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Everything posted by Demons1858

  1. Reiwoldt while On the Coach recognised the re emergence of the role of wingers and will pick them ahead on ballers as part of his AA selector role ... was also positive about lingers chances
  2. Wonder whether Pert and co. will try to engender support from affluent supports and whether government funding will be dependant on what the supporters and the club can also contribute. AFL would likely chip in also
  3. correct a member of the demon army got them organised
  4. They are created by demon supporting local printers and graphic designers
  5. More excited to see what this season does for our 2022 membership ... 60k is very achievable
  6. 2 disposals more than the medical sub
  7. Not sure a few lucky goals at the end will save him this week
  8. For MFC to take a second pick suggests there is fair bit to like about him
  9. Losing faith in Weid reaching gun forward status. On the plus side he kicks straight, competes hard and brings the ball to ground most but not all the times. Looking forward to BB being a permanent fixture again before finals come around
  10. Understand the argument for keeping May at home, although he is a better mark than all the names you have mentioned, and most of those are forwards anyhow. Petty and Lever are still available to sit at home in this place
  11. l've wondered before whether having May's marking ability at half back or towards the wing when Salem or others kick in is a better option than him kicking out and not being utilised
  12. More importantly what will this do to #positivelingers shirt sales
  13. He will need a rest at some stage anyhow ... happy it's not soft tissue
  14. Duos need to show that they are better than the sum of their individual parts ... know instinctively where each other is ... help at the right moments ... have frequent connections ... there are some good signs but l expect more from such talented players I this respect
  15. Brown is actually better on a lead
  16. There is probably a good reason other clubs have not signed up to coinjar or the like. Not sure it is such a coup. Some supporters will see it as re-entering gambling
  17. Take a look at Dustys stats in 2021 and they basically determine their win loss outcomes other than for 1 game out of 9
  18. Yep and Richmond trying to distract public from the nightclub altercations. Brendan Gale should never be considered for the top job at the AFL
  19. Agree, Jack can be his own worst enemy, too selfless and courageous for his own good
  20. should have been fined for not using both knees
  21. most of that uplift comes the year after a successful season
  22. Will worry it's more until they say no scans were required or he trains early next week
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