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Everything posted by dieter

  1. I don't agree with you about Hitchens. He lost me totally when he caved in to the catastrophic lies about Iraq. He may have changed his mind about water boarding - any humane person would - but that he reckoned, from the comfort of his whisky soaked armchair, that it was ok in the first place...you get my drift. He also kept referring to one of the dumbest, most evil idiots to rule the white house, Dubbya - as 'my president'. That to me suggests he had far less brain cells than he's been given credit for. Maybe he was just good at doing conga-line suckhole training.
  2. You are so mean, Wreck. I watched some footy on you tube, saw the last quarter of the '09 defeat of West Coast and couldn't get over how good Grimes was. That is all! My glass was not half or near empty.
  3. No purpose. Just an observation of how good he was in 2009, how poor he was in 205-2016.
  4. Just watched the last quarter of the famous 2009 victory over West Coast. Jack Grimes slaughtered them. He took 17 marks, all of his kicks hit targets, he was inspirational. What happened? Was it the burden of being made captain way prematurely? As an adjunct, I was at the Casey Box Hill game yesterday, near where the players interchanged and when I saw Jack Trengove up close I couldn't believe how young he looked. He was made captain 5 years ago. What a death sentence by the Melbourne Football Club. Or, do we just blame Mark Neeld?
  5. 6: Viney 5: T.McDonald 4: Oliver 3: Jetta 2: Lewis 1: Hannan.
  6. Even on this site it plays the 4th quarter instead of the 3rd.
  7. Has anyone noticed you can't watch the 3rd quarter replay of last night's game. When you click on the 3rd Quarter, it plays the Last quarter and instead of having the West Coast Demons game in the 4th quarter slot, it has the Bulldog/North 4th quarter.
  8. He was great. Would need a couple of months in the GYm though...
  9. I stood next to the Casey Interchange cabin. He was in there exhorting and commenting and encouraging whenever he came off...
  10. I live around the corner, second match Casey versus Box Hill I've been to. I stand next to the interchange cabin. The vibe in there was sensational. Positive, complimentary to each other, confident and involved. The few times Kent came off he was thoroughly engrossed and making perceptive and encouraging comments. Trengove came off in the 3rd quarter and had his right knee area attended to. JKH plays way above this level. He was clearly the classiest player on the ground. Kent got a lot of it, lot of long bombing raids. White was terrific. Weidemann was sensational. He was triple teamed after quarter time and got sweet fluck all help from umpires. Kennedy is a classy battler at this level. Spencer gave his all, also got cooked by the umpires a few times. Fritch will be a gun. ( It's the German gene.) The Casey runner deserves a medal. I reckon he ran one hundred and fifty Kilometres this afternoon. Box Hill is a big bllody ground. Spoke to a bunch of lads who were watching. There was a blonde topped lad who is as thin as a rake. I recognised his old man in him. He'll be back next week, Il Signor Smith. The Hogan and the Brayshaw have the same taste in tacky dacks as me.
  11. Goodwin inducted into Hall of Fame SIMON Goodwin’s football CV is magnificent. A hard running and creative wingman, who played in two premiership sides for Adelaide and a couple more sides that should have. Three best and fairests and five All-Australian selections help complete what was a marvellous career. Yet what drove Goodwin throughout his 14 seasons at AFL level was this nagging self-doubt. Was he really good enough to play at the level? As he explained to the AFL Record ahead of his induction into the Australian Football Hall of Fame, he was small for his age throughout his childhood. He was forever being placed into what he called the ‘never going to make it basket’. Hall of Fame inductee Simon Goodwin with AFL Chairman Richard Goyder. (Photo: Michael Willson/AFL Media) “I wasn’t self-conscious and perhaps I lacked self-confidence, but with that came perseverance to prove people wrong and that’s what drove me early in my career,” he said. “I wasn’t sure I was deserving to be at the level and I always had a point to prove. And it continued along that way for most of my career.” Not even two flags before his 21st birthday could eradicate the self-doubts, nor could his first All-Australian selection in 2000. “Perception-wise it probably did, but I used it to spur me on to even greater heights,” he said. “You want to be a better player and then a better player again. When I got into my first All-Australian side, it was a case of ‘Simon who’ and that was another point to prove. “I was a shock selection and people said I didn’t deserve to be in that category, so there was this sense of wanting to prove myself, all through my career.” Cricket’s loss was football’s gain with Goodwin. He co-captained the South Australian under-19 cricket team in the summer of 1995-96 (sharing the role with Chris Davies, now Port Adelaide’s head of football) and was preparing to make the summer game his sport of choice after being overlooked at the 1995 National Draft. But the Crows came calling during the Pre-Season Draft and Goodwin recalls the blunt advice from Adelaide football manager and close family friend John Reid: “Give footy a crack because your cricket career is pretty much done, son.” Within 12 months, Malcolm Blight was coach and Goodwin started to blossom. It was a magical time. “‘Blighty’ came in and made a few changes, got rid of some older guys which gave the opportunity for some younger players to come in,” he said. “He gave the younger boys the belief to contribute to the footy club and it kick-started my belief that the opportunity might be there.” Goodwin has huge respect for Blight, who along with Reid and another former Crows coach Neil Craig he cites as the strongest influences on his playing career. “The opportunity to play came from John and Blighty built that belief in me and educated me on the fundamentals of the game and was a great teacher of the game. “‘Craigy’ was a great people person and mentor who taught me about relationships, life skills and during some challenging times in my career he was there for me.” Of course, Goodwin is now senior coach at Melbourne, but for 24 hours he returned to his home town to be an Adelaide Crow once more and celebrate an honour he never anticipated. “I feel awkward in some ways,” he said. “It’s not something I saw myself achieving. I’m obviously hugely honoured to be in that category but in some ways it’s a bit embarrassing. It’s something I’ll be extremely proud of.” Simon Goodwin with Melbourne Football Club staff, Peter Jackson, Todd Viney, Brendan McCartney and Josh Mahnoney. Exclusive to melbournefc.com.au - See more at: http://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/2017-06-20/goodwin-inducted-into-hall-of-fame#sthash.cbLltd7j.dpuf
  12. Loved the speech Goodwin gave last night. He's humble, assertive and determined. I have high hopes for Demon players under his guidance.
  13. My mother was bombed. It is the most terrifying experience. Also, whether I have or not is irrelevant. What is very relevant for me is that from the comfort of your armchair in suburbia you seem to approve of the kind of terror the USA has inflicted on so many countries. As a former US Air Force bomber pilot wrote recently, it occurred to him one day that sooner or later the countries and people you pepper with Napalm, depleted Uranium, Phosphorus etc etc will one day inevitably refuse to take it on the chin. Then, when someone from these countries retaliates in a way totally disproportionate to what has been inflicted on him or her, you cry Terrorist.
  14. The large majority of modern terrorism has been committed by the USA and its cronies. Have you ever been bombed, Wrecker? We talking about all the bombs dropped on innocent people in Afghanistan, Iraq, by its cronies - Isis and Al queda - in Syria and by the Nato bombardment of Libya and Serbia. They say the death toll in these countries runs into the hundreds of thousands. Can you justify just one of those bombs?
  15. That's exactly my point. Years ago there was a Herald Sun Poster outside the Balwyn Newsagency. It said: MUSLIM ROBS BANK. I really don't believe that lunatics like Monis, like the Brighton killer were in any way motivated by their religion. Neither was the drug crazed Greek. It's just that when a Christian behaves that way...you get the point. Also, the mainstream Press almost had to be bludgeoned into calling the London Mosque Drive Through Attack an act of Terrorism...
  16. Quid Pro Quo, Il Signor Ad Hominem. Where are your statistics and 'facts'?
  17. I don't like you, daisy, you are nought but a cynical sniper. I have never read anything from you other than smart-ar.e snipes.
  18. Significantly, there's no mention of the Friggin Selwood atrocity. So we, or kids who are about who play the game at junior levels, are supposed to believe it's okay to do what Selwood did? Yet... what Salem did was not okay? I am starting to not believe. That means I will start to not care. When that sense of incredulity spreads the game is in danger. Why is it spreading though? Because the game is now corrupt. Pure and simple. It is no longer sport, it is politics.
  19. How dare you say that? Andrew Bolt writes for the Hun. And his best mates, that Devine chick, Greg Sheridan, Gerard Henderson and Piers Ackermann write for Murdoch's sister/brother publications. And we know they always tell THE TRUTH.
  20. I believe - no, truly - 'he' is actually Pauline Hanson. You'll note, for example, when it comes to listing his favorite players he simply puts a number - 1313, I believe - so he's no different from the Melbourne Establishment members who yell out, 'Good Mark Number 9', but Pauline/ProDee doesn't seem to know that Player Number Plates very very rarely go above the low 50's unless they've been relegated to Casey. So he/she seems to be very uneducated about basic AFL jumper protocols. I can just picture him/her shouting out 'Good kick' number 957.' Jara, you seem to be a rather gentle and thoughtful chap. I'm too f..king old to be gentle. My parents went through WW2 in varying capacities and the country I originated from was blamed for every atrocity imagined and un-imagined. Like after WW1, the War to end all Wars, the so-called victors have learnt nothing. Just about everything Orwell predicted - but let's face it he didn't have to be a genius to see the bleeding obvious, honesty would have sufficed - has come true. Everything has turned full circle again so that the same lies, the same propaganda, reign. Countries are invaded and destroyed based on lies, the people from those countries flee, more countries are invaded, either by proxy or directly, more refugees are created, more chaos erupts when the refugees from the wars and slaughter we have created and committed arrive at our doorsteps and to salve our precious consciences, we either declare them 'Illegal' or we call them terrorists when the inevitable consequences of the terror we have inflicted comes home to roost. To justify it all we note that these 'terrorists' are Muslims. So when a Muslim shoots someone in sacred Brighton it's a Terrorist Event, 10 pages in even the Age, yet when a crazed so-called Christian Greek drives along footpaths in Bourke Street it's....well, obviously NOT a terrorist event. Why? Cos the f..king moron criminal self indulgent drug crazed ar.ehole isn't a f..king Muslim.
  21. Strange beasts on this site, strange beasts indeed.
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