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Everything posted by Demons1858

  1. Just through ... huge news ... Maynard has agreed to join MFC on a long term deal
  2. Have never seen the amount reported that MFC are paying just that it was less per annum than Norf. Where did you get $1.8m from out of curiosity?
  3. I think he does ok at MFC from a financial point of view as well ... we just added an extra year to what Norf had offered and smoothed out the money $$$
  4. The talk by some of Jack becoming more selfless in 2021 is very odd to me. Although l get where some people are coming from, no one has been more team orientated than Jack from the moment he played his 1st game & nothing has changed, other than others can now extract the pill & we need someone to sacrifice themselves to play the support role needed to balance the mids out and take the next step. The 2018 finals series reminds us all of his ball winning abilities where he played like a bull despite a busted up foot and dragged us into the prelim. He also accepted his demotion as captain with much grace and was the first (or one of the first key mids) to commit long term before we started our 2021 winning streak. The following (patched up) quotes from his resigning have aged beautifully in my view and show an insight into the pressure Goody was feeling at the time and the need for primarily our other mids to embrace greater selflessness: Goody: “I’m one of the people who really believes in his vision, and he needs some strong characters to stand up beside him. I feel like if I was to head somewhere else and end my time at the club, then I would be hanging him out to dry a bit. So it was a big decision, and one of the big reasons I stayed.” Selfless mids: "We are established footballers and now it is time work out how we can best function as a unit. That is when we will really start making big inroads ... I feel like I’m willing to attack my role to allow other people and other players to use their strengths. That is something that I have always been willing to do and thankfully it is valued internally. But I think my lick of the ice cream will come when we are a successful team. And that is ultimately what my goal is. I didn’t make this decision to stay at the football club to get the individual recognition." Jack Viney says the Demons’ midfield unit can be “something really special” if they play with a more selfless attitude ... But Viney said there was no doubt the four of them all had an important place in the engine room, if they played the right way. “We have all got to sacrifice a little bit to work well together because there are only so many positions in the midfield ... If we can rotate through and work well as a unit, there is so much talent ... It can be something really special and massive advantage for us.” So true!!!
  5. In the context of what players appear to be available and haven't already nominated a club, not sure anyone left will add to our list. Expecting a very very quiet trade period, with players more likely to go out than come in
  6. It was awesome to see all 12 cups lined up in the long room for an old AGM so members can admire and take pics .. hopefully number 13 will be out and about very soon ... l hear it likes an interview and isn't shy
  7. Makes more sense to get the 3-peat done all at once ... will hold off for now
  8. Uplifting references to Neale Daniher's saying, "When it's all said and done, more is said than done!"
  9. I thought JJ would eventually get his spot back but Sparrow had other ideas and deserved his place. Seemed to celebrate his goal with two sets of devils horns such was his confidence, another nice GF moment
  10. Exactly, she has been the pres for a minute and when bartlett left we had already strung a number of wins together and been impressive over preseason ... talk about overstating someone's influence ... as she has said she has worked on the same home base that has taken for ever to get going and apparently been one of the main people working on it ... Glen and Gary deserve the administrative praise in my view for reviewing and ultimately building a premiership program with the right structure and assistants
  11. l mentioned it on another thread yesterday that we should refer to our premiership winning finals series as '190'.
  12. Yep, agree. We have had good runs in finals before and punched above our weight in those seasons, but they are always tainted slightly by the knowledge we didn't finish the job ... not this time!!!
  13. l suspect there were 2 main reasons he played back: to plug a whole as we lacked good kicks back there, and also we wanted him to get am appreciation of the defensive aspects of the game before he inevitably moves forward
  14. Similarly my wife suggested in the 3rd that we go into our match day at the MCG positions on the couch with eldest son on my left, daughter on my right, and our blanket made of demon scarves from yesteryear across our 3 laps ... the rest is history!
  15. Move over '187'. After an exhilarating, dominant, and ultimately a premiership winning finals series, we can now use '190' to recall our 2021 exploits. 33pts,83pts,74pts
  16. The Glen Bartlett 'soft' comments last year being the reason for him being pushed out ... and recently Kate Roffey commenting on the difference she is making and how she would have done some things differently to Glen ... a little more class and respect for some ones achievements please
  17. The only counter argument l can see to that is that by holding out he may increase competition for his signature and that can lead to more $$$
  18. Really what else would he say before a grand final anyhow even if he is part of a trade for Cerra ... love Angus but the swap makes sense if he wants to go ... dees want a pure wingman and freo would be happy to get in a decent mid that still fits their younger list profile and adds a ton of leadership ... the Angus and Andrew show would be a winner over there ... would it also explain the Lachie Neale about face
  19. Yep, clearly an issue, the main symptom is the need to scratch you thigh with your left hand vigorously which he had been carrying recently
  20. Getting a 2 year extension rather than 1, suggests to me they gave him the extra year on the condition it would be on very modest coin which allowed the club even greater flexibility to smooth it over 3 years ... club can't do a thing wrong at the moment ...
  21. If I was in Perth right now there is no way I would be rushing back either. As a 25 year member I won't be the slightest bit offended. I don't need them in Melbourne only to appear on Zoom anyhow! Just bring home the bacon!
  22. To be honest, he had one, maybe one and a half really strong years in his time at MFC. He is also past his best at 30 years of age, and the club would be saying to him that there will be limited opportunities next season and there is unlikely to be a contract for you after that. You have our blessing to seek greater security elsewhere and we will work with the clubs of your choice in good faith to get you there. If that falls though we will welcome you back with open arms.
  23. Was very well done and l understand it got lots of clicks ... given we came off a horrid season l'm sure it retained a few memberships we would have otherwise lost
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