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Everything posted by stevethemanjordan

  1. Nar. Fyfe. He is a Fyfe reincarnate.
  2. Agree with others. As long as we're not convincingly beaten in any of these games and we can come away injury-free, I don't care about the win or loss. In the past I have because we've needed a bit of a momentum push going into the season and hadn't experienced the 'winning' feeling all that much. But this year there's already an expectation that we'll make finals and we've clearly got an abundance of scary talent at our disposal. Let's not look silly in these games though. Players I'm most looking forward to seeing: Salem, Oliver, Brayshaw, Trac, Lewis and Melksham. If those first four names can have injury free years and take their game to the next level, we'll really be banging on the door of the eight. Also, can't wait to see Garland tear it up.... Carn.
  3. Lols at the Fyfe/Parker comparisons. Srsly guys.
  4. Or alternatively, we have a long list of BOJ sponsors to choose from and we're simply carefully considering all offers. Yay.
  5. Lol. I don't know why you don't petition for demonland to be banned. Threads like these must grind your gears daily.
  6. Only to have it back in his eyes within seconds.
  7. Your post suggests that the Viney appointment was a decision made by Goody and Goody alone. I'm not sure why. Bar Melbourne of 2012, I'm not sure there has been a time where the captaincy decision was solely in the coache's hands. That's also probably because no club has been as much of a basket case in all facets. Captains, vice captains and leadership groups are appointed by players and coaches. If Viney had receieved 50% of the entire lists vote for captaincy and Jones the other 50%, how would Jones feel about being made sole captain? You could just as easily argue that he'd feel as if he didn't have the entire lists support and therefore would feel uncomfortable in the role... Either hypothetical is pointless. People have got to chill fark out. As for the way he speaks publicly, I can only assume nobody has heard Hodge speak in public? He'd have to be the worst public speaking Captain of any club. Yet he remains far and away the best Captain of any club.
  8. You could argue that for any player in the league, irrespective of age. Jones still needs to improve for example. Is the captaincy title a burden for him? If you see potential unwanted ramifications for a young player, how can you not equally see potential gains for the entire squad as well as Viney himself? Our 2016 B&F winner. Runner up in 2015. Already one of the toughest players in the competition at 22. His trajectory in both form and growth as a player has steadily increased from the time he came to the club and he is clearly the leader and driver for the 22-23 y/o and under brigade at the club. They all look up to him. As Roos said last year; "He (Viney) typifies where we’re trying to take this team." It's a no-brainer.
  9. Out of interest, how does one develop this kind of a view? I mean, evidence suggests that co-captaincy is absolutely fine. Is it just the Trengove/Grimes thing? Because if it's not that, there is absolutely zero sense behind adopting that view.
  10. Y'all are far too scarred by the last time the club appointed co captains. We are a club of substance now. Our list is infinitely better in terms of quality and quality experience. Our coaching group are arguably one of the best in the league. There is absolutely no comparison to the Melbourne of old and given that, I have no idea way people even raise an eyebrow about this announcement. GWS, Hawthorn St Kilda and Sydney have all had them without a problem. In fact I can't think of a team whereby the co-captaincy has had a negative impact at any club other than ours during our dark period. Jack Viney is unquestionably better prepared, in better form and has a far greater support network around him in comparison to both Grimes and Trengove. There is absolutely nothing to worry about. View this appointment like the succession plan we put in place with Goody/Roos. It's the sameeeeeeee.
  11. Love both of them and believe they'll be two of our most important players come finals time in future years. But generally disagree with the 'class' label for Brayshaw. I think his kicking is pretty hit and miss and is in no way elite. Really handy that he is comfortable on either side, but his kicking is pretty middle of the road. If anything, I prefer his left foot field kick to his right. Is generally straighter and spins better.
  12. They also had a period of sustained success, (without winning the ultimate) unlike us. We have been a laughing-stock for the best part of a decade. So really, if anything, the membership numbers for St Kilda should be a lot higher than ours. But they're not. So we win.
  13. At least we got Pederson out of the trade. Rather than pick no. 12,000 like we did for Morton.
  14. Interesting, I've heard otherwise from a source who spoke directly to Goody up at Maroochydore. Apparently it'll be more of a match simulation with some rotating groups rather than a pure four quarter intra-club. Source said Goody isn't a huge fan of intra clubs. Makes sense given it's being advertised as a 'training day'.
  15. How about Aish/Toumpas/Morton for a knockout combo?
  16. Nobody is the same. However, as our list stands right now, Tyson is the least versatile of all our mids and his inside work is hardly far and away better than any of Brayshaw, Viney, Jones, Petracca and Oliver. He may be more valuable once Jones retires. But Kelly would be of greater value to us going into the 2017 season. Nobody at our club possesses the running power or class of Kelly. (Hunt has the pace, not the endurance).
  17. The trade was great for us at the time and was a no-brainer. But as our list stands right now, I'd have Kelly over Tyson. Kelly possesses attributes that our midfield sorely lack. And as good as Tyson is inside, we have a plethora of mids who are super strong inside. Would be a dream if were to land him. But I can't see him moving back home anytime soon.
  18. That's the god damn video I was trying to put up in the Maroochydore thread. I genuinely freaked out at the 26 second mark. Watching that in slow-mo is like torture.
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