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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. I did get that feeling. but he should have left it to the extender DVD IMO
  2. Sensible move to me. There are evil people out there that may try to convert her to Collingwood. As a good Dad you need to get in first and protect her future. You should also get a few spare membership application for the MFC for when she gets older and starts to bring boys home.
  3. There is a few that would need to partner up to even get that high in a week.
  4. When is the 2nd movie of the Hobbit due for release? Did so love the Lord of the Rings but the ending was poor.
  5. Good Question Yet to be determined Congrats on your Birthday (Yesterday)
  6. Never a truer words have been said. I liken him to George W Bush Jnr, so bad he is in fact dangerous. Oh well a few more years with leaders like Rudd, Gillard and Abbott then it will be perfect timing to restart WA independence movement again. We already had a successful referendum to leave Australia and with the continued poor leadership in Canberra it appears a better option would be to take a third of the country's land mass and start again. The first clause in the new constitution would have to be NO DH ALLOWED IN THE NEW PARLIMENT. I said it before and I say it again. Surely the Liberal Party has a better leader then Abbott! The guy is a Power Hungry Fool who must be under the control of certain faceless people, IMO there no other logical explanation. Please don't tell me that Abbott's a MFC supporter as surely we could not go that low.
  8. IMO the rule of the mob is a dangerous thing. Just look what happened in Athens when decisions were based on popular vote. It appears to me that democracy has indeed worked here. As the people elected officials to determine what type of development is allowed in the area by setting a Town Planning Scheme. If this was not the case then the local SAT would not have over turned the Local Councils decision not to allow the development. I am sure the Council know that their decision would be over turned on appeal but wanted to be seen supporting the Mob who would have been at the meeting. IMO the Councillors should personally pay the Developers appeal costs. Just because the Mob hate the thought of having a MacDonald's store in the area which by the way will be owned and operated by a local business person (another local) is no reason the business should not be allowed to operate.
  9. Okay so who saw Sir Les Patterson Saves the World? If yes, what did you think?
  10. Fantastic NEWS. I can now say bad things against Bananas here, right?
  11. In defence of Abbott only having one female cabinet minister I would just like to say, would you want to work with a fool as leader? One can only assume they are waiting to the real Liberal Leader to come forward, I know I would.
  12. Now when you got the impression that Tony Abbott was progressive did you ask him if was a prepared speech or an off the cuff comment? As this does have a bearing on if he told you the truth or not. If you have any spare cash my recommendation is to invest in comedy businesses, their about to make a fortune taking the micky out of Tony and his Merry Men.
  13. My brother in law who I a Saints Supporter thinks it will be them at the bottom of the ladder next year as they will need to rebuild soon. I had recommend CS as their CEO as he has so much experience in the area of team Development and Sponsorship retention.
  14. Then OD you must be our King of Posting! Long live the King.
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