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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. If only I could remember the truly important things OD, then I'd be alright!
  2. I still remember Daniher chucking Garry Lyon into the guts for a quick run back in '98 with similar results. I'll always remember his huge tackle in Round 2 against North that resulted in a goal for us.
  3. Hopefully this is a positive step forward in getting his life back on track. All the best, Col.
  4. Players, coaches, staff etc all seemed to have moved on. Bigger fish to fry. We ALL want success for this club, but what does holding on to a meaningless camp do for that success? Nothing.
  5. The players were back at training today and, clearly, everyone involved has moved on. You guys should do the same. Blaming anything that occurs this year on that camp is something a 5 year old might do. It's a reflection on much of our supporter base these days, though - they can't let go of the past and look forward. We expect the playing group to do it, so maybe we should do the same.
  6. It was tired before Christmas, hardtack. Every time something like this comes up we'll have the usual 'hilarious' comments about the cancelled camp, not going hard enough etc.
  7. And we're not because they consulted with the coaches and decided not to do a boot camp? Ridiculous.
  8. Are people still waffling on about this? I like how people want to bring up the Storm, but would fail to mention the plethora of other clubs out there who probably do them and don't have much success either. We're a bunch of cherry pickers.
  9. I don't understand comments like these at this point on the issue. It's like you want a pat on the back for being a social justice warrior or something. We have no idea about what the allegation is, no idea who the players is and, at this point, no idea if it's even true or not. All we know is that an allegation was made almost 3 months ago and nothing has happened since then. So how about we all get off our high horses and wait for more information. We can hold off on calling people 'scum' until then, yeah?
  10. The site is taking every precaution to ensure it doesn't get itself into trouble, regardless of whether it's facts or not. I don't see any problem with that. If you don't like it, then go and start your own forum and you can talk about it with yourself.
  11. I think you are selling Bartlett a little short, LH. I think he's done a fantastic job so far and there is no reason to change what he is doing at the moment. Stability is crucial and as the club continues to grow it becomes all the more important.
  12. Also noticed that a 'positive training environment' was mentioned in that post. Regardless of the boot camp fiasco, I still believe we are in very good hands at the moment.
  13. I'll get in early and say that a Round 1 loss isn't the end of the world. You're a goose if you think it is.
  14. I might be in the minority, but I like a 'vanilla flavoured' President. He can do what needs to be done behind the scenes and let others, like PJ, Mahoney and Goody do the talking. He's done that well so far and worked really well with all areas of the club. We can't ask for much more than that.
  15. We don't always see eye to eye jnr, but on this we do. Very well said.
  16. Meh. It's no different to what we've spent the last few days arguing on here about, and it won't be any different in the years to come. Such is life on a football forum.
  17. Fantastic to hear, Drunkn. I think many of the players will head into the Xmas break in the best nick they've been in for a long time!
  18. There are posters in this thread worth listening to. See if you can work out which ones they are.
  19. That seems unnecessarily harsh. I'm not an apologist, I just see the gravity of the situation differently.
  20. That's a pretty good summary, LDC. I'm inclined to take what Goody has said as a reflection on what has happened, although it's a little awkward to see this story get more media time. I don't think we'll ever know, but it would be interesting to see which players were against it. Clearly Spud doesn't know but he's knocked the leadership group anyway. Either way, I still think this is getting fair bigger than it needs to be. Goodwin and the players would have already moved on.
  21. That doesn't mean he's always right. In this case, he isn't. On the flip side, I like the fact that the players want to take control of where they are headed by asking for this not to go ahead. They want to achieve something and felt that this was not the way to do it. They gave that feedback and it was cancelled. Nothing sinister in it at all, and no different to most workplaces. As I've stated earlier, this is nothing more than a one off, and had the players known about the camp in advance they would have been able to put forward their feedback earlier. It's a non issue that's getting air time because we're a week out of Xmas and nothing else is happening.
  22. We did the boot camp last year, suffered injuries and it clearly didn't improve our mental capacity under pressure. It's a stupid idea and one I'm glad to see we aren't doing.
  23. Even when they themselves know that they got little benefit from the camp last year? If we're laying the blame anywhere, then I'd lay it at the 'raft of professionals' who should know this stuff. We got no positive reports out of the camp from last year, other than a Burgan puff piece, which suggests that the benefits were very minimal at best. The only thing the players should learn from this, is that they should give their feedback sooner. If they had of communicated this after the camp, then we aren't in this position. Either way it matters little - the boot camp would have done nothing towards our win-loss ration for 2018 and, therefore, listening to the players and cancelling it is the right way to go.
  24. Seriously? Honestly SWYL, I've never seen someone make such a mountain out of a mole hill. His strategy has been rebuked? It was a 2 day boot camp. Have they rebelled against the 99% of the other training they do? Have they cracked it over the gameplan? Did they kick up a fuss about what they needed to do before they returned to training, or what they will do over the Xmas break? No, they didn't. They just felt the boot camp wasn't worthwhile, so it was cancelled. I'll say it again, you LOVE this stuff. I bet you sit there and rub your hands together at how hard you can go with it. It's like Xmas has come early for you.
  25. For what it's worth, I don't think Goodwin has lost control at all. Getting feedback around the camp and acting on their concerns is what any normal person would do in the situation. Goody might be disappointed but he'll move on quickly, as will the players.
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