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kev martin

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Everything posted by kev martin

  1. They will have more effort and have worked on their deficiencies. Can be season defining in the early rounds. The media has highlighted them and communal humiliation can fire them up in the first. They then run out of puff, if not a good team or the system is broken If It is a regular occurrence of being non-competitive, you don't "come out fired up".
  2. They have to be able to celebrate. A release of the energy and share some joy. The song is as much for the supporters as the team. What you suggest is like drawing a "line in the sand" moment. Can be done, though you wouldn't want to do it it more than once in a season (line in sand not the song). It is really not the time for it. Devalues the effort they are giving and are winning anyway. They are addressing the problems and would be doing home truths with each other during the normal review and after calculated reflection. They know their general problems. Support and feedback from others when they have a clearer head and the video replays have been scrutinised is much better on the "Monday". Inaccurate and exaggeration of things could be said in the heat of the moment directly after a game, and off the cuff comments can lead to bad blood. Old school coaching may do what you suggest with the song but Goody is new school player management, respectful and calculated. Too much mental footy pressure is energy sapping.
  3. -We have some fight in us! Good run and effort. Lever kept up the intercepts, as May played a different game (we missed his dominance). Oliver will get some "learnings", from that close tag. Bombed away too much into our crowded forward line. Need to work on hitting up the targets. In the first, GWS kept attacking from the wing and half-back. Great that we stopped that. Jetts, Tom and Trac had bad games. Need to kick the easy ones, for confidence, momentum and score pressure. They need a better routine, ( particularly Tracc, Oliver and Gawn). They seem to be working on relaxing instead of a serious method. Hold the ball steady, know how many steps and hit it sweetly. Repeat and repeat at training. Max gives us flexibility in playing forward, back or mid. Great to see Goody mix it up. Kossie, Langdon, Max, Fritta, Hunt, River for the entire game. Viney, ANB, Jackson, Brayshaw, Salem, Lever, Jones in bursts. Spargo, Sparrow, Tomlinson, Jordan as role players.
  4. Need a goal kicking coach! Hold the ball steady to kick it sweetly. Bombing it into the forward area.
  5. The time on periods are crucial. Game opens up, fatigue sets in and their bodies aren't used to it. Last year, shorter periods and more inter-changes Saw Sydney belt Richmond in the junk time. They wanted it more and the Tigers were not there. Our fitness and will should help. No switching off.
  6. They have to be hungry for some success. Bring the pressure. All our lines are good, May and lever, Viney and Oliver, Kossie and Tom. It has been a while since I could say that. No more words, time for action. First to the ball, clean use and minimise the unforced errors. Go Dees.
  7. Hoping we can be front runners throughout the season. Stay in the top 8, and be on the positive side of the win loss equation. Can't remember when that last happened! What dreams are made of, a less anxious home and away series that leads into a successful finals run. I wouldn't bet on it, though.
  8. Welcome to Casey, Freo. It is not a place to showcase the game. Took control in the first when we were against the wind. Great team work. All running as one, with a smart game plan. Fell away in the second half as we made it an arm wrestle. Some of our small release handballs were beautiful. Good tackling, took any run away from the docks. Big kicks when we had the wind and hugging the boundary and creating stoppages when against it. Paxman, what an effort all game. Gay has the strut. Mithin will run at a brick wall. McGee had a good game and popped up when needed as did Colvin, Birch, Parry and Lampard, Sheriff as well. Hanks did a tie down role on their star. Zanker, Cunningham and Pearce good play. I think, we did not have a passenger. We need just a bit more composure around the goals. Train smart, then bring the pressure and be first to the ball when we play the crows
  9. Looking at that picture. Can we put a roof up on the MCG and train on that? Just kidding.
  10. I pay rates to Stonnington my brother in Bayside Council. We both have no children or drive cars. The council does very little for us. I've noticed that much of the public space is being used by the private schools. The Council will continue to commodify and give it to the highest bidder. Our community is stratified, with money and power being the impetuous. Poor kids will not be golfers, tennis players, yachtys', rowers, etcetera and now AFL players or any of the cheaper sports programs. Arts and sports are for the privileged classes as is our educational and health systems. Such is their entitled life and the unequal distribution of access.
  11. The Maroons would soon be corrupted. Lining the pockets of their mates at the expense of sanity, fairness and logic.
  12. Bike lanes are very good. Though getting to and off them from your destinations is still a problem. Cars rule the bitumen and we take a deep breath of CO and associated sulphur so as to brace when we venture as a commutor. Encourage all activities. Went to a greens meeting, not one used a bike. All had the combustion engine. When they walk the talk and not just imply "do as I say", and virtue signalling, perhaps, I could believe that their politics is beyond the need to get power for powers sake. Another problem with bike lanes is the disrespectful users. Bike clubs use them as speed ways. Commutors shunt past pedestrians and slower riders with the narrowest of margins. As a biker and pedestrian we need alot more work to make our paths safe. I have not owned a car for around 30 years.
  13. Inactivity is the killer. Council should be working to get as many as possible out and about. Not, generating a pay wall.
  14. You also have sole use to the facilities, such as toilets/showers, change rooms, canteens, meeting halls. The pick up want to use some grassed area. That is all. The organised collective do get priority. Perhaps the first approach to this group of pick ups was aggressive or in the past they have been spurned by you lot. All need to be respectful. Again, as a pick up player, I have been treated pretty badly by the organised at times. They become very protective of the stuff they have. If I am an unskilled, weaker and older player is there a place at your club for me to get a game and be welcomed? Or is it a clique group, where you have to be like the others to play, (which is what I find). Diversification can be a problem in these organised places.
  15. All should be respectful to each other. No group should have to pay big amounts of money. Active involvement has so many benefits to all that money just puts the brake on. The pick up group should put things back where and how they find them. Because they disrespect the place they make it worse for others as well. Organised sport, has to have priority. Without that we all lose something in the community. There has to a place for the pick up group. People with cash shouldn't be able to dictate the terms . I hate the so called user pay system, social stratification, and creating privilege.
  16. Very difficult for a pick up group to book a place. We become an unscheduled, disorganised group, which does not know what numbers and some don't have leisure money, we play without leaders, or insurance. Our beauty is that we do it without complications. Except for rangers and the committee coming after us. As a an over 60, it is very difficult to find a club where I can get a regular game anyway. If I was 16, activities are everywhere.
  17. I think the fees are far too high. However, if these clubs want to claim sole occupancy of the field at the expense of other uses then they have to pay. As a social sports person who regularly plays pick up games, these organised clubs have regularly shunted me from pillar to post. I can understand that when they have a scheduled game the need for sole use of the facilities but they become very protective of "their field" and "their infrastructure" when they aren't in actual use. I have always thought, how can a club with 300 to 1000 members exclude the 40 000 other rate payers and numerous others. All because they can pay for access as a collective. I think bad luck, should have been more willing to share. Though I believe all the council facilities should be at cut price; swimming pools, tennis courts, gyms, basketball courts, halls, theatres, child care, etcetera. Make some of our world egalitarian and create equal access to facilities beyond our socio-economic abilities. Stop running the place as an economic cow. The benefits of a fully active community can not be underestimated. Not just for the organised, but for all. This money need or paying for access is such a dampener for us people. No more exclusionary activity on council properties open the door to all.
  18. Tell them training is optional
  19. Play them all in the backline. Except for Pickett, who will tear through any hole and opponents to snag goal after goals. Maybe put Ben Brown in our goal square when he comes back.
  20. Play them all as mids. Get ball and move it down the paddock, with everyone within a 60 meter radius. Make it like an NRL game.
  21. This could be our angry game. In the past we couldn't trust. Give us something Dees to say, they have the supporters backs. Be ruthless, determined and courageous, play smart and please no unforced errors. There is plenty of room for improvement and I want an A grade hit at the GWS. I think it could be decided in the first quarter. If we jump them early, I doubt they have the belief and desire to fight. If they jump us, then they may believe they can resurrect their season. No change, be ruthless and sink their season. Go Dees.
  22. You are right. Those fine lines, patronising or needed, (The asking of 'are you OK'). Genuineness is required, intention is to help and prioritise that person right now. Make yourself available both as assisted or the assistee (if that is a word). The reach out for professional help should always be encouraged. No more sitting with the anguish, no more silence, too many have been lost when it could be just getting over the next bump in the landscape of life. Let's make that call for help an easy one. No more stigma, or going it alone. Find a friend who will be available 24 hrs. Keep their network number or web link close to you. Use it, when those times are tough, like a mental health emergency call. It is hard, but we don't want to lose you. Take a deep breath and call out, we will listen.
  23. The mental health system in Australia is inadequate. Often, it is impossible to get an admission unless you are very unwell. Probably, only if you are actively suicidal. Most beds are taken up by those who are involuntarily admitted. Of course there are general practitioners who can refer you to psychologists. Though that is for a waiting list. Getting psychiatric help is limited as there aren't enough psychiatrist. If you can get admitted, the wards, can be a difficult place for recuperation. Often, there are people with personalities problems that are not the best to be around (manipulators, aggressive, selfish). All the variety of diagnostics are in the same ward. The paper work of the staff can lead to less face to face assistance ànd leaves the client feeling ignored or alone. The people making decisions on your behalf are rarely seen. It all becomes a bit like just a boarding house and time with medications becomes the healer. Our mental health programs require a complete overhaul, with a massive funding boost to create better facilities, in patient and outreach, better housing and supports, more education of staff and developing more target specific medications. Social conditions for the suffering causes a "revolving door", where adequate basics such as housing and safe living conditions don't exist. Often the mentally vulnerable are placed in the same substandard accommodation as the criminal class. They then become a pharmaceutical outlet, as criminals use standover tactics or manipulation to deprive those with a disease or disability, their means to stability. Pretty soon they end up back in the hospital, filling those much in demand beds. Until we get our system right, then friends and community are our best bet in keeping us safe and sound
  24. Our finals draw is pretty good. Freo after a loss to North. They had to play out the game and they now travel to Vic to meet a team that beat them in WA. If they are slow out of the box again, they will have no hope. Also, Casey is not an easy field to play on. We had to play out the game against Brisbane but we got the lollies and the emotional surge. Prefer Adelaide if we get through, as it is less travel. Though will be a different team at home to the one we beat at Casey. Good luck Dees, train smart.
  25. Sorry for the love icon. The love icon was sent as support for you, for having been through the three months of dealing with mental anguish (courageous and admirable). I thought you meant last post on this subject. Don't give up on us. You have some excellent thoughts for me to digest.
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