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Everything posted by Drunkn167

  1. I'd love to see him as a deep forward, but he doesn't really have the height or weight for it. His small stature might even be an advantage though, because clubs and oppo players will definitely underestimate just how good his aerial abilities and booming left foot are. But its hard to say, because I've seen him play high-half forward, wing, back flanker and on the ball, and dominate in those positions. Maybe a Tom Lynch (Ade) kind of role, as that hit up half-forward before going into deep fifty, like Watts' old job.
  2. Because it'd be crazy not to The kids ceiling is huge and could quite possibly be an absolute steal for whoever gets him
  3. I was at the preseason Casey game when he did his ACL, you could hear him scream from the other side of the ground. Was pretty sure that was basically the end of his career then. He has been an excellent key position player for the club during its dark ages and I'm glad they're keeping him on as a coach. Cheers for everything Big Col.
  4. Yes he can play ruck, probably better than Peserson at ruck too
  5. Say what you want about Jack but he was always a great club man and a top bloke I hope he does well at Port but this kinda sucks InB4 he kicks a bag against us next year
  6. I wasn't talking about his exact criticism of Smith, well apart from not being sure about his football characteristics which are very good having watched a lot of his VFL games, but just his overall demeanor when it comes to the majority of the players. In fact this whole site seems to be quite negative when talking about most players, and it just makes me mad since I personally know the blood, sweat and tears that go into becoming and then staying an AFL player, yet people here talk about them like they're cattle. I guess I just hoped a site used by dedicated fans of this awesome club would be a lot more positive of it's players then talking crap about them all the time.
  7. He is the youngest on the list after-all (and its unfair to uphold anyone to Clarry's standards coz he is just a freak) so he needs a couple of seasons to really hit his stride. Like you said, the coaches and leaders of the club always talk him up and I hear he trains as hard as anyone, so give him a couple more years in the system and I reckon he is gonna an absolute gun defensive forward. Some of his hits/tackles and work around the ball at the end of this year in the VFL were impressive for someone his age/size, so don't read too much into the naysayers.
  8. Dude why are you so negative in like 2/3rds of all the season review threads? The players on the list have worked they absolute ****s off to be able to run with the best of the best yet you seem to treat the majority of them like they're a disposable and not worthy. You need to chillax mate.
  9. Pretty harsh dude. Towards the end of the year he started playing some great defensive forward footy, and he trains the house down (unlike Hulett) Unless he goes completely in the wrong direction next year he needs another 2 seasons at least to see what he's got.
  10. Thankyou to everyone who has given me more insight into how the fans see the club, its good chatting with you all And I appreciate all those who have liked my personal input this year, its been great!
  11. It's not that particular payers believe they're worth more per se. Lemme try and explain this without getting too much hate haha So all year, the younger playing group as a whole has been told that the club is moving in a different direction, they are changing things up and bringing in a lot of coaches/new players etc The players have been drilled into their heads all season that certain things need to change to achieve the ultimate success, they need to be team first and other things. One part of that is that even though they may receive great offers from other places, if you wanna stay at Melbourne and help them achieve a flag you may need to take less money for the meantime. This includes all current and future players. Now imagine that the club is going over and beyond for a 21 year old, 50 gamer, and are willing to pay him more then most if not all of the current players, that kinda contradicts everything they've been told. Thats what's gonna annoy them. Theyd love to have Lever alongside them, but not at that cost. I hope it's more like he's on $700k a year with bonuses built in or something, not a million a year. That would be much better.
  12. Coz I can tell you for a fact that the players would definitely be pretty angry about.
  13. You're missing the point dude. There are a number of players currently on the list who are better then Lever on a helluva of a lot of less money, that's what would create animosity within the group. Don't get me wrong all, Lever would be a great catch for Melbourne no doubt, and it'd be awesome to see him dominate in our backline.
  14. $4 million over 4 years seems way too high for him. Didn't Lewis give a speech earlier in the year that the players should be willing to play for less money to get more, best 22 players in, in order to win a flag? If the MFC have offered Lever that much, doesn't that pretty much throw all of that out the window? Thats gonna p*** off a lot of the playing group
  15. Don't know where else to put this, but just heard news of another delisting (can't say who until the official announcement)
  16. Got a ticket through my brother, my first time going to a GF, should be pretty great!
  17. Congrats Trenners in his last year to get the B&F for Casey! He tried his heart out this season and was well deserved.
  18. Clarry not getting the votes, I think I f'ed up boys
  19. Got a fair bit of money for Clarry to get 17+ votes, not the wisest move but let's do this boys!!!
  20. If you're not doing anything, I implore you get to the game to cheer on the boys. I realise it's only the Dev league and there's no AFL listed players playing, but this will be the last Dev VFL game ever and there are some great Casey boys in that team. Not only that, but Keilty played predominantly in the Dev league in his first year at Casey, and if it wasn't for that, he would never have had the chance to work on his game and get the experience to play senior VFL footy, and would never have been drafted to the MFC. My family and I owe a lot to this team and it would mean a lot to have a large number of supportes there.
  21. He may not be a starting mid, but he has rotated onto the wing and even on the ball a few times this year, adding more strings to his bow.
  22. Trac is on The Footy Show tonight for anyone that doesn't know
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