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Everything posted by dieter

  1. This is not a Muslim practice. Genital mutilation is and has been practiced in the horn of Africa, has been for centuries, and is practiced by Christians, Pagans and Muslims alike. It happens nowhere else in the Muslim world, Christian world, or any other denominational 'world. Get you facts straight.
  2. Have you ever considered that invading countries based on lies, or funding 'rebels' to overthrow countries like Libya and Syria might just well be the worst form of terrorism? Do you know how many Iraqis were murdered by the bombs of the 'coalition of the willing'? Did you know, for example, under the last year of the Obama administration the US dropped more bombs in the Middle East than they dropped during all of WW2? Are you aware of the refugees these kind of terror attacks create? \I know, it's all because of what's written in the Koran.
  3. No, FaultyDEt, you've just won first prize with that quote. You are brainwashed.
  4. Ironically, ProDee, it's the other way round. But you'd know, Greg Sheridan has told you so because his mate the Israeli Ambassador told him so. I'd much rather rely on what Ilan Pappe, Schlomo Sand, Miko Peled and Norman Finklestein and the ex IDF group 'Breaking the Silence' tell me about who hates who first in Israel and the Occupied Territories, You, no doubt, would classify all these dudes as 'self-hating Jews'.
  5. Personally I think Tony Abbott, Corey Bernardi, Pauline Hanson, Malcolm Turnbulldust and our obsequious obedience to the barking dogs in the USA, like Trump, are a much bigger threat to our society than Islam.
  6. Pity Hitchens never explained how backward and retarded the Bible, the Torah and the Talmud are. Why pick on the Koran? The Koran has done less damage in history than the those other three books...
  7. Be careful using the 'cuckold' word on this site: I got two points for inverting it regarding one of our esteemed players. Be very careful.
  8. Well, I'll be! or, as they say in Strine, Fluck me dead.
  9. Well, unless you're a Muslim, it works in our Penal system.How often do lawyers plead their client was under the influence of drugs, therefore not responsible for their actions?
  10. And, what, pray tell, is that? The MRP is a law unto itself. All the boa fides against Selwood would not have counted because Jimmy B would have exonerated him anyway. Nathan Burke more or less confessed that the MRP tries its darndest to get players 'OFF'. Unless, they wear Demon Guernseys, apparently. What we need to do is stack the MRP with ex Melbourne players who will exonerate their mates no matter what the 'Bona Fides' are.
  11. It's the British way. Australia has inherited so much from the same British model, my dear friend.
  12. Houli was the victim of Carlton push and shove mania, the same mania that drove our Jesse over the edge. There is a limit, Biff, to what a mensch can take.
  13. That's what the Aboriginals said. As did the Berbers, the Vietnamese, the natives in the sub continent, and all of the natives of all of America, Africa etc etc. I would have thought the Pro Dee(mentias ) of the world call 'importation' PROGRESS.
  14. I think this is in line with Burke's admission that they try to move heaven and earth to find a player Not Guilty ( Unless he plays for the Demons.)
  15. He was great on Saturday. Let him kick a few more bag fulls, let him grow in confidence and strength. He certainly showed on Saturday he can kick, he can mark, he can bustle. He will be a gun.
  16. Pardon me for interjecting, but I disagree about the seriousness of the Hogan 'Hit'. If you watch the 'prelims' to that incident, Rowe was all over Hogan, pushing, punching, doing what it seems a Carlton backman is trained to do - the poor chap Houli retaliated against was doing his bit of shovery and pushery as well - and, in the end, there must come a point where a player says enough is enough. Hogan turned around and hit back, unfortunately to poor innocent Rowe's head. Rowe was so clearly damaged and hurt, why he played the next week. I often sympathize with the retaliator, he's always made out to be have committed the original sin...
  17. I would have dropped to the floor, clutching my chest shouting Defibrillator, Please, get the Defibulator for this idiot Essendon Man, he's spreading FIbs...
  18. When was this ever about Mark Neeld????? It was raised as a toast to Jack Grimes and what a great and promising player he was in that game against West Coast in 2009.
  19. So obviously a Geelong, Hawthorn, Sydney, and even Collingwood supporter will NEVER look back and note how good a player was in a game from 2009 and wonder about his decline from 2011 to 2016. This wasn't/isn't a post about the Melbourne Football Club or its journey, it was meant as a sympathetic post about a man who served the cub admirably, whose performances declined over the years. Salute! to you.
  20. I really liked him as well. He seemed like a humble, self effacing man. I brought up that last quarter against West Coast in 2009 because I think a lot of Demon supporters forgot how bloody good he was.
  21. Maybe you could do with a dose of self loathing. You certainly deserve it. You remind me of the bullies I had to deal with at school. Always ready to make a snide, derogatory comment, especially if somebody doesn't agree with you or has another opinion.
  22. Grimes was uplifting, I watched it because they won. What the fluck are you on about?
  23. Has it made you think about all the other lies they've told us?
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