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dino rover

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Everything posted by dino rover

  1. Tomlinson looks poised works between fwd and back well
  2. Plenty of demon fans here wind from south south east pitch in good nick im at the north eastern end looking west wearing a golf cap dlanders say hi cheers
  3. "Not sure if he is a relative of Rod" do you mean me? No not a relative but have met him at Council functions such as Australia Day, and at the Half Moon. "There is also an Impartiality code which would seem that you are walking close to." - I'm not on Council and anyway someone who is accused by A Current Affair of dodgy dealings (allegedly) isnt suddenly a criminal. The code you refer to is that in relation to the Local Government Act. I think you are playing bush lawyer here. "our ward is conjoined with East Brighton. Why? Its miles away." council boundaries aren't decided by council - and anyway how is that evidence of Council being dodgy? "They stay on council for about as long as the Castros in Cuba. you mean Alex Del Porto - I agree but there should be term limits a State Government matter. Fundamentally you have assembled your gripes about ward boundaries, long term Councillors and dog off leash parks access to conclude the Council is dodgy. If you still doubt my credentials - ask me about the current Councillors at least 3 of which I served on Council with or know though other Bayside business I do. I am in what was once called Clayton Ward and have played football for the Hampton Rovers - hence my handle. I think the oval could be a good facility but it would need a lot of work to the surface and the facilities. Another reason for it might be to do with the strong demon supporter base in Bayside. This I conclude from the fans on the Sandy line for game day.
  4. Still rubbish Damo. Council isn’t dodgy a business man on council got a run on a current affair for allegedly dodgy dealings. You stated that council was dodgy. As regards my mayoral term - don’t believe me -fine with me. What are your Bayside credentials? incidentally I think Elsternwick park has merit as a base.
  5. I am an ex mayor of the city of bayside elsternwick park is in bayside where the VAFA used to have finals - still do for all I know adjacent is the former elsternwick Golf course now a park the bit about scandals and dodgy practices is rubbish city of Casey yes a councillor did feature in a recent current affair expose on his business but nothing to do with his council duties or council generally
  6. Revolutionary training techniques 3km time trials and hill sprints getting the aerobics through skills and drills - someone tell my coach
  7. Pay them on a per view basis it might lead to a lingerie league but if money’s the thing I wouldn’t complain
  8. Queue discussions on how soft mfc is and why this kind of softness explains our performance
  9. I’m not at all enthused or “ patriotic” about Victoria and the big v who gives a fig its a great State but beating another state so what is parochialism alive and well
  10. I think Ed burston ended up a teacher at peninsula grammar big guy right? boy we bullied him cruelly which was not fair he was a nice guy but to a 15 year old fair game
  11. Beef him up and then he can come back for pre season having slimmed down by 7 kegs and be right
  12. Looks like a boy in the photo
  13. The oils I believe
  14. Virtue signalling
  15. Football gents don’t get me started on subsidies to industries owned off shore wealth transfers to rent seekers
  16. Get Don...rhinoplasty
  17. Breast stroke?
  18. I honestly can't understand why with all the competition from Internet TV streaming services Foxtel prices haven't come down to better compete with them. Its a cash cow Most of their base doesnt comparison shop so cutting the price except to get new customers doesnt make sense Foxtel (assuming it makes money) now funds some developing product Also better for foxtel that they cannibalise their market than some competitor
  19. Im a dinosaur playing very occasionally for the Hampton Rovers Which claims to have spawned brayshaw salem etc Never saw them in the thirds though
  20. I suppose it comes down to scope for growth and development. I think with Pedo he got everything out that he had / no more development But with Smith they must see scope for growth For mine both pedo and smith dont fit anymore - not big enough to be keys not fast enough or enough tricks for small / medium fwds
  21. Joel Smith speed tank guts and leap Quite the athlete
  22. Its lame booing the departed. Surely better that we exhibit studied indifference boredom even. Put frost on him and watch him carry on
  23. Petracca's plea to Lyon Be insightfull
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