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Everything posted by dieter

  1. I know for a fact that Pierre Pan and Tinkerbell are fictitious characters. But, I guess, it's okay to have imaginary friends, they were a great comfort to my daughter when she was three. Your imaginary friend, The USA is a bigger problem though, because he is a bad influence and will get you into trouble. For example, your friend The USA told you big lies about Iraq and look at the consequences....
  2. If you don't wanna know about building 7 because I have anti american bias, you're the one who is pulling de woollen beanie over your own eyes.
  3. You miss the point, dear chappie. Let's just focus on Building 7 where there was fire on just a few floors- next thing - whoosh, the building has collapsed like a pancake in one and a half seconds. How can this happen, Mr Wrecker? And, how comes it that the London building still stands despite the whole building incinerating.???????
  4. Dear Wrecker of the Hesperus You may note, dear chap, that the 27 storey apartment block in London is still intact though every square inch of the building caught fire. As most architects will tell you that there is nothing special about that, it's part of the architectural superstructure, if you like. You who, I presume, has no architectural proclivities or qualifications- you are a Wrecker by definition - use the above link to disprove that Building 7 on the World Trade Center site was brought down by controlled demolition. The above link, as you are well aware, simply points out there were extensive fires in the lower part of the building. Please recall that the official reason that the Twin Towers collapsed was because of the heat from the fuel of those dastards flying the planes. Recall, please, that no plane hit building 7. I presume you have kept your head in the sand about this, coming up for air only to wreak invective on the likes of me who point out that bulldust is bulldust. Keep sniping, Wreck, keep sniping while Rome literally burns.
  5. Reminds me of the scene in 'Where's Poppa?' where the male rape victim goes back to the park with flowers. for his attacker. Not so sure I'm glad you're thinking of me in those contexts, 'you don't even know me'. Are you really turning Romsey mansion into a mosque?
  6. I believe you are a Mufti plant. Your real name is IBN Bin Biffen . You are going to dob in all the collaborators like Wrecker, that horrid Pro Dee - please dob him, he's beastly - and Fence Sitters like Daisy while you plan to turn the Romsey mansion into a Mosque. Your so-called Vietnam - The Horror- trips are subterfuge while you trudge to Mecca. I've met you trype. It's your way of hiding from your Cells that you are really gay and in love with Marlon Brando. Like I say, it's too late, he was spoken for. You never listen to what I say, that will be your downfall. Join the path to salvation, read the Bible instead of the Koran and the Marquis de Sade. You only get one crack at life, Bin Biffen, are you making the best of your chance? ( I doubt it.)
  7. See, I rest my case!
  8. Dear Daisy If you want to believe pigs fly because Uncle Sam tells you they do, that's up to you, baby. Me, I've got a brain and I try to sniff the chaff from the grain.
  9. They're not hard to find.And, like I say, if a 47 storey building was set up for controlled demolition the whole thing falls apart. By the way, it's not 'crazy left wing'. It just requires someone with an open mind to watch a building falling like a pancake in 1 and a half seconds, and when slowed down, you actually see the explosion points. If that's crazy, you're right, I'm crazy. At least I use what remaining brain cells I've got. At least I don't just swallow a narrative that just does not make sense.
  10. Would you kick it to the Buggah after his last three weeks of kicking behinds?
  11. Love it, Biff, you just keep on keeping on from your pulpit of knowledge and profound wisdom.
  12. Hunt has the run, he has to learn to not just drop bombs: he needs to fire straight darts.
  13. 6 Petracca 5 Jones 4 Oliver 3 Watts 2 Hibberd 1 Garlett Unlucky: Jetta, O.McDonald, Pedersen
  14. I'm sure the Biff won't take this lying down. I'm sure he has the answers. He knows all about Muslims, Mr Biff does, guaranteed.
  15. I admit it gave me the [censored] a bit when he was left out of the Pre Season games because of some imagined misdemeanor.
  16. Also, I'd rather pick my nose, much more satisfying, especially when you get to my age. You get good Gorbychovs some mornings.
  17. No, Biff, there's a third side, The Polish Side. By the way, I'm tracking you from my UFO, short for You Fluck Off.
  18. AS though I am alone in this regard on Demonland. Most of the posts are right wing muslim haters who put Pauline Hanson's rants to shame. And you pick on moi? Dear oh dear. I guess I'll have to join the muslim haters to be acceptable to the likes of you. Sorry, Daisy, you've lost me, baby.
  19. I fly the saucers, Biff. I am an official UFO Pilot. I got my certificate from the same UFO Flying Academy that trained the 9/11 pilots to fly with such unerring precision. I was personally taught by the Master Pilot who trained the dude to score a bulls eye at the Pentagon. That was an incredible experience, being taught by the Master, made me tremble in my boots.
  20. Alleluia. A dialogue with Pro Dee was like having a dialogue with Pauline Hanson. And, for the record, Magda Borham has as much credibility as the poor girl whose mother held up her scripts - obviously written by someone fluent in English because she certainly wasn't - about the evil regime called Syria under Assad. But, some people will believe anything.
  21. You sound like a script writer for Disneyland. Don't let the facts ruin a good story though.
  22. Just keep quoting the Uncle Toms and the people who see history through the filter of their own nearsightedness , bogus historians like Bernard Lewis, and totally ignore the facts of history in the Middle East, how it has been shattered by the brutalities of English and French exploitation and greed. Not to mention sheer stupidity. Also, ignore the depth of historical anti-muslim hysteria in the west, ignore the rapacious atrocities of the Crusaders, etc etc, just quote the Pauline Hansons of the world, like Magda Borham. She know the TRUTH about Islam, obviously.
  23. Just nuke em, Biff, go on, prove what a great humanitarian you are, just drop the big one on them. They deserve it. They enslave women and children and Mosques are full of perverted men. A good enough reason to nuke anyone, I would have thought. Have a beer while you're doing it, maybe have the footy on in the background. Invite the neighbors, make it like a screening when Hilary and Obama and Co watched Gaddafi and Osam get murdered. After all, this is us folks behaving in the civilized way to which we've become accustomed.
  24. Beautiful photo with him and Jeff Farmer on the Demon AFL site: taken at training yesterday, the last photo on 'Pictures from Training Saturday 10th June.
  25. Dear Mr Wreck I've gone to that site: Daily Mail. Yeah sure, the Murdoch Press is so reliable.It's been known to employ the likes of Andrew Bolt, Gerard Henderson, Piers Ackermann, that Devine Gal, and my very favourite, Geoge Pell's great mate, Greg Sheridan. Now if you want the truth about anything happening in the world just ask these guys and they'll tell you straight and simple, Boy, you believe what Winston Churchill or Dubbya tells you, in fact, just believe everything Uncle Sam tells ya. With regard to building 7, the Official View will tell you that aeroplane fuel was responsible for the inferno that caused the Twin Towers to melt and smolder for months. ( Yeah, right, air plane is fuel that burns - once - at 970 degrees or something similar. In other words, you'll need over another thousand degrees of heat to melt steel structures.) That aside, no planes hit Building 7. No building of that size has EVER collapsed, especially in one and a half seconds, from fire, especially to the tune of continuous sounds of detonation . I wonder, Wrecker, if the Daily Mail proved that Pigs fly whether you'd believe it. And while I'm on topic, isn't is just ridiculously remarkable that a US FBI Agent, who later went to jail, discovered perfectly intact, the passport of one of the so-called Pilots, this was in smoldering rubble, two days later, would you believe. A remarkable scientific story, that a piece of paper would survive perfectly intact while the two tallest buildings in the world liquefied. Only an American can be so lucky, I guess. And if you believe that pigs fly I guess you'll also believe that a plane hit the Pentagon and left not only no rubble or plane or passenger wreckage, just a clean hole about the size of the front of a double fronted house, and even more significantly, an exit whole when part of it went through untold reinforced concrete walls and came out clean on the other side, and since there's no footage, presumably still flying out in space somewhere. And I won't mention the 6 gents of 'Arabic' appearance who were seen cheering and dancing when one of the buildings collapsed, who were reported by an onlooker, who the Police apprehended, their van full of explosives, who were identified as Israelis, who were released 6 weeks later, who then appeared on an Israeli Television talk show and when asked why they were there, and one of them replied, We were there to record it. I know, Wrecker, to you I'm just making all this stuff up.
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