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Everything posted by grazman

  1. Maybe, but what if a team offers more than what the Hawks do? Just because players nominate a preference doesn't mean it's going to happen. It only happened with Judd because Carlton had pick 1 in the PSD.
  2. There's a lot of hype about Prismall, based on the fact that he racks up touches in the VFL, whilst being kept out of a very good side by a lack of opportunity, or is it that he's just not as good as everyone thinks.? There's some queries on his disposal. Pick 17 or 19 might be too high considering this years draft.
  3. I think only the margin made the loss look "honourable", the overall standard was officially rated as "embarrassing". Understandable given the relative inexperience of the side and the number of players missing, but we shouldn't be deluded - there was nothing honourable about our skills and the fact that we made only four tackles in the first quarter.
  4. Slow news day in the West. The only fact in the story was a direct quote from his manager who said that they'd wait to the end of the season to discuss a new contract, otherwise the entire arcticle was just speculation based on hearsay.
  5. I'd guess that Ricky Petterd had about 20 possies on debut, as for the lowest, Col (both Sylvia & Garland) had one handball I think. No idea about the goal kicker, but I'd guess Newton.
  6. Nice... I was born on the April 11 in 68. Spent quite a few years in the Riverina teaching. Love the country life, but I'm in Canberra now.
  7. Firstly it was a committee that appointed both Bailey and McNamee, it wasn't Paul Gardner. Secondly, people are devastated because it's a reactionary move. Either McNamee was the right man for the job and he should have stayed or he was the wrong man and should never have been appointed in the first place. Thirdly the whole thing was played out in the HUN two days before, which kinda indicates that not only was the story leaked, but it also had the grubby fingers of AFL house all over it. Finally if the rumours are right, then the old boys network will continue to thrive with the appointment of Schwab, this should ensure the 'exclusivity' of the decision makers at the club and complete unanimity of the actual decision making process. Maybe the removal of McNamee was the right decision and maybe it wasn't, the way in which it was done and his highly probable replacement is nothing short of complete bollocks.
  8. Quietish... 13 disposals and 13 hitouts, only 1 mark. I don't remember seeing too much of him to be honest. I'd be surprised if he's getting much of a run, the general consensus is he's leaving the Dockers, he's being used to give Sandilands a chop out. I very much doubt any club would recruit a bloke on the basis of how they performed in one game playing against a side that was getting pumped. I've been impressed with the development of Robbie Warnock, it's not just because he's tall, he's very mobile and will be a very good ruckman, much better than Sandilands IMO. He's definitely one we should have locked away already.
  9. Not according to the majority anyway, he seems a certain top ten.
  10. The proposal is that they would nominate 15 of the best 16 y.o. in 09, but nothing has been agreed to. Watts would still be available next year, but there's also the likelihood that West Coast would take him with their Priority Pick next year.
  11. Doesn't matter, there isn't a snow balls chance in hell that West Coast will win another match for the year, they'll finish bottom regardless. I hope Jacko is right. I'm happy to have pick 2 and maintain our integrity, particularly if we pick Jack Watts who we may have taken ahead of Rich anyway.
  12. Earlier in the season I would have said trade him, but playing forward I think he's demonstrated he's got a lot of value. I like his competitive nature and would only trade him for a ridiculously good offer. Having said that I'll be interested to see if he can't iron out some of the more 'individual' habits in his play. Ox made mention of him bouncing the ball after two steps and putting a team mate out of position. It's a pet hate of mine. I know coaches urge players to run and take the game on, but if you're going to bounce the ball, then you absolutely have to hit a team mate and you don't do it after you take two steps.
  13. Which begs the question of why have the 'award' at all. They could've given it to Brad Johnson or Ben Hudson if they wanted to slam someone for 'underachieving', but someone from the losing side is a far 'safer' target.
  14. Sounds pretty right Jerry. All the mail surrounding White this year and his own guarded comments indicate that retirement is exactly what he has in mind. He can happily sit out the rest of the year in the VFL and have a farewell match in Rd 22.
  15. The Worst on Ground is an outrage IMO and appeals only to idiots. (Maybe MMM know their target audience) Be that as it may, our use of the ball was the marked difference between us and the Bulldogs. We've a long way to go. Bruce isn't the only offender, Jones, Valenti, Wheatley, Sylvia all continued to miss targets yesterday. Even CJ, who continues to rack up big stats too often misses his team mates by foot. Big ticks for endeavour and work rate across the board, but our disposal has to improve.
  16. Don't think so Dan, it's too early and they usually name an extended bench for a Sunday game.
  17. Consensus is that Yarran is a top 5-6 pick and McKernan a top 10. Doubt either would slip that far, but it'd be nice.
  18. I'm confused. I'm pretty sure that next year GC17 has access to the best 17 y.o. kids,- or at least that was the proposal - I'm not sure it's been locked away. Isn't Watts 17 this year - therefor making him ineligible for them? Or have I got that all wrong?
  19. OK I'm used to Vlad sticking his head in the sand about the issues of players recreational past times or the dubious nature of some clubs list management (not to mention Drug induced Tanking) - but how long do we have to suffer the ignominy of such a flawed and ridiculous system that consistently overlooks those that deserve to be rewarded... No I'm not talking about Charlie, rather the Rising Star awards. Why the bloody hell has Col'n not been Nominated! The boy's a champion and something's smelling fishy in AFL headquarters and I'm not talking about the apple danish! Colin Garland for the 2008 NAB Rising star (sorry Wona and Cale - although that's another conspiracy theory in the making)
  20. Actually there were a couple, but they weren't glaring.... he's a work in progress in this regard. There were other times that he went in hard and tackled his arse off, once he does it all the time without thinking about it, he'll be a complete player. Apparently he's got a fantastic attitude, so I think he'll continue to improve under Bailey and Co.
  21. If I knew exactly what that was, I'd get excited... it is something to be excited about isn't it?
  22. Yes, but he's named in the seniors. Yze is not.
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