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Everything posted by Mach5

  1. If we didn’t get Langdon maybe, but we did. I wouldn’t recruit Taylor as a forward.
  2. But do you think Richmond’s success is about the talent, or about how they are drilled and the system they employ? I think it’s more the latter.
  3. Wonder if it would be worth having a crack at McCartin?
  4. I’d give up. Cant recall if I’ve posted this on here before, but despite Jeff’s desire for Kobe to be a demon, Kobe’s mother is very unlikely to “allow” the kid to leave WA.
  5. The 2nd rounder Dodoro isn’t wasn’t enough, then accepted it late in the trade period? Yep, that one. Not sure what Dodoro is the best at, but whatever it is, Peter Bell is coming hard for his mantle.
  6. I can’t remember our voting system exactly, but isn’t it one where you get a number of votes simply for being selected in the side?
  7. Surely the idea is that they want Florent. Mention 4 others you have no choice of getting (Heeney, Mills, Blakey & Parker) then Florent, and Florent seems like the reasonable option. Mention you’d accept Florent, Jackson Thurlow, Harry Cunningham or Daniel Menzel, and they’d be cramming Menzel down your throat as the right option. That would be the theory, anyway.
  8. St Kilda actually has a massive advantage currently and aren’t harnessing the opportunity. If they’re not careful, Hawthorn will snatch it from right under their noses, and the saints will have no one to blame but themselves.
  9. I’m not so sure - I think Ben will want to get to the saints, but they won’t have the assets to trade for him without significantly weakening themselves in other areas.
  10. When did we last use a first round selection?
  11. Which is why I think we’re looking to split. If we can get pick 6 for instance, and another late first rounder, we could send 6 (and change if needed) to get whoever we may be targeting, but retain the late first rounder to satisfy our requirement. Alternatively we could use 2 first rounders this year & give ourselves flexibility for the coming years if we wish to bundle current & future picks to facilitate trades.
  12. Perhaps the opposite? The target entertained our advances, but ultimately had no intention of leaving?
  13. Gubby is going to have produce what would be the crowning achievement upon his oeuvre, to satisfy the Suns with the pocket fluff he has at his disposal.
  14. Gubby without a shadow of a doubt. He would have been onto GWS in the background with Freo playing hardball (stupidball?), waiting with an itchy trigger finger, so he can prove he doesn’t bluff. It’s all about Gubby for Gubby, doesn’t care which players get burnt in the process of stroking his ego. Next time around he gets to look like a master negotiator because he’s used St Kilda to establish a reputation that he doesn’t bluff, with little care for how it impacts St Kilda. Maybe there’s something in it? Short term pain, but long term gain? I prefer the Mahoney method.
  15. I’d think it’s more like Sydney saying to Carlton: ”Melb have put pick 3 on the table. We want Daniher and pick 3 will go part way to satisfying Essendon. If you want Papley, get us pick 3.”
  16. Poor attitude, I'll leave it there.
  17. Pick 6 and the proceeds from Bonar / Patton trades for pick 3. Come on GWS, roll up your sleeves and get it done. Remember - if our trade with GWS is a pick swap ONLY then we can do it after the trade period ends. No need to man the panic stations with minutes to go on Wednesday.
  18. If you'd been paying any attention, I've been saying Frost would go for months now. But accuracy has never been your strong point. Happy for you to let me know when Frost gets a new contract at Hawthorn, but I wouldn't hold my breath. How's your mate Terry Wallace?
  19. Finally, now you know how the rest of us feel about your posts.
  20. It pains me that this is what you think passes as either comedy or an intelligent contribution. How sad.
  21. I was told at the midpoint of the season we would delist him if no takers. This is a big win.
  22. Don't combine my judgment with Reiwoldt's. Riewoldt is an idiot, but also was pushing an agenda when he went with this.
  23. Frost for Langdon and a bit of a junk swap. Works for me.
  24. Please. Don't attempt to rewrite history; Frost has all the athleticism to be great, but certainly never has been.
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