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Everything posted by dazzledavey36

  1. Your kidding yourself if you wouldn't give up a first round draft pick for him.
  2. This.I honestly think Mitch tried to be the 'feel good story' out of all this. He wanted to come back to footy and prove that you can open up about depression and play good football aswell. I think the sledging against Hawthorn and crowd constant booing him caught him off guard. Surely he must question whether he has made the right choice coming back? When your coming back into the high demanding pressure of AFL spotlight you gotta know what to expect in terms of media, supporters booing over the fence etc.. how he can say he is in the right mind set and be told to go to another environment where its just as intense as Geelong is seriously questionable from a medical point of view.
  3. Few points.I wouldn't be on my pedastal because i always had the thought his body was always going to fail him. In late 2013 early 2014 pre season he had a string of soft tissue injuries that would just plague him for the rest of his career. He will never play 22 games in a year. I had the inkling back then he would battle soft tissue injuries but didn't want to really believe it because at the same time i was excited about the Hogan Clark combo.. turns out that never happened either. Another point as i pointed out him leaving was a blessing in disguise. We got H Lumumba out of it and Clark is injury riddled. Its completely irrelevant now that he did a number at the club because if he had stayed you would be carrying on and whinging like you are now on how he rarely gets on the park and what a waste pick 12 was. End of the day we didn't lose anything out of Mitch Clark leaving so i don't understand the fuss.
  4. If its one year where i wouldn't mind have a problem trading away our first pick its this year.Then again i do like Darcy Parish as our first pick. A package of class and speed that we severely lack in our midfield.
  5. Re-injured his calf.. most likely could miss the rest of the year.My personal opinion in all this is i think Mitch should have stayed retired. Going by his recent facebook depression post is that his mind is clearly still not in the right mind frame and still struggling with the AFL pressure. I don't know what he was trying to prove because physically his body was always going to let him down. His calf and ankle were completely shot and when your coming back from 2 years of no football and given his age aswell he was always going to crumble again. I have no pure hatred for him as some on here do. At the end of the day he is still human and his health is important. If he was still in red and blue we would all be slashing our wrist over what a big waste of money he has been with all his injury problems. At the end of the day we made the right decision and Lumumba has been a massive win for us.
  6. I would have told you Rhys Mathieson but after watching him play I came away completely underwhelmed.. His disposal and cleanness of the ball needs a fair bit of work. This years draft is pretty shallow in terms of there isn't a Brayshaw Wines Petracca type big solid inside midfielders. Francis would probably close to what your after and I would have said Hopper aswell but obviously we can't.. and I haven't seen Dunkley play yet.
  7. Our sources must have come from the same bloke. Lets just say Paul Roos opened the door for him on the way out.
  8. Maybe not on field yet but don't underestimate Lumumba's off field leadership and experience. Only have to look back to the Hawthorn game when he picked up Garland off the ground and put his arm around him. Clark's off field antics swayed a few teammates and coaches off side.
  9. Well we dodged a massive bullet and got a winner in Lumumba. Il take that.
  10. The AFL Footy Show ‏@AFLFootyShow 11s11 seconds ago Up next, @barrettdamian with news on @GeelongCats' Mitch Clark.
  11. And there it is.. 7:02pm: Baguley has his charge downgraded. He will be fined $1500 and is free to play this weekend.
  12. Yes.. but I made a blue its on the 20th..Our new recruit next year. INJURED DEMON WORKING HARD OFF THE FIELD
  13. So Watson out, Cooney a fair chance he will be out as well with an abductor, Bagurly possibly out? And they have Shaun Mckernan as their number 1 ruckman.. No Excuses this week!!!
  14. Watching Dave Mission injury report. It looks like Vanders Brayshaw Grimes and Lumumba are all set to play this weekend only if they get through Thursday's main training session.
  15. Mark Bagurly has decided he WILL contest his one week suspension. Now watch him get off free.
  16. July 24th will be his Grand Final.
  17. Watching Lloyd now on Classified proves my arguement that he is ridiculously bias towards his mate at Essendon. He is the only deluded one who think he will still coach till the end of the year. The fact he is still backing hird is mind boggling.
  18. I agree on this! I understand he gets a lot of hate on here but I like how he goes right into detail in explaining things. Don't mind Dermie at all.
  19. That's fair enough. Each to their own. Do agree with you on Lloyd though. He is a stain of the highest order. Personally if it was my choice I would give Lloyd the flick before Caro on footy classified. His support and bias commentary on James Tird is tiresome and Cringe worthy at its finest.
  20. At least Pedo has done something this year. Dawes has done sweet zilch.
  21. Was reading a forum a while ago about who was the best radio/Tv radio in the business so thought id ask around here to get who everyone liked to listen to. I can't stand channel 7 anymore. The Saturday night team are a joke, the way they just ramble on about other stuff instead of just commentating on the game. They are so ridiculous bias on certain teams its beyond the joke. I like listening to Dennis still at least he calls the game without any bias towards it and pretending he is a coach. Nick Maxwell special comments on Collingwood is worse then Eddie..! Some might find this surprising but I don't mind listening to Wayne Carey. He calls it how he sees it and doesn't hold back on anything. I have also noticed he has a soft spot for us and even gave Matthew Lloyd a fair old wack about the comments on Roos coaching. He knows the game well inside out still. Gotta admit I love listening to the Triple M Saturday rub team before the footy. Its a good laugh with Garry, JB, Spud and the Chief. Spud absolutely gives it to Purple headed warrior every chance he gets. Some of the youtube clips are a good laugh. Don't mind them too when they call the game, at least they make the game exciting! I also don't mind listening to Garry and Chief as special comments as well. Calls it as they see it just like Carey and won't hold back. Up there as my top number 1 for me. BT is much better suited to Triple M then the channel 7 team I reckon. Doesn't take himself serious as most of them do on 7 and fits in well with all the others on Triple M Fox footy can be good at times it just depends who is calling the game. Personally think Anthony Hudson is the best in the business. Especially when the game is exciting and on the edge! I thought he was superb on channel 10 and some of the best games in the mid 2000s featured him a lot. Dwayne.. Don't get me started.. Sandy Roberts, Unfortunately I think he is out of touch with todays game. He gets so many names wrong its so cringe worthy to listen to and im surprised he doesn't get pulled up a lot. Still like him just needs to sharpen up a bit. Jonathon Brown. Still 50/50.. Who do you all prefer?
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