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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. Good selection. Outside of Lever you could argue our other tall defenders (T Mac not included) are still projects as well, and selecting Petty not only gives us insurance but also gives him time to develop as well.
  2. They commentators described him as the most competitive player in this years draft. For the moment, that sounds good enough to me.
  3. Slightly disappointed Zac Bailey didn't slip through to our first pick but I never really expected him to.
  4. So 3 by 2020? Sounds good to me!
  5. For Brayshaw and Cerra. They'll have to worry about keeping their own cattle in the paddock by taking a few Victorian boys.
  6. Well done Freo. Two Brayshaw's in red and blue by 2020.
  7. That's not the Melbourne way, Ernest!
  8. I have no idea who we'll take with a draft that is so open, but I kind of like that. The only thing I think we'll do is take Fritsch with our last pick in the 30s. Outside of that we could get anybody.
  9. What I liked the most about the small highlight package was the last goal - he ran from the back of the square through the middle and got the ball before getting round a couple of players and slotting the goal. Showed all the things you mentioned above as well as a willingness to run hard to position and not just look for the cheap possession. I wouldn't be disappointed if he fell to us at #30!
  10. So I should. I surprise even myself sometimes. I was 100% taking the mick with my post, although if they offered it I'd love to have someone like Dean Kent doing my lawns as it might teach him to at least walk and jog both ways.
  11. I'd give the club some dollars if they sent a player round to do my lawns once a fortnight.
  12. "And you can count on me waiting for you in the parking lot!" "Run Shooter!!"
  13. Brett Anderson's Mock Draft also has one Dom Barry going to the Pies at Pick #57. I'll be very interested to see if he gets selected on the night, or if he is picked up in the rookie draft.
  14. Already making a great impression on me. He was entitled to have time off until early December after playing in the Grand Final but he's making the effort to be there earlier. Fantastic stuff.
  15. Old news or not, it's news, regardless of who is pounding up Anderson's Hill. The fact is that some returned to pre-season training having not reached the expectations set by the training staff. Misson said it himself. That's all I'll say on the matter.
  16. I disagree. He's a beautiful set shot at goal, something you wouldn't have expected from him a few years ago. That's just one example. However, I can't see either of us changing our opinion, so let's leave it at that rather than going on and on for a few pages. Cheers.
  17. No, it doesn't. Of course he is going to say something very positive about a coach who has given him a lifeline. He'll do anything to stay in the good books. Absolutely spot on. He played with Trenners for 8 years and saw how hard the bloke worked to get his body right again, and even that wasn't enough. I don't think that will change now.
  18. So do I, but I'd also like to know who didn't, although I probably won't find that out which is fine. I wasn't getting any knickers in a twist, I was just curious as Misson made the comment about some not coming back at the fitness levels they expected. It's a discussion point at the very least.
  19. I don't want to get into an argument here Saty as the mods have made it clear that they will be policing this thread strictly, but if it's a non story, why in the world would he say that some haven't come back in the shape they had hoped they would? Might be a non-story in your book, but if Misson has to say it in they are clearly not as happy with some as they are with others.
  20. I'd be interested to know who the players were that didn't turn up in the shape the club expected them too. It's a little disappointing to hear that after our end to the season. On the flip side, great to see someone like ANB not resting on his laurels of an improved season and going even further with his preparation. That's exactly what we want to see of players at the club.
  21. I doubt there isn't much they can say to change history, and they oversaw some of our worst. There is no escaping that.
  22. You had your 60th birthday that year SWYL. Super year for your good self.
  23. I'm basing this on nothing but assumption, but something tells me we would have tested the waters with Kent to see what we could get for him during this trade period. After some promising signs you could argue he has regressed over the past couple of years - when he is on he is a very damaging player, but his tank is poor and he goes missing too often when we need him. We wouldn't have got so much as a nibble on him though so he will see out his contract with us. I think Vanders is more of a required player, but if he can't get his body right then his time at our club will be over at season's end. I hope that doesn't end up being the case.
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