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Everything posted by Mach5

  1. Maybe. I don’t think he’d be half as good in most other sides. I think he’s a cat, and that he benefits heavily from the attention opposition sides put into other Geelong players.
  2. No, he has inside information on who we are willing to let leave, so they know they’re not wasting their time on him.
  3. No brilliance, just on gut feel I don’t agree. I think Kelly is an impostor.
  4. You really think?
  5. Did anyone notice how much time he spent thrown in as the backup ruckman against Oscar McInerny? Tomlinson is a great utility and plugs gaps for them. It’s not always about purely individual performance, it’s what his presence allows the side to do.
  6. No one on our list commits turnovers with as much instant hurt factor as Frost. If only they kept stats that measure how avoidable a turnover was, and how much it catches all your teammates out of position. Must trade.
  7. Mate, Frost’s line breaking ability is to the detriment of our performance. The guy is a walking turnover.
  8. Yes and no. Gotta make a stand at some point. Otherwise install a revolving door.
  9. No chance. GC aren’t looking for a win-win. They’re looking to make a statement, that players won’t be allowed to just leave each year, even if it means cutting off their nose to spite their face. Similar to Port with nick stevens.
  10. How is his game “sorted out”? He’s more than a liability with the ball in his hands, his actions directly lead to opposition goals from incredibly bad decisions and skill execution. We can’t move him on quick enough. Not to mention the “other” issues...
  11. Yes to the first part, no to the second.
  12. That’s just embarrassing for you.
  13. Serious question: how do you know he’s not demanding $800k pa? It’s all relative.
  14. Cutting deadweight (in incredibly harsh terms) is not the same as “cutbacks.” People have been removed for not having the requisite skills for their post, or simply to bring in a fresh voice/perspective. Others have left of their own accord. But change is needed regardless.
  15. No, that’s getting rid of people who don’t have the requisite skills. Cutbacks indicate they won’t be replaced by those that have. Difficult concept for you?
  16. Superfluous or underperforming more like it. I wouldn’t be repeating idle speculation about cutbacks.
  17. Call it that if you wish, but I did raise this (not on here) early in the season as a possible contributing factor for our poor form, but it was generally dismissed due to not being a significant enough factor, including by myself. In the end, I believe 2019 has been a case of death-by-a-thousand-cuts. No singular reason, but a combination of many factors. And if you keep doing the right things, and work hard enough for long enough, the wheel will turn.
  18. Funnily enough I was listening to that podcast just a couple of hours ago. It’s an interesting take-away to conclude that he was blaming our failed season on the lack of runners. Rawling went to pains to point out that it’s a lot of different things, and detailed a few of them. To pick one in isolation like this is the media’s go, but it must have been a slow news day for the author.
  19. I’d be more happy to split the pick and get 2 kids like Weightman and Stephens. Don’t forget the potential bargaining power it might give us for “live trading” options, still getting the kid we want and gaining extra later or future picks. We could be a big player on draft day.
  20. His value will never be higher. While he’s on our list, at least.
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