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Everything posted by Melbman2

  1. I thought some folks might be interested in pics of old newspaper I found under carpet in Ballarat few years back. Here is as good a thread as any.
  2. Maynard had the collective memory of every action he has ever made on the football field and the outcomes of those past actions. To say he only had "split seconds" is to pick a point in time to suit a particular outcome. He had all the experience from years of football to know exactly the outcome of his actions. Anything less than 6 weeks and he should consider himself lucky. Deliberate, dangerous, reckless, negligent and brutal. Hang him high for all to see.
  3. https://twitter.com/melbournefc/status/1046995373632442368
  4. One more year of his involvement in drafting, on top of the one at the end of this year, will set us up very very well.
  5. I wonder if we would have discovered the current frenetic game style had we won against Ess. Will never know I 'spose.
  6. Yep, we looked so much better when he was on the ground in the middle. More game time = more win for sure!!
  7. An overly enthusiastic post there son! Assisted much?
  8. Wasn't Ox quoted here as stating on SEN that Neeld overruled Viney on Wines/Toump. There was also a media report at the time of a falling out between Viney & Neeld but it was never elaborated upon but the timing of draft time led me to assume it was the Wines/Toump issue.
  9. You could hear on TV him saying "for F... sake mate, for F... sake" When Cross got taken high in the third, you could hear a Dee calling a tiges player an "effing weak dog"
  10. They must have been pissing themselves laughing on the inside
  11. Will sound a bit sappy but that was really heart warming
  12. If CAS get a shot at Essendon, Magner may well get another run, more strategy than anything else from James. Or I'm just in a good mood today and feeling lenient.
  13. Just a slight correction. He hasn't always been a port player and it was the time immediately prior to him becoming a port player that keeps this thread alive. As far as get over it goes, well I feel there are different levels of "get over it". I'm past the "I can't believe we didn't draft Ollie, gee I hope it doesn't come back to bite us, he was Viney's mate and a competitive beast from all reports" I'm also past the "It has come back to bite us what were we thinking?". (for the most part anyway) But I still suffer from the effects of horrifically disturbed Dees nostalgia that creeps into the minds of most Dees supporters. You know the feeling, sitting around chatting with your mates about draft wins and our stories are all the ones about coulda, shoulda but didn't type disturbed reflections. That's where my level of "get over it" sits, almost cured but still bear the scars.
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