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Everything posted by dieter

  1. I find this totally absurd. An idiot fan is allowed to shout abuse into the face of a kid, then he gets sensitive about some 'feedback' and the problem is the reaction of the kid who was manhandled and abused. It's like the absurdity of the Schofield situation. Schofield delivers an elbow to Oliver's jaw and the issue metamorphosis's into the question did Oliver 'dive'.
  2. 6: Frost 5: T.McDonald 4: Petracca 3: Oliver 2: Jetta 1: Neal Bullen
  3. Good sides know how to win, even when the other side has more of the play.
  4. No wonder he's a LEFTIE.
  5. He is The Great Suc-cincter!
  6. There's a nasty side of me which says, good, he'll get 4 weeks and we can play someone who gets a lot of the ball and kicks goals, like Dean Kent...
  7. This topic is about the Manchester Bombing. The topic soon became toxic with posts about the Muslim faith, about the behavior of Muslims, about their proclivity for terrorism. I find this kind of generalized hatred of a people and a faith as loathsome as the vile propaganda and lies spread about Jews in Europe. In fact, I describe this Muslim phobia as the new Anti-Semitism. I am trying to point out that terrorism did not appear from a vacuum, by pointing out that there is a history of European colonisation and exploitation which has caused some people from that part of the world to feel anger and distrust about our way of life. Just witness Iraq, Libya, and now Syria where American backed forces are trying to implement regime change, the way they did in Libya. The dissafected people who have made some of terrorist attacks happen to be mostly Muslim. Suddenly the whole Muslim religion has become the problem and just about every Muslim is deemed as bad and a potential terrorist to many people who have responded to this topic. If they did know anything about the history of the Middle East they would know that under the Muslim Ottomans and before the Ottomans, you could speak the language you were born with, you could practice any faith you liked and you were treated as a citizen with the obligations of a citizen. It was a truly multi-cultural society. Jews especially prospered as communities in Baghdad, Cairo, Yemen, Damascus etc, and Jerusalem remained as the spiritual Capital, accessible to anyone and everyone, of any faith under that Muslim rule. Wrecker finds it difficult to understand how Hanson, Bolt and all the Muslim haters are relevant to this post. I am trying to make them understand that banning a whole people, by focusing on the less savory aspects of a faith - all three 'Biblical' faiths are full of hatred and destructive violence - the debate starts to sound like ignorant,racist diatribes. And, just for the record, I don't happen to have a so-called left-wing' ideology. That word 'left wing' gets bandied about on this site by people who believe that anyone with different views to themselves is on the lunatic fringe. And, also, just for the record, the reference to Israel was prompted by Prodee's assertion that Palestinian babies are fed hatred of Jews from their mother's breasts. It is not an Anti-Semitic remark, just another side of long standing debate.
  8. You realize we are arguing with maniacs?
  9. The topic for you is that all things Islam are bad and evil, I know. Sorry to maybe put a fact or two in the way of your Pauline-like non facts and propaganda. So what's the topic, Wreck, that all Muslims are all bad motherflucking deviants who should be deported to Islamabad so we can all just concentrate on the footy? Oh, and they're all TERRORISTS. WITNESS BALI. Ok, Mr Lindt was mad and crazy, BUT he WAS a MUSLIM. WITNESS THE BRIGHTON MURDERER. HE WAS A FLUCKING MUSLIM TOO. The guy who rode down Bourke Street was okay, he was a Christian Greek, killed 9, but that's not TERRORISM. He was on drugs, he'll get a sublimated sentence because the drugs made him do it...
  10. This topic is, I'm afraid, typical of the nonsense I fear so much on this site. For a start, Houlis religion has sweet fluck all to do with the whole business, nor does Ramadan. Secondly, he used every avenue he could to get a lighter sentence. So did Schofield. In 2006 Sydney used lawyers to ensure Hall played a Grand Final, something he now admits was bullsheet. Funnily, nobody mentioned his religion. And I don't care how often you roll the film, from whatever angle you like, slo mo or real time, Scholfield hit Oliver with an elbow to the jaw, five feet from an umpire who reported Schofield. Houli half turned around to whack off a player who was flagrantly in breach of the laws of the game, that is, he was manhandling Houli, in the same way that duckhead Rowe was punching and holding Hogan when Hogan had had enough and lashed out. In all three cases the victim of either brutality - Oliver - or excessive manhandling gets rubbed out for retaliating. Great game AFL, if you ask me. Try explaining these situations to kids who live in the real world, where victims of bullying are supposed to stand up for themselves, where victims of an elbow are crucified for falling over. Also, I note, that Hogan's religion or the question of Ramadan wasn't mentioned either.
  11. You are way, way more likely to be killed by a shark if you live in Australia than be killed by a Muslim. A woman is probably a thousand times more likely to be killed by her husband/partner than a Muslim.
  12. Ah no, you forgot to include the greatest terrorist of the 20th and 21st Centuries, the USA. get an independent assessment of the numbers they killed. The USA is way, way in front.
  13. You shared my catholic misery, We lived in Albion when we came to this enlightened country in 1956..
  14. I like my flake with salt and vinegar. Why has Greece never won a world Cup? Because every time they get a corner they open a fish and chip shop. Or, they did once, before the Asians bought them out... Don't get me started on the quality of fish and chip shops in this country these days...
  15. He's taking the puss, he can't be so stupid. Or, can he???
  16. Of course it is, never, ever happens in Christian societies, never ever. You know, Biff, it's just occurred to me - it's called early morning wisdom - your assertions are becoming so shrill and silly that you just have to taking the puss, as they say over the Tasman.
  17. Cousin marriage is why most European royalty has hemophilia. They must therefore be Muslims because only Muslims marry their cousins. Funny bout that, cos the Ashkenazi Jews also have the same problem, as do Tasmanians, apparently. ( Are you perhaps Tasmanian?) And, as pointed out in a previous post - detention, Biff, you weren't paying attention, no doubt on Google Map looking for Kurz somewhere in the Mekong highlands - Clitorectomy is NOT a Muslim practice, rather, it's a traditional form of barbarism practiced in the horn of Africa, by Christians, Pagans and Muslims alike. And as for detestation of women and the female body, you obviously know nothing about the so-called Roman Catholic doctrine as preached by the lunatic Catholics of my generation. And, for flucksake, lets just quote the good lord Jesus when he is quoted as saying, ' Let he among you who is free of sin cast the first stone.' We're talking about Pedophilia, man, it's rampant in ALL Christian faiths, Salvos included. Don't you read or hear the local news, or are you so obsessed with finding Kurz you only tune into Radio Hanoi? Get real Biff, tell some genuine truth for a change instead of frothing prejudice.
  18. Not to mention that Houli was trying to win a game for Richmond, surely a much worthier cause than tending to god's unwashed. Mother Theresa wouldn't even get a kick in the AFL and if you believe Christopher H, she would have turned around and given young Jed Lamb a proper spanking with the belt she had dangling from her cassock. He would have deserved it too, he was man handling her!!!!!
  19. He was great. So too was JKH and Kent.
  20. Or John Kerr.
  21. Like a rabbit proof fence?
  22. Sacre Bleu, I've just discovered you're a Queenslander. Must be the oxygn up north. I know, you've told me before, you are originally from Victoria. Good riddance.
  23. Now, faultydet, you have hit total rock bottom. In light of the scandal about pedophilia in Australia, especially in the so-called Christian world... Give me a break.
  24. This is not a Muslim practice. Genital mutilation is and has been practiced in the horn of Africa, has been for centuries, and is practiced by Christians, Pagans and Muslims alike. It happens nowhere else in the Muslim world, Christian world, or any other denominational 'world. Get you facts straight.
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