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Everything posted by stevethemanjordan

  1. I don't wish to derail the thread, but I think you need to do a word check on that one. Tom Mac is without doubt the best runner at our club. Aerobic endurance-wise. Bugg is definitely in the top bracket but T mac easily has him covered. What does "fittest overall" even mean?
  2. As weird as it is to say, Vickery will genuinely be a loss to the Tigers. Lols.
  3. I said "certain" posters. Clearly not all. Clearly. Hulett is really well developed, no different to last year in my eyes. Moving-wise he looks a lot heavier on his feet than Hoges and Weeds. It's hard to get a read on him cause I've only seen a bit of footage from Casey games last year but he reminds me of your yesteryear type of forward. Big and slow.
  4. Who knows what the fark is going on. I'm completely aware of the inconsistent messages that have been released in regards to his health. Firstly him being cleared by the medical team to train vs today's report. But clearly the amount of vitriol coming from certain posters in regards to him is coming directly from their annoyance that he is 'different'. But this isn't thread to go there. (Feel free to move this post, Mod-people).
  5. Stayed for around an hour and a half, they came out later than 11 and it was fairly warm so I left not long after they began a full-ground drill. I'll leave the moment-by-moment commentary to those who are good at it, I'd rather describe the things that stood out to me during the time I was there as well as answer any questions to those who have them. Rehab group from what I saw: Trengove, AVB, Stretch, King, Viney, T-Mac, JKH, Oliver, Kent and Hibberd. (May have missed a couple). T-Mac, JKH and Kent all did the running component with those who were due back today. (The ones who started a few weeks back were exempt from the running component from what I understand). Everyone else was there except Lumumba as has been previously discussed. Early observations: Attending training sessions is a rarity for me, but the one thing that continually surprises me when I do attend them is the sheer size of AFL players in general. As an MCC member who sits second level most weeks, it's hard to get a gauge on the size of AFL bodies compared to 'average-sized' humans like myself. Stretch for example walked past me on the boundary-line and I couldn't really believe the size of him. I'm 180 cm which is his height but he was much thicker than I thought. No doubt this isn't news to regular attendees. The rehab guys did their own running component, Stretch and Trengove did a few timed laps and another thing that stood out was again the difference in body shape/mechanics of those two. Stretch's lower half, especially his glutes/quads and hammies are much more developed than Trengoves and he also clearly carries less weight on his torso. Trengove on the other hand has a bulky upper body with a slightly hunched back but his lower half is much less developed, especially his glutes and calves which seem disproportionate to his upper half. Again, probably obvious to some but one can clearly see that with a body like his, it makes sense that he is so one-paced. Out of the rehab group, I'd be interested to know why Trengove, Oliver and Stretch were part of it. (If anyone knows the answer.) Running observations: The running component for the guys who were due back today lasted about 5-6 minutes at what seemed like a 'as hard as you can go' intensity for the entirety of it. No surprises Tom McDonald blitzed the field and if AFL wasn't his caper, he'd be an Olympic middle-distance runner. Others to impress were Jones, and Bugg who were neck and neck most of the way, JKH (surprised me) and Spencer (also surprised me). Funnily enough, Jordan Lewis was last. But he was also the most vocal when the running finished, yelling at guys to get up off the ground and walk it out. Having Lewis, Jones and Vince is the elder statesmen out on the track is a pretty nice thing. And along with the rest of the list, there's a definite confidence within the entire group. No longer do I shudder at certain players who in my mind shouldn't have been playing at AFL level. And the talent is insanely exciting. There's young talent everywhere, which no doubt adds to the positivity that was on display. Standouts/player comments: Sam Weideman, (similarly to Hogan a couple of years ago) is an imposing figure and presence. I think it's his body shape at this stage and the way he moves that excites. He just looks like a guy who is going to easily fill out his frame and with that will come further confidence. Beautiful hands and he just kept catching my eye today. Already looks close to Hogan's size. Salem: He just looks bullet proof at the moment and is one I think could be a game-changer for us if he plays a full year in 2017. Looks like he is in really good condition and his foot-skills are just disgustingly good. Gawn: Trains like he is a demigod. Knows he is the best ruckman in the league and looks driven to hold onto that mantle. Work-rate and intensity over the duration of the session was really impressive as well as skills and ball-handling below his knees. If he remains injury free, he'll be AA again without a doubt. Harmes: Just a smart player in my eyes. A footballers footballer. I know people knock his disposal at times, but generally I think it's an execution problem rather than a decision making one. He moves so well and just looks so natural kicking on both feet. Will be a really handy rotating mid in a few years I reckon. Brayshaw and Petracca: Can't wait until they reach that 100 game mark. Brayshaw looks fit, I like his left over his right foot but it's pretty handy that he is dual-sided. (Still not on Mitchell's level which is something I keep hearing). ANB: Looks like a man on a mission, was vocal, was hard on himself and was angry at others for not "[censored] spread"(ing)! Garland: (For Wiseblood) - Deliberately tried to ignore him because of my propensity to criticize him. But I will say this: No left foot, constantly looks exhausted, can't see him as a best 22 player... Overall, the man-love and mateship between all players but particularly the young talent is pretty contagious for the group. At one stage I thought Petracca was going to kiss Hogan but it didn't happen. The positivity, intensity and overall vibe has clearly changed from sessions I've been to before and you can tell that they're super confident in each other and individually. It's an exciting time, of that I'm certain. Any questions, feel free. STMJ
  6. The nuffies won't listen. A wise man once said: "When you live in a cookie-cutter world, being different is a sin". (That was actually Hanson, the band).
  7. Usually try to get to one training session a year and today is the day. Report back later.
  8. Quick question, promise I'm not stirring the pot. Billy Stretch vs Oscar McDonald. We've noticed in pictures Billy is looking a lot thicker and stronger through the upper body which has been backed up by Satyricon who has been told Billy has put on 4kg over the off-season. And I disagree that it's from 'eating more' only. Clearly he ha worked incredibly hard as well. Billy is noted for his professionalism in the way that he trains. Not everyone on the list shares that trait. Oscar has come back from the off-season and looks like he is in pretty similar physical condition from an upper body perspective to last year, and one would think that increasing his upper body strength would be a priority considering his position and the lack of KPB we have on our list. I want to know how much of this comes down to how hard the individual works during the off-season? I'm completely aware that not everyone finds it easy to put muscle mass on but I'm also accutely aware that if you're an animal in the way that you approach your training, it happens. Fyfe is an example. Our own Billy another. I also know that players have individualised programs but I do imagine both Billy and Oscar (as well as a host of others) need to be bigger and stronger next year. Maybe I'm assuming coaches will say something they shouldn't. But I find it interesting that Billy is the only one who looks to have visibly changed his body shape over the off-season, given he is said to be one of our most professional and elite trainers.
  9. How's Salem looking/gearing up? If he manages to have a full pre-season and really improve his running capacity he could be huge for us.
  10. Lols. You don't really think players within the AFL would be able to 'trick' elite level performance gurus (who have spent years studying what the human body is capable of) into thinking that they've drastically improved their running capabilities by easing their way through earlier sessions, do you? Like, I mean, You're making a funny joke yeh?
  11. They do. One that generally maintains strength and size unless an individual is asked to drop muscle mass. Thanks for the reports. From pictures, Kent looks to be the only one carrying some condition.
  12. I agree Smithy looks to have huge scope for improvement with some really exciting attributes. (Similar to Hunt before he broke through). I don't share the view that his foot-skills are that good however and the games I saw were proof of that. He is definitely pretty hit and miss in my eyes. Smith, Melksham and Hunt share similar strengths. Wagner, Salem and Hibberd all share similar strengths. The running power and line-breaking ability of that first group is important and I reckon Goody knows that in the modern game, that pace is best utilized on the wings. Ala Hawthorn with Smith and Hill. Thats just how I see it.
  13. Shut-up you ninny and learn something about the game! Farrrken!
  14. I'm sure I'm not the only one who believes we're short on KPB depth. If T-Mac goes down, we have Frost and O-Mac. They barely clock 50 games put together and still look like deer in headlights at times. I wanted an older and more experienced KD in the off-season and I'm still hoping we draft/rookie one.
  15. Questionable pick, made by a questionable recruiting team, employed by a questionable administration at the time. Good luck to him in his future endeavours. But he never had the 'footballing' ability to make it. Only the 'physical' ability.
  16. ^ I was told Viney did a mountain of work before he was required back at the club last year. He then became one of the better runners throughout pre-season and obviously it catapulted him into the season. He is simply that determined. Just like our skipper. You can always tell who has done pre-pre season work. And I'm hoping Salem, Brayshaw, Petracca and Oliver all come back ahead of what would be deemed as 'acceptable' condition come the end of November.
  17. Sorry, couldn't help myself. I can think of a myriad of reasons as to why I think he'd be a pointless signing. If you're recruiting him believing that he'd be best 22, where are you playing him and who makes way for him? Secondly, if you're recruiting him as 'depth', do you believe that he is better depth than those players we've just released who play similar roles? (Jones, Terlich and Michie). Thirdly, the bloke used to have dreads.
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