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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. Sorry I may be showing my normal disinterest in other clubs unless there a major scandal but are the Bears/Lions at war again?
  2. We are looking at trading BB to Bomerblitz but Sensational Saints are showing some interest
  3. Anyone going to do something special for next weeks grand final?
  4. Sexy women wear red and blue All others are just pretenders
  5. Its the USA so it would have been because they got the cheapest quote for the electric switch device.
  6. So there only two things I want for Xmas. One relates to tomorrow and the other is for someone to stop the purple plague today. C'mon Sydney!
  7. The USA has enough nuclear weapons to destory the entire world 1,000 over! Personally I would call that a rogue State!
  8. No not at all. IMO its the process that is important part of this issue. I really don't care if this particular development goes ahead or not. But I also can not sit back and let clearly bias and unworkable planning systems go unchallenged. Planning and Development can't simple be approved or rejected by having a popularity contest as this system simple will not be workable for obvious reasons. There needs to be a fair and equitable system for all parties which includes the land owner and local community. In this particular case if the community which includes people who pass though the area, truely do not support this development then the store will have very few customers and be forced to close. IMO there is a small group which is well organised leading this protest which is there right. However once the legal process are completed which happened when the VCAT made its decision this groups actions become harrassment and bullying which IMO is unacceptable. The simple fact is the community has had the opportunity for input in this process via the development and amendment of their local Town Planning Scheme etc and also when the Development application was considered by their Council. They also gave a presentation to the VCAT to present their case for rejecting the development. Just because the outcome was not in their favour does not mean the local community did not have a voice in this process. I don't know if you noticed but the local Shire did not even send someone to the VCAT to defend their Council's decision. IMO this is because they know their Council's decision was not based of the fact or acceptable planning consideration so their decision was also going to be over turned on appeal and they know it. Therefore you can not blame VCAT for doing their job of independantly assessing the decision of the Council and find that an approval should have been issued, thereby making a ruling to over turned the Council's decision. The comments about loss small family businesses may or may not be correct. But a development of this nature will draw more people to the community which the local businesses would have an opportunity to take advantage of and therefore actual make more money. Only a fast food business or coffee shop would be at risk from this development but if they focus on customer service and making their business better the MacDonald's shop they too can prosper. If however the local business people just want the easy dollar without providing a good product or level of service then they may well be forced to close their doors. You are as always, entitled to your opinions and so am I, so lets agree to disagree on this one. Go the Dees!
  9. Below is the recommendation of Shire Officers with regards to this development: RECOMMENDATION That Council resolve to issue a Notice of Decision for the approval of Planning Application YR-2011/647–1529,1529A, 1531 and 1533 Burwood Highway, Tecoma for buildings and works associated with a convenience restaurant, including acoustic boundary fence, creation and removal of easements, variation to existing easements, erection of associated signage including internally illuminated signage and removal of vegetation subject to the following conditions ... Council went against its own Officer Recemmendation on this Development. I guessed this would of happened in an earlier post on this topic. No wonder the development was approved by the State on appeal. It is interest to not that a Supermarket was earlier approved on this site by Council but the approval was revoked by VCAT on appeal. This be worth a read http://www.yarraranges.vic.gov.au/files/c8e337f0-4784-4925-a2f4-9f7201122ce3/11-10-11Item8-1.pdf and http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/vic/VCAT/2012/1539.html
  10. VCAT Hearings and How to Lodge an Appeal The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) is an independent body responsible for hearing any appeal relating to planning permits and the enforcement of the Yarra Ranges Planning Scheme (eg enforcement orders). Hearings are listed under the Planning and Environment section of VCAT. The State Government appoints VCAT members to hear appeals, who are qualified planners and specialists in related fields. Anyone involved in a permit application, including the applicant and objectors, can lodge an application to VCAT if they are unhappy with our decision. Such applications are referred to as an "Application for Review". A fee is payable when an application is lodged. Lodging an appeal is a very serious matter that must be considered carefully as it involves a lot of time and expense on behalf of all other parties involved in the application or case. Once an application has been made to VCAT for review, it can only withdrawn in agreement with VCAT. What happens at an appeal hearing? All VCAT hearings are open to the public and are held at 55 King Street, Melbourne. All of the parties involved in the application or enforcement issue make a verbal and written submission to the Tribunal. It is common for people to make their own presentation to the Tribunal. Lawyers or consultants are often hired to act on behalf of various parties, particularly if the matter is a complex one. Sometimes other experts are also hired as witnesses to provide specialist input, for example a heritage specialist or a landscape architect. During the hearing other parties can choose to cross examin those have made a verbal submission. Once hearing all of the submissions the Tribunal then adjourns to consider the information put to it. Usually the member(s) also visit the site. A written decision is then issued, which is based on the proposal's planning merits. As part of the decision, the Tribunal will direct Council to take a certain course of action. Council must implement this action.
  11. I am assuming VCAT is like WA's State Administrative Tribunal (SAT) This is an important process for when the Local Government's Council makes an error as clearly in this case it did. My initial thoughts on this Council is how gutless they are but really if they had 650 protestors at the Council meeting them they likely had concerns for their own safety, which is totally understandable. The Council would have been well aware that their decision would be over turned on appeal because they had not legal grounds to reject the development application. I suspect that certain members wanted the VCAT to make this decision so they counld not be held responsible for approving the development. I have see this happen a number of times at Council meetings with elected members actually saying that what they want. Council members are politicians after all. I will address there rest of your statements in my next post as that would be more appropriate,
  12. Wait until the new PM starts being out his new policies. My cat has more brain cells then that lemon.
  13. How does that song go again, thats right " I don't care" :)
  14. Replace him with Mark Neeld I would vote for that
  15. Personally I am going to watch the mighty Blue and Red's smash the soon to be WCE Reserve team I can hear us singing Its a Grand Old Flag now!
  16. I personal hate these types of games but that no reason other should not enjoy them. As I am more a MMO gamer myself. The average age for gamers in Australia was around 32 last I saw. I have player with guys around the world but the oldest I think was a South Australian lady who I guess was over 70. So you are never too old to play.
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