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Everything posted by waynewussell

  2. I just rang the club and explained our idea about attending training in a show of support. Ally said she would call back when she had definite details for this week. I'll keep you posted.
  3. I'm going to paste a comment I made on another post, for two reasons. One... I want to keep this thread in view, and Two... it touches on the role we supporters can play in an immediate turn around. "... I think Robbie was trying to add perspective, which I think he is well placed to provide. I believe he is right about that observation. For those who think this is the first time our club, or any other, has been faced with dire on-field issues... think again. The immediate challenge is how to get a better performance from the 22 blokes who take the field this week. That is where the combined effort should be directed, and I include the supporter group when I speak of the combination. I have nothing but contempt for those who think denegrating the current list is an answer for the lack of confidence being displayed at this time. From little things, big things grow. It is time for the rank and file to display the internal fortitude that is being demanded of the playing group. The media enjoys the spectacle of headless chooks!"
  4. Cudi... "The reason I fail to feel sorry for these players is because I am almost certain it is a mind thing. I think it's all in their head. They need to eradicate that and part of that is on the administration and coaching team to assist them to make that transition, so no one should avoid scrutiny. This team is not without talent. It is just grossly lacking confidence and a drive to win." ... I totally agree
  5. Cudi... I think Robbie was trying to add perspective, which I think he is well placed to provide. I believe he is right about that observation. For those who think this is the first time our club, or any other, has been faced with dire on-field issues... think again. The immediate challenge is how to get a better performance from the 22 blokes who take the field this week. That is where the combined effort should be directed, and I include the supporter group when I speak of the combination. I have nothing but contempt for those who think denegrating the current list is an answer for the lack of confidence being displayed at this time. From little things, big things grow. It is time for the rank and file to display the internal fortitude that is being demanded of the playing group. The media enjoys the spectacle of headless chooks!
  6. Here's another perspective... Alistair Clarkson won 10 of his first 40 games as Hawthorn coach Damien Hardwick won 11 of his first 40 games as Hawthorn coach I think the major concern is the nature of the losses that MFC are experiencing in 2013 (reminds me of Bailey's first few - 104 pts & 95 pts) There is a limit to how much of this under-performance we should accept, but I suggest the tipping point is well beyond round two of Neeld's second season.
  7. The focus for this movement is simple. By uniting around the team, in this their darkest hour, we are making the clear statement that our support for the Melbourne Football Club is non-negotiable. We are in this for the long haul and we will never quit.
  8. I think of it as Wizza's idea, Munga... The facebook event / invite is something I have considered, but would need help setting it up.
  9. Time for the common man to show what he stands for. Sign on to show your support. Do something proactive to lift this team out of the doldrums.
  10. Here's a chance to give something back to a club that has been copping it from all sides for six months. We were made the scapegoats for the practice of extracting the most desirable draft picks from a disappointing season. We have been crucified by media knobs who have vested interests. Melbourne people have been under attack so often from far and wide that it has become a sport. Last night I sat beside four opposition supporters who spent the whole evening ridiculing Melbourne players. Their key targets were Watts, Davey and Clark. When Davey snapped his first goal I jumped up and got right in their faces. But I did it with a smile on my dial and they weren't too sure of how to respond. When Davey kicked his second, miraculous, goal I jumped up again and gave them more of the same. I told them that it would only get worse every time he goaled. Davey didn't snag another, but you know what? They stopped bagging Davey from that point on. Sometimes you have to stand up and support your own!
  12. Jamar did not lose every tap... His problem is that the taps, generally, don't find our midfield and that he doesn't contribute enough around the ground or up forward.
  13. Roostit, binman and others here should sign on to the UNITY thread
  14. stuie your ability to read an interview is as hollow as the conclusion you draw.
  15. It's not like we're being asked to fork out another $1000. All we are being asked to do is park the car, walk over to the training facility, gather together and have a united voice in support. We're just saying "we're here to help you get through this"... more importantly we are making a statement to the wider AFL fraternity, "We will never quit!" How often do you get the opportunity to make that statement in a public way?
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