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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. I don't think we've got any interest in Shiel. The report states that he's met with four clubs, three of which are in the running after ruling out the Bombers. With our interest in May and KK, I don't think we can afford to add Shiel as well.
  2. Not at all. I mentioned in my earlier post that Mahoney claimed it still to be 50/50 really, and that there was nothing concrete, but from the way he spoke I said it's more likely to be 80/20. I won't accept he's gone until he's really gone, but as you and others say, reading between the lines suggests that they are more than prepared, and expect, for Hogan to tell them he wants to be traded home.
  3. Mahoney said at the end of the interview that we had no intention of trading Hunt and that we still see him as an important part of our side moving forward. Seeing how forthright he was with all the information he gave in the interview I'd believe that Hunt isn't going anywhere.
  4. While Mahoney said he was undecided, you get the feeling it's more 70/30 or 80/20 that he decides that he wants to play his footy back in WA. I believe Josh when he says that Jesse is still making a decision, but at the same time he didn't sound all that confident that Jesse would come back to the club and say that he wanted to stay. I also get the feeling that the club would be (quietly, not outwardly) happy to move him on so they can conclude other deals. Mahoney made mention of the fact that this off-season is a great chance to improve 'team balance', and he may be referencing the fact that Jesse going and Steven May coming in would balance out the side much better. Either way, it seems like we have a few more days of guessing ahead of us before an official decision is made.
  5. I think what Mahoney suggested re: May was that we were interested in getting him in 12 months time when he was coming out of contract - however, now that Hogan has intimated that he might want to head home, it gives us the chance to get the draft picks to get him now instead. I'd struggle to see how we could get a good first round pick to send on to GC for May if Hogan decided to stay.
  6. No doubt it was @stevethemanjordan. I can just picture him choking on his brunch when he heard Dal Santo make those comments!
  7. Jeezus. Saints are desperate I suppose. Sun said yesterday that the Hawks are still the front runners even though they are offering considerably less money than the Saints.
  8. Looks like Rod Grinter Riot Squad beat everyone to the punch!
  9. Couldn't agree more. I know they'll get Rohan relatively cheap, but he'll spend just as much time injured as will on the park and he is highly inconsistent. He isn't really what they need at all, but let them do it as it keeps them as a middling side which is something we can all enjoy.
  10. Someone, either Jon Ralph or Mark Stevens (or some other journo, I can't remember), said that the Pies are into him as a 'contingency' plan if they miss out on May. I reckon he goes alright, but I don't see him as an upgrade one what we already have.
  11. The Dockers will be up for a few first round picks at this rate. They may need to trade out this years, next years and the one they get for Neale to get both Hogan and Lobb in the door. I guess they've drafted some handy young players recently, especially last year with Brayshaw and Cerra, so they may feel like getting two young and talented talls in will be worth giving away those picks. Rohan to the Cattery is a classic Geelong move as well. Get in another player who won't really impact the side enough to make them better, but they'll talk them up all the same.
  12. Would someone like Hawthorn be interested? Could get a run and take the pressure of Mitchell and O'Meara, who is always a worry with injuries.
  13. @Demonland hasn't done that in years...
  14. That's great, but what did it have to do with our discussion? That's all I'm interested in. I could care less what you think of me. Just want to know why you went the low blow for no reason.
  15. Just to be clear here - we were talking about Jesse signing his two year deal in 2016 and how we felt about that. I didn't get personal, just gave my opinion, and I thought it was a good discussion point. I see no reason why you needed to attack me when I hadn't done the same to you. Any reason for that? Just feels like I've missed something. Cheers.
  16. Who are you again? Here I was, thinking we were having a good conversation about Jesse, and this is what you come up with. Have a good look at yourself, pal.
  17. His manager said today that, while he is still happy at Melbourne, he might be open to a move if the right offer came in. http://aflnation.com.au/2018/10/01/tyson-would-be-open-to-trade/ Interested to hear what everything thinks about this - would we do a deal considering that Kent will leave and AVB is also weighing up his future? It seems like it could be a large turnover for us considering how well we are going, but I guess this is what happens when you have greater depth, something we haven't had for a decade. Sounds like a few clubs have show some interest, but whether or not they would give us something decent in return is debatable.
  18. They probably said no as they'll need to clear salary cap space to potentially get Gaff in to go with Polec and Aaron Hall. I'm not saying Tyson is on big bucks, but he would more than likely be on more that was Preuss is. That won't work for them. A third/fourth round pick should suffice in this instance.
  19. Players, whether they be from Victoria, WA, SA or the moon, are well within their rights to sign shorter term deals in the current climate. While we were beginning to improve as a club in 16-17, many players were well within their right to sign a shorter deal to see where the club was headed. You would wager that's what Tom McDonald did after all the rubbish he had been through before he signed on in 2016. How are we to know if Jesse would sign on again if he hadn't had the troubles (injuries, illness, passing of his father) he has had since signing his last deal? We don't. We don't know what is going through his head right now or the reasons behind him potentially leaving (something he hasn't even confirmed yet). He never lost me as a fan the day he signed on as I was pleased by his show of faith and hopeful that our ability to improve further would ensure he would stick around. I believe that would still be the case had he not gone through the things he has. Hell, it may still end up being the case. We don't know for sure just yet.
  20. True, but players often sign those types of deals. Both McDonald's only signed two year extensions back in 2016 and, while they have both committed again this season (Tom for 4, Oscar for another 2), I don't think him signing for just a few years was that big of a deal back then. I can understand why it would look that way in hindsight though.
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