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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. Make that 8. It must make Carlton fans vomit to see him in action like this. Makes everyone is smile too.
  2. It's actually been a good game to watch so far. Neither side will factor in the finals this year but at least we've seen a few goals early on for a change.
  3. I hope the club gives him another short term contract in the hope he can get himself right. He seems to be a well liked and diligent trainer, so there can't be too much harm in it. Or could he be a candidate for the rookie list?
  4. Something makes me think that there is more to the sledging (wasn't about depression), or it's being blown out of proportion because Selwood was on the show and Barrett wanted to see how far he could go with it. I can't see the Hawk players blatantly giving him curry about his struggle with depression as, surely, that's a no go zone.
  5. It always makes me wonder if there was more to his departure from our club. Players would know, and they would sledge him for it. Not saying there was anything more to it, just that it makes you think.
  6. The HUN ran an article a few weeks back about us pulling out of the Dangerfield race - could it be because we have our sights set firmly on Aish?
  7. If Spencer were to come in then the late change would have to be for a tall, otherwise we would be far too top heavy. Michie is the traveling emergency IMO so JKH gets another run with Casey.
  8. The changes make sense. In the end it was either JKH or Kent who would miss out, and they've gone with JKH. Very stiff but it has to be that way. It's a stronger side than last week which can only be a good thing.
  9. If he ends up being that childish then he is welcome to leave.
  10. Cheers for that. It's clear the work of choosing the right option coming out of defence has been worthwhile as it worked plenty of times on the weekend.
  11. He is exactly that though - depth. How long do you keep a bloke who is simply depth for? There comes a time when you realise a blokes ceiling is only so high and he is either moved on or cut from the list. I believe in depth, and that is what he provides, but it doesn't mean he will be on the list come 2016.
  12. Really looking forward to this game. We are a legit chance to win 2 games in a row and, if we play like we did on Saturday, then we are certainly a big chance to do it. I'm still intrigued about who will be selected tonight in the side. It can't have been an easy decision no matter which way we go.
  13. Or it could simply be that this is a last ditch attempt to save his career. He hasn't worked as a forward and he hasn't worked in the ruck.... so they've thrown him down back as he has nowhere else to go. I'm happy to see the club shift players around and not rest on their laurels, but Fitzy is no David Neitz. He will need to do something unbelievably special to get another contract from here, which if he somehow produces will be fantastic, but I don't see it happening.
  14. The official website says we are at just under 32,500 members.... I'd say Nineteen might have made a typo and intended to say just under 33k...?
  15. Just on this - it's been great to hear, from Roos himself, how well guys like Grimes have taken missing out on senior footy this week. He has been quick to praise them and also to say that they have all put the club above themselves, something that hasn't happened in a long time. Grimes would be at the top of that list, and while his deficiencies are well known, I know there are many of us who hope he can bounce back quickly and become an integral part of the side again.
  16. Agreed, but this is a good thing - that's not to say Dawes wouldn't go out there and give 100% each time, but the extra pressure can only work in the clubs favour. If he is selected he will know the person going out of the side will be very stiff and he will need to justify his selection.
  17. Roosy summed it up best in his presser today: "Roos: I'm a guy who picks the best team I can possibly have - whether a player's 33 or 18 (if they're good enough they'll play.)" As I said before I still think Dawes will play, but Roos will pick the side that he believes gives us the best chance of winning. Dropping Grimes is testament to that.
  18. Just like you mate. I'm pretty convinced Dawes will play, although it's clear now that we are able to select a side based far more on winning than on development these days. The kids can develop at Casey rather than in the senior side at the expense of being competitive.
  19. No worries. I'll wait for another report then if it's forthcoming for more info related to training.
  20. So Saty can you tell us more about training itself, rather than telling us about the questions you asked the players? We got one line of "ball movement and stoppages the focus" - did you pay any attention to who lined up where, any indication from training itself if Dawes and/or Vince are in line for an immediate call up etc? Can you elaborate more on the actual training itself? The rest of your post is fluff.
  21. I'm not saying there isn't. But this infatuation you have with the idea that playing a kid like Brayshaw means we aren't focusing on winning games is laughable.
  22. You still running with this line of thinking? Delusional. Roos proved you wrong last week and he'll do it again. If Brayshaw goes for Dawes then I'll back Roos just as I will if Brayshaw stays and Dawes doesn't play. The win on the weekend is proof that the club has wins in mind at all times.
  23. Regardless of the changes, this is a great discussion to be having - how long has it been since we've found it so hard to find a player worthy of actually being dropped? Whatever the changes someone will be very stiff and it will continue to put pressure on those within the 22 to play at their very best, otherwise their are some worthy replacements waiting in the wings to take their spot. Love it.
  24. Because Vince would come in for a similar player. If he came in for Toumpas it's more a like for like change than, say, bringing in Dawes for Kent or JKH. On the weekend our forward line functioned as well as it has in years. I'm certainly not saying there isn't a spot for Dawes, far from it, but we need to make sure he comes in for the right player. If he comes in for a small then we run the risk of being too tall and we struggle with our forward pressure which was so important on the weekend.
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