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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. If we're complaining about the type of letter we get in our membership pack then we are really scraping the bottom of the barrel. Get your membership card? Good. Supporting the club? Great. The rest is totally meaningless.
  2. No doubt that we go in with the strongest possible 25 we can field. With only two practice games we need to get the run into the legs of those who will be lining up for us in Round 1. The years of blooding youngsters in the JLT is behind us - with only two games to play we can't risk giving the kids a run for the sake of it. I think Fritsch will get a look in, but others like Baker and Spargo will probably miss out, which I'm fine with. I want us ready and raring to go in Round 1 so we can smash the handbaggers and get out finals tilt underway in style!
  3. I think we are both in exactly the same spot - I'm just looking at what he brings to the side, you're looking at what he doesn't. Between us we have it covered.
  4. That's fine OD. I wasn't trying to make him out to be a star or some sort of game changer, but I still think my point of him being a handy player to have on our list is fair. His kicking can let him down but he has a knack for getting shots on goal (notice I didn't say he always kicked them!) and he can play that defensive forward role quite well with the odd stint through the middle. Again, he isn't a game changer, but his efforts during the middle part of the year is an indication of what he can bring to the side.
  5. Buggy is the perfect player for us - he may only be pushing on the fringes of our best 22, but he's a super depth player to have on our list. After his indiscretion last year it sounds as though he has done nothing but work hard over the summer to regain the respect and trust of the FD and the players. It's easy to forget that he was in terrific form for us in the middle part of the year and I see no reason why he can't do that again this year. If others have moved passed him then that's great, but when he does play you can be assured of a few goals and 100% effort all the time. He's a handy player to have at the club.
  6. Somehow this evens things out for our loss in the 1988 Grand Final, and I'll go out on a limb and say tonight's game is more important. I might have knocked the concept last night but, let's be honest, it's the best thing the AFL have come up with in decades.
  7. Melksham also looking very sharp. Could be a weapon for us up forward this year.
  8. All jokes about the concept aside, Fritsch will play senior footy at some point this year.
  9. Very sharp. He's deceptively good above his head as well.
  10. 64-37 I've now decided this competition is also a fair reflection of a teams premiership chances. We should be favourites.
  11. Melksham to win a brownlow on this performance. We are in front at the moment so I've decided this competition now matters.
  12. Absolutely meaningless, boring, pointless football. I can't wait to see us lose a game tomorrow night so everyone can claim that our season is over before it begins and that Goodwin can't coach.
  13. Can someone tell me how I'm supposed to feel about this? I'm conflicted - it's either garbage or complete shite, I just can't decide which one it is yet.
  14. Spargo for me. Might be short in stature, but won't be short in the courage, hard work and team work categories. Very keen to see how he goes when the ball hits the deck.
  15. Cheers for the report, but this seems a rather callous and needless comment.
  16. Everyone has at some point. It's the nature of the beast. We're the best at constantly bringing it up, though.
  17. Let's take it a step further. Can I get some classification as to the role Goodwin plays at the club? Often I see him looking at a board with the players and opponents positions on them, which I find cringe worthy. Shouldn't he know them off by heart? I can't believe he needs to look at a board. Sack him.
  18. They make it so easy, my friend. The same ones roll up every time.
  19. I'm happy the Maroochydore camp is done as it's always a sign that the real stuff is just around the corner. And thank goodness for that.
  20. How many of you guys started having a tug after you watched that video at the thought of being as negative as possible? I read the responses before watching the video and seriously thought he had a major setback. Instead, it's basically the same stuff as before with the caveat being he is a 'line ball' to play Round 1. While I'll be surprised if he does play, he won't be too far away after that. Just calm your farm, guys.
  21. If it gives someone like Craig Jennings the opportunity to further his skills then it's a win. I agree that we may not necessarily care about the competition (and the side we select will tell us all we need to know), but there is still something positive to be taken from it.
  22. Hey OMR, I reckon I'd be keen to play this year after sitting out last season. Let me know if there is a spot available! Cheers.
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