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Engorged Onion

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Everything posted by Engorged Onion

  1. Garlett or JKH?? Garlett has runs on board - jeez I have soft spot for JKH though...
  2. I believe you, so do you feel like going through the tapes though and compiling the vision for the rest who look at things a little too superficially I'd much prefer Tom to take risk and to develop his proficiency under pressure - psychologically its the only way to hone skills in that context (game day), and Im prepared to wear him making errors (say at 85% disposal efficiency), rather than retreating to safety behaviours (short kicks, not on the 45, not using his first 3 steps to accelerate) that move him away from Goodwins game plan.
  3. Gone are the days of a best 22 for every match of the h/a season - MFC have evolved - so should the punters thinking...
  4. Re: TMAC - How can one man be so polarising? His way of disposing looks shaky - he does create clangers (as do all) yet he does take risks. Personally I rate him as a defender on par with Frawely. Solid contributor with flaws and does the one percenters very very very well.
  5. @DeeZee - Ive got the 'over by over' happening - SOK is still on fire... yep a great fillip for Demons supporters
  6. I hope this hits 500 posts...this thread deserves it...
  7. I always baulk at Re-signs - i always seem to miss the hyphen.
  8. Far from unprofessional methinks - not addressing it is about not giving it air - why does it need to be quashed, or validated for it to be deemed dealt with in a professional manner. Unprofessional would be the EFC... Media is there to create stories and to dramatise - and as members/spectators/people with no direct involvement with staff members or athletes at the club - its meaningless and fruitless to fret about it - by all means care for Jack, care for professionalism and don't believe the hype that 'stories' in the media actually matter in how the club handle things from a governance perspective.
  9. I'd also like to know, why people are aggrieved? Im not sure that it has been handled incorrectly, nor that setting (and maintaining) standards is actually a problem?
  10. I'd love to know if Jack gets on here at has a chuckle at all the innuendo and handwringing....Jack if you're out there...give us a sign.
  11. Quite frankly, the football club be it staff or players, don't owe us an explanation for their internal kpi's on what Jack - or whoever for that matter needs to step up to the plate - for those getting a bit concerned about we're now leaking info and not keeping it internal - I actually think JM playing it with a straight bat give more creedence to keeping stuff in house. He'd be howled down by some for not keeping the information internal... so he is damned if he does, and damned if he doesn't... Jack may be upset, Jack may have been upset and now is getting on with it - his emotional state leading to certain behaviours is just wild speculation and fodder for a forum like this
  12. Or Demonlands need to pick it apart like Jerk Chicken...
  13. In the papers for at least 6 years minimum...
  14. Great summary indeed - and of course, I was been quite facetious re: the genuineness of P.Roos on that particular topic. Geez we have depth now...thank eff n ell
  15. I rank Paul Roos as one of the great coaches in the modern era (it goes without saying). At the end of 2016 when we lost to Carlton and Geelong, he did mention quite a lot in the pressers that we have 'a lot of tired players' and 'it's a long season' with our young list. I must confess, I am a little worried that we still have a young list and the new messiah in waiting Goodwin - is looking at playing our best 22 in the preseason comp. So who's got the correct philosophy? Or was Roosy taking the [censored]? If Roosy was/is correct - it's only 5 months on for god sake Goody, they'll be tired by round 12, not even round 18! Perhaps he is a fan of test cricket - (runs on the board etc etc)?
  16. He wouldn't have been recruited if he doesn't have nous...but, what does he bring? Can anyone shed any light?
  17. Interesting times ahead for Mr Fitzpatrick and Co http://www.theage.com.au/afl/essendon-bombers/essendon-saga-supreme-court-writ-lodged-against-gillon-mclachlan-and-mike-fitzpatrick-20170215-gudpm7.html
  18. Ha! Did you put a wager on him to become a footballer at AFL level? If you did...
  19. My father died of MND around 9 months ago - same age as Neale - had it for 18 months. During that time - Dad (we're from Portland) met with Neale as part of Daniher's Drive - the family being proud Melbourne supporters were thrilled with how respectful Neale was - Dad at this stage couldn't speak anymore - I suspect faced with how the disease was 'really' going to pan out in due course for Neale really chastened him to connect with Dad over the course of a few chats... champion bloke, and you wouldn't wish the disease on your worst enemy.
  20. If I could love this I would...a thousand times over.
  21. Me too Choke, arrived, promptly got blind drunk in the AFLReady box - cursed at Michael Longs hit on Troy and Dean Wallis - jeez they took it to us physically. Expectation was high for the following year right! Right...
  22. Couldn't agree more- I think the public place to much meaning on what it means to be captain in this day and age - he has had his tenure, as far as anyone knows, he is self-reflective enough to be open to sharing the load, so he can get on with playing, rather than holding onto being [censored] off and being distracted and non motivated to play at his peak...
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