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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. The writing was always on the wall - there had been rumblings during the season that he wanted to push up to the midfield, and I don't think he would get that with us. With him being out of contract I can't see us getting a whole lot for him but, then, is he worth a whole lot? If the Saints get their hands on a third rounder you would probably take it.
  2. He was there for the Hawks game and I can recall him being there for the Eagles game as well.
  3. Got a link to something, mate? I believe you, just wouldn't mind reading/hearing more about it.
  4. Sorry LH, the Sir Alex example wasn't a great one, I'll admit that. The point I was trying to make is that these things can happen and it doesn't mean a whole lot in the long run. Clearly, there are numerous media outlets clubs can use - banning one journalist, if that's Caro or someone just recently hired at The Australian, will mean little in the years to come. I see this situation as similar to the cancelled camp from late last year. Many people absolutely lost it over it without knowing even close to the full details, and look where it got them. The camp meant nothing in the long run. Same could be said of this. Do we know the full details? Not even close, yet we are happy to pass full judgement on Bartlett anyway. How do we know that Caro was told after the first article that she was wrong in some aspects and told not to run with the story again? How do we know if there hasn't been a few other issues at play? Again, we don't, so instead of saying Bartlett hasn't done us any favours and so forth, how about we give our own President the benefit of the doubt before we cast judgement? It's a storm in a teacup if you ask me, much like the camp from last year.
  5. Sir Alex did it all the time. Didn't hurt the brand much over there either. Here is a good example:
  6. Don't be so gullible, ET. Don't believe any signed contract, no matter how long it is.
  7. So when other players claimed their love for the club, and we believed it, and then they signed on, I was gullible there too? I should have called them filthy liars and shook my fist at them for potentially being really devious?
  8. So every time a player says something, we can't believe it? If a player says he loves the club and signs a new deal, does that mean he was lying all along and signed up to just to spite us?
  9. That's life on a forum my friend. They can call me what they like, makes no difference to me.
  10. Want a trophy? Perhaps a cape to crusade against these outragists? You guys can form a little posse to take them all down, one by one. I'm happy to discuss it now as there is, potentially, something in it. There was nothing before. Now, there is. So you talk about it. That's life. He may well be still very happy in Victoria and with the club and there may be nothing in it at all. So, I'll be right there. If not, which is something that is now being reported and which wasn't before, then the hope is the club gets the best outcome. Cheers.
  11. I posted that. It came from a line in the AFL article that he had his exit interview and no talk of a trade came up at all. I just found that interesting in terms of what has suddenly changed in the last 24 hours to it not being discussed to him now potentially wanting out. Still plenty of water to go under the bridge on this one.
  12. You're not that silly, are you, Moonie? When this thread was created the OP was sooking about Hogan and simply saying he should be traded. There was nothing in it, yet people speculated about someone who, at the time, had given no indication that he was interested at all in moving. I thought he deserved more respect than that and stand by that stance. There is far, FAR, more to the story than there was 24 hours ago. Reports from different outlets are slightly different, but it seems there is something in it. So, with that in mind, it's worth discussing. Before that, to me, it wasn't. Now that we know more it's hard to ignore and there is more validity in the discussion. I'm actually disappointed you didn't see the above as to why I was discussing it, but meh.
  13. Nice to see you posting again big fella!
  14. Interesting quote from the AFL article: It's understood Hogan had his exit interview with the Demons on Monday, when the possibility of a trade was not broached. What has changed since Monday? If he wanted out, why wouldn't you discuss it then?
  15. Who says we won't? I don't believe for a second that we won't get two first rounders (maybe one this year then next year) or at least a first rounder and a player equivalent to a first round pick. I don't think we need to get too worried about that stuff just yet. Can you really see the club not getting much for him?
  16. Would they do Picks 4 and 6, or would they balk at that as being too much? I could see us getting the better of this years picks plus a first rounder from next year doing the trick, and with Neale potentially leaving, that pick may end up in the single digits as well.
  17. Would Freo risk it? A lot can happen in a season, plus being a restricted free agent means they might feel as though they need to offer more to ensure we don't match. I don't think we would do that, but it might make Freo a little nervous. The likely scenario for me is that we get a first rounder and a player for him. Is that good enough? Time will tell. Many were unhappy with the Melksham deal, as well as what we got for Watts, and look how they panned out.
  18. If we go with a pick and player combo, I'd be looking to get the Brisbane first rounder instead of theirs. I know two spots isn't a huge deal, but it means we can either on trade it for whatever we need or select the player we really want.
  19. Can Cerra still be traded even though he just signed a new deal very recently? I'm assuming he can.
  20. How so? The market for him was extremely cold, with basically Port the only interested team after Geelong pulled out early. Pick 31 was fair, and then we made out like bandits when we selected Fritsch. I'm confident we'll do the right thing in the end. Look at the great deals we brokered for Melksham and Hibberd, while Lever is already proving to be a good deal as our first rounder this season would have been in the very late teens as it is.
  21. Not in the article I read. It was just a piggy back piece off what Ralph had to say.
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