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Everything posted by Melbman2

  1. Not me mate, I'm a genuine Afghan jackhammerist ditch digger with a sore arse! Could never work out why we had to dig all those ditches with a jackhammer either.
  2. If that guy reads AFL articles by Ablett then by all means we should include him in the debate.
  3. I'm starting to get the impression that you weren't a CS fan ;-)
  4. I think you make a good point and one that has been overlooked in that Scully's pay packet could be hindering them in a way that we have now taken advantage of. Interesting.
  5. As long as he brought 500K along with him
  6. It seems that if a sophisticated team doping regime is instituted, which takes time for authorities to investigate and cross check, then by the time penalties are imposed there is scope for significant back dating. Do they rub out past team performances/points for individual breaches during the backdating period? A simple breach such as energy drink consumption or substance importation can be dealt with swiftly and penalties are future bans. Summary; the more you cheat, lie and obfuscate, the lesser the penalty in a team sport. (possible exaggerations involved here but still.....)
  7. I like your post. Also, just on the fruit thang, plenty of examples of fruit being the perfect fuel. Try Mike Arnstein. 100 mile race winner. fastest American over the distance, is a fruit guy. http://www.thefruitarian.com/ I tried it but it is psychologically tough to live on raw. Lasted only 5 months before cravings got the better of me ;-)
  8. Depends. If they are talking high meat content then nature provides plenty of examples where meat eaters have little endurance while their prey, the vegetarians can run and leap all day. The China study, the largest study by a long shot of human nutrition, also comes to the conclusion that a vegetarian diet is more healthful and conducive to longevity. (plenty online bagging the China study but none that really debunks it) Plenty of examples when people from high carbohydrate (plants as grown as opposed to processed carbs) low fat culture become ill and overweight when moving to a western country where they adopt the SAD diet. there are also examples where a twin has moved to a western diet while the other remained in their own country (low fat Japan I think was one example) One positive of the paleo diet could be that by cutting out starchy foods like bread and potatoes, the meat consumed no longer ferments due to poor food combining and less energy is consumed in digestion. Plenty of evidence for people who don't drink getting cirrhosis of the liver which could be attributed to poor food combining. Just remember, there is no sandwich in nature (to borrow a quote). Meat is eaten with meat and fruit only with fruit. I've experimented on myself with the above over 30 years with Pritikin diet (mainly an unprocessed cooked vego diet), food combining, raw low fat vegan and SAD all complete with blood tests and various athletic pursuits and have found that a high meat diet for me just does not work. It kills my energy, raises my cholesterol, bilirubins & uric acid resulting in bone density loss, psoriasis, worsening of osteo arthritis I developed from heavy lifting in primary school (things were different back then ;-). Anyway, my eldest is a DR and its amazing that things Pritikin espoused 40 years ago are year by year becoming mainstream. (he had to argue in the 60's that his heart disease was not a genetic fault and that he must be able to reverse it which he did) One thing I have found is that medical training is great at pointing out conditions and drug therapy required to "fix" but lousy at root cause analysis. Point in fact is diabetes. There have long been claims that fat in the blood stream prevents insulin from escorting sugar into the cells which is why they end up with high blood sugar. Ever noticed there are no natural foods that are high in fat AND sugar? Durian would be the closest but if eaten on its own causes no issues. Anyway, just my 2¢ worth
  9. A minor point but when/if Jobe and Fletcher are found guilty, does the result of the international game get reversed because drug cheats were playing? If not then AFL can't really back date their penalties.
  10. Yep, big job that. AFL can't just find out the cost on match day, nooo siree, too hard a task to leave the corporate box and walk 20 meters. Nup!. Must form a committee, have a team kick off dinner, engage a mates recruitment company to source data collectors. Another team dinner (minus the data collectors of course). Collect data over a 12 month period, interpret data into a report then lose the the report once all have forgotten it even started. Huge job.
  11. Yep, i can't see how insurance would pay out on something that contravened regulations. Shareholders happy?
  12. This sums it up for me: Tom Howe then asked another ‘rhetorical question’: “Despite the Act, the Rules, the WADA Code, and the premium placed on investigative functions, if a sporting body exerts contractual power, how is it that ASADA is unauthorized to receive such information?” It could only be as a matter of implied prohibition and statutory construction, that ASADA would be unauthorized to receive those answers to those questions. He then described this proposition (which just happens to be the Appellant’s key contention) as “extraordinary”. To me that says "show me explicitly why in legislation we could not conduct a joint investigation Mr Hird?" to which he cannot.
  13. Hey Sam, while you're down there, kick MC in the goolies for us!
  14. I wonder if the insurance companies can claw any back once the dust has settled?
  15. I'd lie about the year for sure and blame it on administrative error if it ever came up after commencement. I doubt once you show how awesome you are that they'd care anyway ;-)
  16. Agreed, will take more than a year to get a tank. Maybe the 1 year is for a look-see on potential in their system.
  17. It would kind of suck next year playing for Essendon if you hadn't been involved in the shenanigans yet you had to play for no points and or were getting pumped week after week cos half the team was banned.
  18. Yeah, i vaguely remember that. Didn't cricket one summer turn it into an upmarket banana lounge section?
  19. Interesting argument that the evidence of a convicted drug supplier can't be used because he supplied the drugs in this case. Seems an interesting catch22
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