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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. So? Bringing up Grimes and Dawes is totally irrelevant here. We're talking Daw and, like my call there with Grimes, you're wrong.
  2. Keep digging, mate. You were wrong even before his game tonight. He's a nothing player.
  3. You asked me to elaborate and I did, yet you're still not happy. Funny that.
  4. You've snookered yourself here. The only example you've given that comes close to matching your statement is Geelong, and even then you could argue that Varcoe and Stokes were not 'elite' midfielders, as they both didn't spend a whole lot of time there. Sydney - Jetta and Parker, at that time, were not elite. Hawthorn - Brad Hill? Will Langford? Cyril? Since when is Cyril an elite midfielder? He might be an elite player, but he spends far more time forward of centre than in the midfield. And Brad Sewell was not 'elite' in 2013, either. Your idea of 'elite' is skewed.
  5. Pull the other one Adam. As Ouch said above you have 4-5 tops with your workhorse and blue collar type players mixed in with that. No side has 8-10 elite mids - they might have 8-10 elite PLAYERS but they are spread across the ground.
  6. If you're suggesting Kent will be dropped for Harmes then you need your 'eye service' checked.
  7. Why do I need to? Can't you work it out? Harmes has been in horrible form for the past month, while Trengove put together an excellent 6 week block of games and duly got promoted to the senior side. Trengove has been very solid over these past 2 games and there is no reason to drop him for Harmes. Anyone watching our games would know this.
  8. At this time? He isn't ahead of Trengove. He's fallen behind.
  9. A 5 year contract for Dawes is now on the table...
  10. Oscar won't go out, he is named in the 18. Changes will come from the bench.
  11. You enjoy the moral high ground while I enjoy watching Hibberd hit lace out paces on to Hogan's chest for the next 6-7 years.
  12. Article on our interest in Hibberd is here: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/teams/essendon/melbourne-reveals-it-has-spoken-to-banned-bomber-michael-hibberd/news-story/35c1a594ec563ab217e76417ca5e8995 PJ normally keeps his cards close to his chest so this admission is interesting. He would be a great addition to our club IF we can get him.
  13. Averaging high levels of disposals doesn't make you an A grader. It's how you use them and the impact that they have on games. I'd love to change my tune on him if he came to the club and built on his talent and skills, but right at this minute he is not an A grade player.
  14. Who would make way in our back six for him? No one springs to mind. Spot on.
  15. He's probably heard something and just run with it, and the fact they've pulled the article doesn't look all that flash. It seems they didn't follow it up and might have been caught out reporting something that wasn't factual. There may well be some other factors involved in Lumumba's absence, but clearly these guys haven't done their due diligence on it.
  16. All it said was that they believed Lumumba was dealing with personal issues on top of his concussion and that he may be placed on the LTI because of it. There were no quotes from the club, from Lumumba, his manager etc. Just seemed to be pure speculation and nothing more.
  17. He doesn't, but he'll try and convince others that he does.
  18. Is he? What has he done to be given the title of 'A grader'? All Australian? Nope. Brownlow Medallist? Nope. Best and Fairest winner? Nope. Let's no kid ourselves here Adam. He has shown he has the potential to be a very good player, but he isn't an A grade player. He is a handy player who exhibits potential to get better, but that is no guarantee, and we know that his body is not exactly in top shape either.
  19. I'll echo the sentiments of many when I say that I'm proud of the club for getting behind this initiative and for supporting it in such a positive manner. It's great that we'll be remembered as one of the foundation clubs and that can only be a positive thing going forward for the club. On the flip side I have no interest in watching women play footy, just as I'm sure there are women who have no interest in watching men play footy, but I'll be hoping the side does well and that we become a 'powerhouse' of women's footy over the coming years.
  20. Signed with us recently? Wouldn't have thought that was allowed half way through a season.
  21. Not far away from the truth bandicoot. He needs to back it up in the weeks to come but he has certainly straightened us up and added something positive to the side.
  22. Absolutely they should be dropped. Problem is Wagner wasn't one of those players.
  23. Why should Wagner get dropped? He did nothing wrong this weekend. I still think we go with no change. Unless they feel one of the kids needs a rest there is no need to drop anyone from that side. As Roos said it was an even contribution across the board. No need to mess with a winning formula at the moment.
  24. I like the sentiment mate, although I still think we're one year away from playing finals. We still have our inconsistent moments and, as young sides do, we make mistakes at crucial times. But you can see the progression there. While rolling Collingwood is nothing to get all that excited about, what we did see was a backline that was far more cohesive. It worked harder and won plenty of contests and we saw how much better we look when it occurs. Our next two games will tell us something - if we roll the Swans and go close to the Crows then we are in with a very small shot. Lose the next two, which is likely, and we'll be out of the hunt. I will say this, though - isn't it nice to actually be talking about finals at this stage of the season. Makes for a nice change.
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