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Everything posted by Mach5

  1. That could be the case, and we’ll just need to make sure we get back something we’re happy with. I’d be totally unsurprised if we laid down the challenge to GWS: you do what you have to do to get us Hawthorns’s pick 10, to go along with pick 12/13, and we have a deal. Otherwise we bid on Green with pick 2/3 and will happily take him if you don’t match. It’s only my humble opinion, but I really like Xavier O’Hallorand and would “settle” for him too, along with 12/13 & 17/18/19.
  2. Doubt Hawks will give up a 1st round pick for Patton. I’d expect they’ll need to include a player like Caldwell or Bonar to satisfy us.
  3. Draft picks aren’t ALL they need, but they do need them after squandering so much talent in the past. The same as us in the past, however their situation is more dire.
  4. I don’t think that’s the issue; it’s GWS finding room in the salary cap to keep him.
  5. Mach5

    Minor rant

    “Aggressiveness” FMD.
  6. I expect they should have a requisite amount of these to make it onto an AFL list. However the work ethic and attitude would see them improve these attributes over time anyway.
  7. I don’t think I even read your post. I replied to Redleg, but even still the point stands. I don’t want to keep Frost for reasons that are continually misconstrued as being a case for keeping him. Attitude is one of his biggest problems and he has demonstrated an unwillingness to change, so we show him the door. Also the fact he’s a coach-killer with his turnovers. It’s one thing to put in a poor kick, another to run around like a headless chook until ultimately turning he ball over once all your teammates are caught out of position. What value do you attribute to his pace and flair in this case? He may look impressive in moments, but he has a net negative effect on the teams performance.
  8. Give me nothing but players with work ethic and the right attitude, and the wheel will turn in time.
  9. Titanic theme was Hannan in 2018. Watching it back, he clearly could have passed it instead of going for the lower percentage option himself. Ran hard in that instance cos he was ‘on’; if only he ran hard all the time regardless. Definite no for me.
  10. This post above to me epitomises how little us as supporters generally know from the outside. Our judgments are based purely on what we can see, and we continually fail to consider that there may be extenuating factors that we’re unlikely to be privy to.
  11. He’d look great in any other strip.
  12. Glad we got rid of him, glad he won’t be back.
  13. Old news, no? Keeping Alice game, and relocating the Darwin game...
  14. Gaz thinking like a breakfast radio host trying to create some interest on a slow news day!
  15. Completely agree with Garry if Whitfield was at all gettable, but he is apparently not. To add to that, did anyone read Coniglio telling the story about Whitfield jumping around like a little fangirl when Coniglio told him he’d re-signed? Had to drag Whitfield around the corner to tell him away from others, because he knew the reaction would give it away. Just a little story, but I think demonstrative of the strong bond between the upper echelon at GWS.
  16. Entirely depends on what KPIs you’re working with, but yeah, probably correct.
  17. He was a category B player, so always a longshot. Every club has a long list of players that never made the grade.
  18. Happy for you to reduce and perceive it any way you like, hombre.
  19. Not at all. You can’t see the difference? Not entirely surprised though.
  20. Evidently. I wouldn’t welcome into our club anyone with a severe gambling addiction, or a habitual womaniser, let alone a 2-for-1 deal. Christensen can’t handle being in Victoria.
  21. Deadset no. I know too much about him to even entertain this.
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