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Everything posted by waynewussell

  1. Demon of 1994... be careful of dumbarse comments like that or you risk being labelled a cast iron tool!
  2. I enjoyed the 20,000 response to a team that dragged itself off the canvas today in the best possible fahion. I'll take it one week at a time... but I love shoving up all those gloating, bloated egotists that spew out their negative and ill-informed judgements on players and individuals, ad infinitum, then call themselves "supporters".
  3. 6 N Jones 5 Sylvia 4 Grimes 3 Howe 2 Byrnes 1 Trengove apologies to Pickles
  4. "But I've decided not to comment too much on him as he's not worth my time."
  5. So Jackaub, by your reckoning, if you can't play -> cut your hair short and remain clean shaven because then you won't look juvenile or pretentious OR do you mean that if you look juvenile and pretentious you probably can't play that well????
  6. Yeah, Dermott looked like the true professional in his day
  7. That would be RLT, Goodes, Malcevski, Mumford, McVie, McGlynn, Armstrong & Grundy... What's your angle on that Dermott? Or do you have to consult your Storm mates who told you about MFC's poor recovery habits at your favourite nightspot?????
  8. Counted 8 beards for Sydney last night... those boys can't play either...NOT!!!!
  9. Grapeviney, weren't you the guy that complained that the Club were telling us nothing?
  10. C&B, great effort! This was excellent analysis of what actually happened (or didn't happen).
  11. We all agree MFC have some deficiencies as a playing list. I'm of the opinion that there is still massive development possible within the current playing stocks... Gawn, Kent, Taggert and Clisby to mention a few. I see nothing to be gained from the ongoing, sporadic slagging that goes on in posts like this. It is inaccurate analysis that could be destructive. This sort of juvenile lashing out at the personalities and characters of our playing list says more about the perpetrators than it does about the individuals under attack. My advice... grow-up, suck it in and try to come up with discussion and suggestions that can contribute to the Club's revival.
  12. Upcoming open training sessions: Gosch's Paddock - Thursday 18th April - 9:45 am All other training sessions are closed sessions.
  13. from the AFL website... The support that has also come from the red and blue faithful wasn’t lost on Neeld either. He was genuinely heartened by the show of strength from the Melbourne fans who turned up to the club’s Friday training session at Gosch’s Paddock. It was clear that this was also another ‘little win’ for Neeld. “At training, my hat goes off to the 400 Melbourne supporters who turned up. I must admit, I had a bit of a flutter in my heart when I walked out with Craigy and saw the people there. I said ‘Oh wow, there’s two ways this is going to go’. And then I heard them singing the club song,” he said. “We’re finding out now that we might not be able to compare with some of the big clubs, in terms of volume and pure number of supporters, but the ones we’ve got - I reckon they understand what the word support means.
  14. Nathan Jones - “The support we got during the week – we felt a little bit isolated, particularly after last week and after a really poor effort by us,” he said. “It was a pretty dark time, particularly for a player to lose by 25 goals, but I was really proud of the group to bounce back and I was proud of the support that the footy club showed." Ok... Are we done and dusted or do you want to go again? The players were suprised by the turnout and support shown last Friday. It had an effect! We could shut up shop and say "we did everything we could to turn this club around" OR we could do it all again, except even bigger. We created a little ripple in the press/media. They noticed... they wrote positive stuff about us. It would take a bigger noise to move the team and the Club forward from here, but we do have the power to make it happen. It would only take 500 members to turn up to training to create change in the way the players perform. Don't say "it isn't possible"... It is possible but do you have the energy and commitment to make it happen? I will wait for feedback.
  15. Watching Game of Thrones = Gratuituos Sex and Violence Watching MFC = Gratuitous Free Kicks Against and Violence Towards Maggots
  16. I mentioned elsewhere that WC received at least 6 free kicks inside 50. Kennedy 4 Frees For and 5 goals Darling 3 FF and 5 goals Clark 0 FF and 3 goals Davey 0 FF and 1 goal I think a couple of the WC inside 50 FF were questionable and I know for a fact that a couple of the marks inside 50 were questionable. However, the thing that gets up my nose is the blatant holding the ball / incorrect disposals by WC players inside our 50 that the umpires ignored completely
  17. I totally agree that Jamar's worth around the ground is zilch. I also agree that he is ripe to be replaced as soon as the other guys are fit & ready. However, I am a very analytical eye when it comes to the centre bounce/ball up. Jamar was excellent today in the centre re-starts. He was much more effective than last week in giving our midfield first touch. He mixed it up more (which was a major criticism from Bombers game) and he cleared a path. So those critical of his ability to time the jump, thwart opposition and get the tap aren't watching closely. But we all agree there is more to being a gun ruckman than that in the modern game. That is why so many applaud Cox.
  18. The pressure on the Board will be enormous. Do they stare the media down or do they accept that the truth of the matter is the media are right. I hate the muck-rakers being right so I'm prepared to stare them down like Hird did (to date). Neeld gets the year!
  19. Tommy fumbles too much, but he fronts up for the next contest and doesn't drop his head or blame others. He is a keeper but not The General. The General is missing! We lack at least one big bodied gun in the backline NOTE: recruiters.
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