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Everything posted by Drunkn167

  1. That Weid mark was right in front of me!!!! What a game he's playing
  2. 2 were roosts from outside 50 the other 2 coming from strong marks in the hot spot
  3. Just a heads up, Keilty's carrying a decent head cold. The Docs at the club gave him some good drugs but don't expect him to come out flying today
  4. Hey KC where do you usually find the team selections? Last season it was easy to find it on the VFL site or Facebook but I've been struggling to find it this year
  5. You forgot Hannan, he did his job too well today to sum it up in 3 words. His pressure and ability to make a contest either in the midfield or up forward has been outstanding all season. How we managed to get him at pick 46 I'll never know.
  6. Gawn definitely in next week: http://www.afl.com.au/news/2017-06-18/gawn-no-more-big-max-set-to-return Who do we drop to make room for him? After today's performance I don't envy the selectors! Going to be hard to decide when all 22 blokes did their job.
  7. Pretty close I'd say, but almost impossible to call. So many of the boys contributed amazingly well today. What a win for both the AFL and VFL teams!!!
  8. Grand final replay, should be a good precursor to to the Sunday game!
  9. So just a little update on Keilty, he was feeling real crook for the first half of the game against the Pies, but managed to settle it after half time, but don't worry I got into him after his poorly missed goal hahaha Just want to remind people that he played as a key defender all of last year, and trained as a key defender during all of pre-season. So now that Melbourne want him to play in a Ruck-Forward role, it is going to take some time for him to really learn, develop and prosper in his new job. He is a late bloomer sorta player who probably won't hit his prime for another couple of years. For those calling for his delisting at the end of one season, I think is very short sighted.
  10. Bull no! He has worked incredibly hard to get to where he is, played some damn good footy this season, managed to cop a knee to the ribs and now this. How unlucky can a guy get. He is one of the most down to earth and sincere blokes you will ever meet. Here's hoping he manages to get back to his feet as soon as possible, and I wish the MFC will keep him on for at least another year if not 3!
  11. No wind at all Just like Decs poor miss I think they're all just overthinking it atm
  12. God damn Dec how'd ya miss from there hahaha
  13. According to the Scoreboard, today is a Hertiage game for Casey and will wear the old Scorpions jumper rather then the Demons colours just to give everyone a heads up
  14. Also I must say it as an absolutely beautiful day for footy, Sun is out in full force but it's not hot and barely a breath of wind. Should be a good contest vs Collingwood
  15. Hahahah Casey just got gifted 2 goals, first from a good play out the back but as he kicked it was driven into the ground so the Umpire called the goal then gave him another free 10m out directly in front
  16. Just saw Wagner walk into the change rooms, interesting to see he got dropped from the Seniors
  17. Kingy playing in the development league which means Spencer and Keilty will be switching between Ruck/Forward most of the game, should work pretty well I'd think, especially if they can kick a couple of goals between them
  18. That photo is from the Round 1 game v Williamstown at Burbank Oval, they've used it a couple of times for different games just because it's a nice picture
  19. Yeah boy! Nice to see D.Johnstone had a good game too if he's in the best
  20. To anyone who was at the game, how did Keilty go?
  21. 47 possessions and 8 tackles for JKH according to Twitter, not a bad day out
  22. Just got the word that both Keilty and Hulett will be playing as Defenders this week because Casey will have a very strong MFC presence in the forward line and needed some key players to push back
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