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Everything posted by waynewussell

  1. demondame, I suggest we aim to be there around 9:30 for a listed 9:45 start to training. As it is Friday, the senior group will probably train lightly for 45 minutes or so. Some may even remain inside. However, if our numbers are impressive, word might get around that this is a training session not to be missed. The idea is to simply let the playing group know that we are a resilient bunch who will support them as they find a way to turn the season around.
  2. gbhill, thanks for passing that on... It certainly speaks volumes about the character of Jack Watts, our young Captain and the Jones boy.
  3. Twitter and Facebook away my friends... harness the power of social media. This is the challenge, how many like-minded Demon supporters can we reach in 35 hours?
  4. Also Satyriconhome... definitely follow up the Matt Burgan connection... He has been sensational on the Club's site.
  5. Satyriconhome, I know you are having a bit of fun but I thought I would add an explanation anyhow... Margaret Mead was an American cultural anthropologist, who was frequently a featured writer and speaker in the mass media throughout the 1960s and 1970s. Margaret Mead was a woman who blended knowledge and action. Time, in fact, named her "Mother of the World" in 1969. Fearless in the face of controversy, Mead refused to temper the passions of her positions on the (social) issues of the time.
  6. Jerry Lundergard I like the way you are thinking. You might also be able to use the club's Facebook page to remind others that a special training 'event' is planned for Friday at Gosch's Paddock, 9:45am
  7. "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead.
  8. Let's swell the numbers... Bring your kids, it's still school holidays. Hell, bring the whole school! I rang my sister and she's coming in before work. It's also a good idea to contact other friends who barrack for the Dees. Most people will make the effort if a friend asks directly. Don't leave it to chance... make the call!
  9. Love the feedback... special mention to those prepared to take time off work. I usually park under the Swan St Railway Bridge (2 hour limit) and walk a few hundred yards to the ovals. This area fills in by about 9:30am. If tomorrow is busy, might have to park further East along Swan St and catch tram.
  10. I'm over Caroline Wilson, Jake Niall, Mark Robinson, Jon Ralph, Jay Clark, Neil Mithchell et al... writing the MFC story. It is time we took control of the MFC story.
  11. old dee, that's further motivation to rally. How surprised will the blood suckers be as they realise a new story is developing
  12. I believe an achievable outcome is 150 - 200 supporters... but, just for a moment let me dream... What if 1000 supporters turned up? Wouldn't that create unprecedented publicity and make the football world sit up and realise that the MFC is alive and well and able to deal with it's problems and move onward and upward? 1000 supporters at training on a Friday morning... what would that mean to the playing group? How would that galvanise the group? Are there any other dreamers out there?
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