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Everything posted by Drunkn167

  1. Yeah for sure a couple years in the system and he should bulk up well Bull, Dec and now Fritta, 3 Casey boys, Dec is over the moon
  2. Yeahhhhhh Bailey!!!!!! So god damn happy about that!!!!!
  3. How'd Dec look today Saty? Still a bit under the weather or doing alright?
  4. More like the opposite haha he's dragged me along to AAMI park a few times. The facilities there are amazing But yeah I've made sure he keeps to his schedule when it was getting tough
  5. Dec struggled a lot today, he's carrying a pretty decent head cold at the moment He collapsed in the last running of the day but still copped flak from the coaches, they sure are asking a lot of the players this preseason already
  6. Just FYI Dec was wearing that jumper because he played for the Moe Lions FC
  7. His expectations on himself are pretty high, wants to be playing regular senior football by the end of the season as he knows his job is on the line. He's done plenty of work in the off season, regularly training both by himself and with one of the main gym instructors at his home based gym. He is at the same muscle mass as half way through the season currently, where 95% of other players drop a little bit of muscle. Hes made sure not to overdo it and been in regular contact with trainers/physios etc. He's lifting heavier weights and basically doing all the prep he can to give himself the best chance. We'll see what happens.
  8. He had some good games for Casey this year, started slowly and struggled a bit but did well in the back half of the season. One game in particular, against the Northern Blues I think it was, he killed it. Dominated the ruck and his around the ground work was top notch. Ruckmen take a long time to develop but I think he'll be a good player in the future.
  9. Nah they trained yesterday Did some quick but intense running before a gym session Boys had their body scans done today and will do skin folds tomorrow before another bout of running/gym
  10. Insider whispers say he may go top 30, pretty insane for a mature age VFL pick
  11. He's been out of the game for a while but no injury I know of
  12. From today's AFL article- "All up, an unfortunate pre-season accident led to a need to try new things, and now, Garland – who will also attempt to play for the Casey Demons in 2018 if his knee holds up – is pretty happy with how it's panned out." Would be good to see Col run out for Casey next year
  13. Let's hope we nab him early but its looking more and more unlikely
  14. You shouldve seen his game vs Carlton this year mate. Took 13 marks, 11 of them intercepts. It was incredible.
  15. Yeah I actually sat next to Frosty and had a good chat with him for half a VFL game when he was sitting out as an emergency. He just lost form, pure and simple. No other way to really explain it. I wouldn't be surprised if he has a good preseason to refind his form again.
  16. You are spot on with your observations. Being a late rookie pick and having to fight for a spot is the predicament he finds himself in. At the start of this season, he was told his best chance at a senior debut was to be on a Ruck/Forward role. So that's what he did for the first half in the VFL. After training as a key defender all preseason this threw him in a bit of a loop and wasn't able to find any great form. But after a few position changes due to injuries etc. he found himself down back as a Key Defender where he proceeded to play the best footy of his career. I therefore think his best chance is to continue to work on his KPD role and hopefully find a spot in the backline somewhere, but he could fill in a forward or ruck role if required.
  17. I'll be staying far away from this place when that happens mate
  18. Probably didn't get a mention but he did a fair bit of the ruck work in the first half or so of the season, and last year as a VFL player too. I remember one game he had to solo ruck against Mason Cox all day (last year) and he did really well, managed to win a few hitouts but destroyed him around the ground, pretty sure Dec got best on ground that day too
  19. I'd expect him to last until the 40 or 50s like Hannah or Luke Ryan did
  20. But he is? He just lost some form towards the end of the season
  21. Just finished listening, since it was before my time I didn't know a lot about Jako but I did some research and watch some videos and read the comments here to get a better idea Well done @Demonland!!! Very entertaining interview and I can see why youse were speechless afterwards Maybe this will spark some really big names to come onto the podcast in the future
  22. Just saw the article. Well done to you and all the staff here on Demonland, getting media recognition is pretty handy. Another thanks for all that you do, it can't be easy trying to maintain and control all the madness that happens on these forums. You do a massive effort and I hope it doesn't go unappreciated
  23. Very true, I do have a soft spot for the Casey boys, and I have watched a lot of VFL footy over the last 3 years. But so far my track record is pretty good. I said Bull would be playing AFL in his first season, I'd written off Hulett as going nowhere before anyone else, I said Neal-Bullen will become a good player after most had given up on him after his first season. Numerous times, most of my posts and predictions have been correct. I've spoken to coaches, players, staff, scouts, Media and basically anyone who knows anything about football. Watching Fritsch, after only 1 pre season and still with a huge amount of body and footy development in him, play the way he did this season, and easily out mark experienced AFL level players, I can pretty confidentially say this kid will be a star. But I might be wrong, and maybe I don't know as much as I think I do, only time will tell but I honestly believe this bloke has got what it takes.
  24. So for those who don't know, he had a significant back injury which put him out of the game for a long time. The good news is, the surgery he had went very well and I'm pretty sure he may even have some kind of plating in his back, making the chances of another break basically 0, unlike say a dodgy leg or foot or shoulder which can keep being re-injured time and time again. This season was really the only year he was able to fully show his talents, as he didn't come through the TAC cup system. For those that saw some of his best on games, it was honestly hard to believe the skill he has. Put him into an AFL training system where he can bulk up and get some great coaching, I am telling you, this kid will be a superstar.
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