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Everything posted by grazman

  1. There's an old adage about newspapers, which applies to journalism in general ... Lies, lies, damn lies.
  2. I'm sorry... I'm only forty so it's quite possible that I missed this golden age you speak of when journalists reported only facts, rather than half truths, innuendo and subjective opinions. When was that? I prefer Caro's view as opposed to the self inflated opinion pieces of Patrick Smith or the Cronyism of people like Rohan Connolly or Mark Robinson.
  3. There's also Tommy Mac who is flying under the radar. From the little that I saw of him he's very much in the same mould as Rivers... With all those talls Garland may eventually be released to go forward.
  4. Scotty Burns is my favourite non Melbourne player. He's honest and fair and works his arse off for his side. He's also puts a fair bit of thought into footy. I think after he retires he'll make a very good coach.
  5. DD you're fast becoming my favourite poster on here. I agree 100%
  6. Crikey, it's the first one they've won in five years, you'd think he'd be happy. Victim of their own success, pfft, you don't like it Mick, try playing interstate sometime.
  7. Yep, the only real problem is that people are expecting them to run before they've learnt to walk. Now our forward situation on the other hand...
  8. Belly came to footy late, as a result he's not a natural reader of the play like a Jared Rivers is. He has a number of excellent attributes that you've mentioned, along with his character which is first rate. There are a few like Belly who have struggled to adapt to the new game plan, because their peripheral vision and skills by hand in close situations need to be better than just good, they have to be excellent. He can't just look forward any more and deliver up the ground, he has to asses other options around him. It will take time, but the coaching staff must have faith in his ability, certainly in his preparedness to do the team things. One thing we know about Daniel Bell is that he won't stop trying.
  9. I think Martin will be very good. I was impressed watching him early in the year. His progress at Sandy has apparently been very encouraging. Once his kicking improves I think he'll become an automatic selection.
  10. If he was coming back from a hamstring Nash I'd agree, but I believe it's OP. In which case I don't want to see him playing more than half a game for the next few weeks, certainly not a full game until next year. The problems we've had previously with OP is that as an injury it simply can't be "risk managed". The chances of a a reccurence of the injury are extremely high. He shouldn't be playing for Sandy seniors until he's ready to play a full game IMO. The problems that we've had before is that players who were on programmes for OP were forced to play far more game time due to injuries to other players - the end result, the programme goes out the window and we're back to square one.
  11. I think it was touch and go that he was selected this week, but he was probably helped that it was the 150th. I'd actually be supportive of him staying in for another week, but more of the same against Richmond and I think he should get a tap on the shoulder and told he'd best sort out his super.
  12. Unless he needs a reconstruction and then his season is definately over. His shoulders seem heavily strapped, whether he's had a pre-existing problem or it's just a precaution I'm not sure. I guess we'll know in about 24-48 hours what it means.
  13. He was playing as a tagger last year as well Jerry and I thought did a very good job. He's been servicable thus far, even playing as a tagger he still needs to be able to find more of the ball himself. He kicked a good goal today, but when he was switched forward he really needed to present a stronger option. I like him - he's got a big body and moves well, but he needs to start imposing himself more on the game.
  14. Like Barry Hall? I agree with you though. Living in Canberra I get very sick of the blatant fawning over this club. Yes there on field exploits are worthy of praise, but they get gifted a dream run by the AFL that infuriates me.
  15. While I don't think that he's necessarily a dirty player (though Godders might have a different interpretation) if Robert Murphy get's one week for his innocuous effort, then this is surely a suspendable action. Selwood was left dazed and in the hands of the trainers, the AFL have been extremely soft on this decision.
  16. No David Beckham either... word from Team Beckham is that even though he's never played for the club he's terribly disappointed not to make the final cut and can't understand how he wouldn't be considered a hero!
  17. I'm with you on this one. Ox this morning said there'll be some very big announcements in the next two weeks.... At the moment Jimmy is sounding like a politician, lots of rhetoric, little substance. If he wants to be seen sitting in the outer then that's fine and I'm happy enough for the transition to occur, but I lost faith in the "magical" powers of ex-football players to resurect clubs a while ago. He'll need to bring something a little more concrete to the table than just spin.
  18. Jack, excellent work. It would have demanded a large portion of your time, which I'm sure was never a consideration given the nature of the task, but I think it's important to recognise the efforts of those that contribute so selflessly to making the MFC a truly great club. (It probably helped that you may have seen most of those play... a little bird told me you were standing in the outer when McGinis kicked his first goal ). There was no doubt Bluey Truscott was going to be named, but I was a little apprehensive about the likes of Sid Anderson (52 games) and Harold Ball who each played in two premierships. They didn't play 100 games, but premierships are rare and if you're good enough to play in two... the selection committee got it right. I'm glad along with Ron Snr they were commerated in a manner fitting these greats of the club. I'd also like to echo your thoughts about certain posters and their views of players. Such forums allow individuals the right to express their opinions, but with that right comes responsibilities. I'm a firm believer that constructive criticism is essential for improvement, but unfortunately most of the stuff written about players and their weaknesses is the stuff of paper tigers. Rather than sheltering behind the anonymity of a keyboard, such posters need to go out and get some perspective. Either they should pull on the boots themselves, help coach or manage a side or at the very least assist with umpiring. Cheap shots and particularly the vilification of players like Cam Bruce do nothing to further the credibility of certain individuals and indirectly attack the one thing we profess to love.
  19. Absolutely, but that doesn't mean that some clubs won't take the chance. Hawthorn took a chance with Buddy, Brisbane with Trav. There maybe a club that believes that either 1. It's culture is good enough to turn Newton around or 2. that Newton's problems were due to the culture at the MFC, either way I think 196 cm athletic forward capable of jumping on people's shoulders and roosting the ball 50 metres will have some trade currency.
  20. I agree with Fuzz Newton's impersonation of a league player in Rd 1 was worse than anything I've ever witnessed on a footy field from TJ. He just didn't want to be there. If we're serious about improving the culture at the club, then you don't persist with trying to fashion a silk purse out of a sow's ear. He has 11 matches to pull his finger out, or as a young tall with MOTY under his belt he certainly has some trade value.
  21. People keep saying that Benny is our best option on Rocca, but he's only beaten him once to my knowledge and that was in the same game last year when Rocca played on only one leg. Benny is far too slow and immobile to play in defence any more. His biggest weapon (besides his heart) is his contested marking. His only position now is in the forward fifty.- still he's not picked so it's irrelevant, and so for that matter is Rocca, who the Pies no longer rely on. I think the days of the big bodies KPP are nearly over, flexibility and endurance are the key. Blokes like Bate, Morton, Dunn etc are the future. Carlton have the best forward in the league and aren't in the eight. The Swans have been playing better without Barry Hall in the side. Hawthorn have Franklin and Roughhead, but they move up and down the the ground and the Bulldogs CHF is Robert Murphy. Geelong have the likes of Mooney and Hawkins, but they'd be far more worried about losing either of Chapman and Ablett. Brisbane etc...
  22. I'm not sure why the hell people are talking about Pavlich, firstly he's contracted to the Dockers for the next two years, is their captain and best player... Zero chance of them trading him willingly. Even if he wanted out and they caved in, why would he want to come to us? It's well known that he didn't get on with CC at the Dockers, he's hardly going to make a beeline for Casey fields now is he? People advocating these sorts of deals to get Pavlich's Salopeks etc live in la la land.
  23. Good perspective there DD. I completely agree. I think the natural temptation for supporters in a poor year is to trade half the list and delist the rest. (and no H I'm not specifically refering to you ). I think priority number 1 is to trade those that have value that don't measure up to the core values of the club., then delist those those that have no value. Those still under contract have a little grace, but they should be told in no uncertain terms what the club stands for. It's why I think someone like Newton will be traded ahead of the likes of Bruce and Rivers. I think there's a lot of assumptions being made about how best to build a list... I wonder whether people will change their mind if the Bulldogs win the premiership rather than the Hawks?
  24. I think it's only natural that in any bad year that supporters want to wield the axe. Geelong resisted the temptation and won a premiership. We're a lot further away than that, but If you want to improve the culture of a club then you start by holding on for dear life to the players that display the values you want to build your club around. Rivers, Jones and McLean won't be going anywhere. Bruce and Green are worth more to the club than what we'd get in return so I don't see the point in trading them.
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