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Engorged Onion

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Everything posted by Engorged Onion

  1. Nice philosophical question. I'm firmly in the camp of anything for the club to survive - but I don't believe that will ever need to come to fruition from a franchised styled comp with advertising in all and sundry. Not sure that everything affiliated with Red Bull equals exposure i.e thinking Felix is cool as fek - doesn't mean you'll subsequently go watch https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FC_Red_Bull_Salzburg do
  2. Ah yes, I cant recollect who - however it was mentioned because of the 'feathers' on 7 that it must have been CP5 - as its not - I assume 'said' person is on tenterhooks waiting for the reveal - cat amongst the pigeon's.
  3. loving how CP5 was mentioned by some at number 7 in the line up and yet he is number 3 - keep the mysteries coming!
  4. Did you boys wikipedia the [censored] out of your knowledge or what...incredible!
  5. Six6Six - bloody fabulous effort in documenting what happens at training - then uploading it .Really grateful for it.
  6. Great thread - hope we can cumulatively document it. I for one know no-ones nick name - mind I have a few personal ones when they're playing like flogs.
  7. Camp = pathway to success. I remember learning somewhere that correlation does not equal causation. What learnings did they get from it - well if its about having discomfort and getting on with the job at hand, they had better be reflective enough individual to be able to apply it when they're fatigued, when they're anxious, when they're hacked off, when they're 10 goals down, when they're 10 goals up etc etc and still able to execute time and time and time again.
  8. Are the question mark's 'cause it sounds 1970's?
  9. Herald Sun headline is Ex AFL Star - I get they need to pump up the news - but Col? A star? meh...
  10. Juddy isn't that bad - he's always come across well - it is however a fine line between being overly sensational every moment of the game and stating the bleeding obvious of what you can optically see...
  11. He's done his job at the Dee's and paid handsomely for it - new chapter for Roos is of zero consequence for where the Dee's are headed...
  12. Gee I love the Training breakdown - its the first pre season for me on this forum - love the dedication from the members - some of us are up country
  13. When it comes to punishment - why do we need to take a punitive stance? Quite frankly I don't think he needs to leadership group or Goodwin etc to tell him to pull his head in - you reckon he doesn't get it already - and that the 'penny' will drop if someone else mentioned it to him?? The reality is, that he either will, or he won't commit to the behaviours to becoming as elite as he can... it will be an ongoing analysis over the seasons on this - and this incident will have SFA to do with it.
  14. Lance was by all (read every) commentators accounts, the smartest player playing the game at the time..
  15. Ahhh, the age old conundrum of wanting a personality of high risk takers when you draft someone - have a Stevie J vibe about this one...
  16. It's lovely how EFC are taking full responsibility. When a club says that 'they're taking responsibility' how does that actually look? By merely stating it is that enough? Can someone please clarify physically what taking responsibility looks like? It reminds me of the time David Warner took responsibility for hitting Joe Root...
  17. Thanks for teeing this one up - not all of it is useful - but gives a good sense overall
  18. I am feeling a little worried about Gus, for those who feel he can improve - what areas do you think he would most...is it his tank?
  19. I'd go as far to put out there the stability of the development staff - is the bedrock of the club, and as Bolton from Carlton would put it - the 'green shoots' become voracious bamboo...
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