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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. OMG I went to the shop last night and could only buy the smallest bananas I ever seen! What going on in the world so that can happen? Curse you Coles! As a WA Company it your responsibility to look after us first!
  2. Why did we not hold him to his contract then?
  3. old dee Big Brother is watching you. May be its time for a Banana Drink?
  4. Been to China and Syria. Loved both places but would not want to live there.
  5. Love your passion on this topic but in this case I can not agree with you. Unless I see some information that would change my mind I am going to support the little guy here. The statements that implied that a big multinational company is picking on a small rural town is clearly wrong. MacDonald's is not going to build or operate any store in this Town. The Franchise owner is taking all the risk and funding all the development. That the beauty to companies like MacDonald's with allowing franchises, they expand their business without taking any business risks or providing any capital. I am not sure of your understanding of local government or town planning schemes? But the community would have had an opportunity to comment of the town planning scheme and zoning that allowed the store to get approval by the State. If the community was so against this type of development why did they not object during this process? Also the community did have an opportunity to comment /object to the development, if I remember correctly 1,600 submissions had been received. Usually in this process only objection that cover actual planning issues would be considered by the local government/Council. It will be a sad day indeed when planning decision are based on the actual business/company and not the type business and actual activity to be undertaken. IMO blind Freddy could see what would happen to any development and how corrupt the system would become. IMO it crazy to say that development of this type is Okay but we don't want a MacDonald's store there. So I would ask you to stop supporting the radical mob and come support the small business man who wants make a dollar on land he is legally entitled develop and give job opportunities to this community.
  6. Congrats This thread has just had over 150,000 views :rolleyes:
  7. True Do you know when the funeral is on? May Messendon RIP
  8. No send MN to WCE Now that would be funny as may be their drug out players could understand his game plan
  9. Clean you need more control over your husband as he has too much spending money if he can afford a Collingwood Membership as well. You done a fantastic job so far but I would recommend setting seats in the middle of the MFC cheering Squad. Right next to the loudest and most colourful Supporter would be the ideal location. Throw out all his Collingwood Clothing and Dress him in MFC gear. Take lots of photos and send the pictures too all his mates and family. If you truly love your husband you can't just stand around an let him support a team like Collingwood, its just not right. IMO you should be voted Australian wife of the year, keep up the good work. :rolleyes:
  10. 1. banana problem Share on twitter Share on facebook Share on more 17 up, 5 down 1. Not knowing where or when to stop. 2. In computer programming, an algorithm with incorrect termination conditions that leads to over repetition From the story of the kid who said, "I know how to spell 'banana,' I just don't know when to stop." Examples: The 23rd cup holder in an SUV or software bloated from unneccessary bells and whistles.
  11. You know the Tiger men can not keep up with her so she wants a real man an Demon man
  12. BB have you got a problem with banana products LOL :rolleyes:
  13. LOL I was trying a joke about the long hair hippies of the 60's but it sounds like the cutting has happened years ago. Well today its all about shaving the head.
  14. See above for my comments. Personally I don't care either way if the MacDonald's store is open or not. Its easy to bag a company like MacDonald's but I not sure if people truly understand the implications if development can be stopped in this way. Although there no problem asking the company to move the development somewhere else. Has anyone offered to buy the business/land at its market value or do they just expect him to just go away? Do you know which Council this place belongs to as it would be interesting to read the Council Report on the development?
  15. My DVD & Blu Ray collection would be about that size as well. But only been a MFC for over 1 decade now as I had time off for good behaviour.
  16. My recommendation is to replace the shotgun with a chainsaw as it has such a higher fear factor. The boys will fear you for decades to come so sign then up for 10 year MFC memberships at a time.
  17. Sorry OD its no longer 1964 so it time to get dressed and cut your hair and go to work.
  18. Thanks for that it was a good article to read. At lunch now but will make my comments when I get back home after work.
  19. Oh I see. I rarely watch TV these days as its not worth the effort.
  20. It is my understanding that Sky was owned by Murdoch and he is no ALP supporter. But hay never let the facts get in the way of a good story.
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