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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. Picket's glass has been empty for a long time.
  2. Great move by the club. We were outgrowing Luna Park and being able to have it back at the 'G can only be a good thing!
  3. It's now or never, really. The way our list has been built and developed over the last 4 years suggests that finals is the next step. Granted, it should have been what happened last year but we missed the boat and I'm in no doubt that the players will be using that as a driving force for this year - they won't want to go through that ever again. I know some will demand more than just finals, and that's okay too, but I think breaking our finals drought and putting to bed further demons (pardon the pun) from our past (that some of our supporter base still can't let go of) will play a massive role in the success we can enjoy in the years to come.
  4. You're kidding yourself DA. We could be 10 goals up and the usuals will still find something to complain about. My wishlist is simple - finals. Anything less and it's a failed season.
  5. This is a 'negative for negative's sake' sort of post. George didn't say he was going to be a superstar. He simple passed on his opinion from training that he was impressed with Spargo's ability to kick off both feet and that, in the future, this could make him a viable option in the midfield and we need to see how he develops. There's nothing over the top about that, nor did he say he looked like a star. Some people on here can't see anything in a positive light anymore. It's such a shame.
  6. Great post @dazzledavey36! The thing that excites me the most about the club moving forward is the quality of people we are getting in. Of course football talent and ability comes first, but we seem to have not only drafted players who have that in spades, but also guys who bring so much leadership and maturity to the table as well. They are level headed blokes who will train professionally and uphold the high standards that we expect of our playing group. It's exciting to see!
  7. Oh no! They'll be sledged! Whatever will they do? Give me a break.
  8. Stating that your opinion is an obvious one is not saying you can't have it.
  9. You're stating the bleeding obvious, OD. If he is a player of average ability then he'll struggle, even more so if he's short. That's not news to anyone. However, from all reports (not just training, reports on him coming up to the draft) he is the complete opposite to a Ben Kennedy which is why I think he may end up being a shrewd choice. We want competitors and players with ability and he seems to have it in spades, even if that's going on limited exposure.
  10. While I don't think he'll get much opportunity this year due to our improved depth, I feel as though Spargo is going to be a very shrewd selection by our recruiting team. What he lacks in height he makes up for in skills and intent and that can take him a long way.
  11. You're the first person in Demonland history to say that. It's not a good thing.
  12. I don't know why you support the club anymore. You seem to hate everything about it and have done for a long time.
  13. I'm convinced you're a troll now. No supporter of a sound mind would post something like that. You see even a smidge of negativity and you do everything you can to make it as big as possible. It's pathetic.
  14. Just a beer with dinner my friend! Went down rather well, too. Seriously though, while I see the merit in what you're saying, there can still be players who can surprise us. Oliver is one who showed remarkable improvement from '16 to '17. ANB is another who showed terrific improvement as well. Players still have it in them, even if we don't see it all the time.
  15. Turn that frown upside down, OD. I see OMac having an AA year, Weid to kick 60 goals by Queen's Birthday and for Clarry to hit Joel Selwood in a tackle in Round 1 so hard that his head is buried in the MCG turf.
  16. Ah, the old 'don't read it' answer. Always a popular choice. I'm not forgiving, I'm just sane. I was filthy for weeks, but what's the point of hanging on to it? The players will need to use it as motivation to ensure it doesn't happen again, but they won't be hung on up on it like you are.
  17. If I had a dollar for every time you bring this up, whether it's on topic of not, I'd have close to a million dollars now WYL. We get it, pal. We didn't get the job done at the end of last year when we should've. I've never seen someone hold on to the past like you do.
  18. Very true! I'd forgotten about that. He doesn't show any ill effects of it, though. He hasn't had any other major injuries to my knowledge (unless it fails me again!) and I think that holds him in good stead.
  19. I think he'll make it to 300. He prepares diligently and professionally and, touch wood, he hasn't had any major injuries during his career so his body should still be in pretty good nick. If he can add another string to his bow (eg. a half back flank role) then he can potentially prolong his career even further.
  20. You guys need to get out more.
  21. No need to be so positive, poita. It's only January.
  22. I know exactly what will happen: Watts is capable of good games of footy, and when he plays one there will be posters on here who will cry foul about the trade immediately. Hell, it doesn't even need to be that good of a game. He might snag 3 goals, 2 of which are 'Joe the Goose' style, and they'll yell from the rafters that we should never have let him go, the trade is a disaster, Goodwin is an idiot and so forth. Then he'll go missing for a few games. So will those posters. Then he'll play another decent game and out of the woodwork they come again to get stuck into the trade. It will be the same as the boot camp stuff. The moment we lose a game, a team kicks a few goals in a row etc. we will get the smarmy comments about not doing the boot camp, we're soft, we're no good, it's been the same way for 54 years etc. Then we play well and, funnily enough, they go quiet. Until they feel the need to pipe up again.
  23. If the players give a stuff about what is said on field then they don't deserve to be out there. Who cares about the boot camp? Worry about the scoreboard.
  24. My first thought was to give Jetta first crack as I think he can match him both in the air and when the ball hits the deck, but I see the merit of Frost as well.
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