has a unique connection with Gawn. Hoping he plays smart as well as tough. At least he will help at the stoppage contests and hopefully win some clearances with Oliver and Sparrow (if selected). Picket is getting closer, a little bit more experience and he will take those marks and be less fumbly.
  15. From the threads and other media, it seems there is no grey area, it is or it isn't a malicious attack. One lot see the bump, using controlled aggression, part of the game. Though concede the rules stipulate that there will be a mandatory suspension, based on the outcome. The other see it as an aggressive act that shouldn't be tolerated, especially when performed with undue care to the recipient. I believe they should do all in their power to protect the players brain. The game is in trouble when there are so many opposite views of the incident. It is very difficult to protect the players from themselves. Seems, head trauma will remain a problem into the foreseeable future. We need to change the culture of old school, aggressiveness. Hoping soon we unite and see that controlled incidences that cause a hit to the head, should not be part of the game. The tribunal and administration will be dammed with whatever the decision is. Hope in the future we can get on the same page.
  16. I think it is a bigger picture than suspension, If Kelly develops any brain injury further down the track, he should be able to sue both the AFL and Danger. Make the head sacrosanct. Middle and older ages are great to live. He shouldn't be denied that because of the actions of Danger.
  17. Body IQ and body memory, is based on proprioceptive responses which are not immediately self-conscious. Brain can become aware after the fact. Action, before the the recognition of the thought. It is a calculated response that may not involve the conscious brain. Therefore, they need to know that they cannot hit the head with any part of the body. Much the same as they know the other rules, and the body action is on the right side of the fine line between what can occur and what can't. It is why and how they develop over time. It all becomes instinctual and within that persons control.
  18. You are right, after the impact we have no idea. Though at impact I kinda know where the points of contact will be. It is why I called it a "Brixton kiss". You can hit anothers head with yours without damage to the perpetrator. Danger also said he was in self preservation mode. The collision and subsequent head clash was calculated to not cause damage to himself.
  19. Usually when both players are going hard at "it" or are team mates competing for the same ball, with eyes on the ball, or in flight and cannot change the direction, the accidental "head clash" occurs. Two or more unpredictable people and circumstances make for those sickening collisions. Kelly was completely open, could not brace and his movement was predictable. It was in the Dangers control, only. Ran through the bloke with an intention to bring the hurt.
  20. They are making split decision all the time. Should have bent his body down and put it into Kelly's torsos, keeping all parts of himself away from the head. It's a duty of care action and should be judged as malicious.
  21. I think, that as an elite sportsman he is totally aware of where all parts of his body are going. Super proprioception is gained by being totally body centric. As a mug sportsman, I even know where my body, including my head will kind of end up in a collision. In fact being such an important part of my anatomy which I protect. I can run through very small gaps, and know where my head will hit or not. He had a good idea what was going on. He did hit with his shoulder and I believe the head clash was not incidental, but inevitable and calculated. He thought if he doesn't leave the ground/jump at the player, then it is a legal hit and covers his duty of care.
  22. When deciding to bump, you have to keep all parts of the body away from the opponents head. He rammed his head into the blokes nose and broke it, as well as causing concussion. Why are they saying it wasn't intentional or with malice? It was a "Brixton kiss". Geelong are a ruthless team. They hate being beaten, will try anything to unsettle the other side. No sympathy should be shown. Intentional and went in to hurt Kelly.
  23. I dislike they way some players line up for goal and they kind of juggle or jiggle the ball around when in their hands as they walk into their routine to kick. Pettraca and I think Kossie were doing it. Wished they held the dammed thing steady after they set it straight and before they start their approach. I think it is a precision thing not a feel kick. Any slight change in ball drop and angle difference will show up on the flight of the ball, exaggerating slices, hooks, fade outs and aims. Treat it with respect and the elites can get it to fly and move the way they want it to. The professional golfer does it with small tweeks of the swing. Hoping our kickers can get the same precision. Takes alot of repetition. Hopng Ben Brown shows them what is needed to have a good gait that helps him feel comfortable, and gets the ball to fly where he wants it to. Hate for him to learn the "Melbourne way". C'mon Dees kick straight, be professional.
  24. When we started missing the easy goals, our confidence dropped a bit and we let Freo in. We need to keep the scoreboard pressure up. They have to work on the kick outs after the point is scored by the opposition. Can't allow those repeat entries. Lock it in on the wings and fight harder to move it forward, if we miss the link ups.
  25. Thought we changed where we take the ball to from the half back area. We seemed not to use the boundary area or the fat sides. Looked like they used the central and wing corridors. Our mids couldn't get any free run for the taps at stoppages. Max connects best when the mids are on the move. If the umpires allowed more harassment of us then we need to get tougher and throw our weight around. Tell Pettraca to get angry and stop treating the opposition like friends when he crosses the white line. Run through a few of their are taggers and pests.
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