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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. Just opened my membership renewal and there a Grand Final Guarantee option ROFL Like I will need that option in 2014. What are the chances of the MFC coming from the worst AFL team in one year to the one of the best the following year? They should have called this option the Pay Roos Salary and I would have donated the $80 in a heart beat.
  2. No you are a Saint. But you not learnt the few tricks every good man should know. Firstly, when you go on such trips, plan ahead and find a number of escape routes or places you can hide until the danger has passes. Secondly, find the most expensive thing your wife would not want you to buy and buy it. Repeat this stage on every trip you are forces, I mean volunteer to go on. Then take your wife and Daughters on equal man time so for every minutes you spend doing their thing they must spend doing your thing, but ear plugs are a must otherwise it will not work. This is great way to encourage them to reduce their time shopping. Go to the hardware, sport stores etc any place you will enjoy and they will hate. If all else fails and your are required to go on more four hour shopping trips. Then just pay them off with cold hard cash. I know BBO and Moon would have really great suggestions for you as well. No thanks needed BB as we are here to help another Dees Supporter any way we can.
  3. Oh then your allowed to make a comment then. All is forgiven.
  4. You could added the 100 million given to expansion Clubs. If this money was return to the existing Clubs we would not have needed additional financial support an be a more sustainable Club. C.Mon uncle Vlad can I have another 2.7 million, pretty please! The AFL only has the members Clubs Money, not their own. As without the Clubs they would have nothing.
  5. Who here is not a MFC Supporter?
  6. I can go back to some gaming time now. All this talk about Tanking has rekindled my interest in The World of Tanks and I still have so much to do in Guild Wars 2.
  7. OD everyone loves you here. It just when you go over 10,000 posts you must have an Avatar! I have a few dozen suggestions for you in that area. Thanks all it been a blast on the Demonland Forums. Just keep in mind that we may not agree with each other on many things, we do on that topic that really counts. We all support the MFC!
  8. I always thought Big Vlad was just a show pony. To me I respect him for supporting the MFC but don't think he been good in the long term for the League. But in all cases time will tell if I am right or not about the future of Australian Rules Football.
  9. Loved to watch him as a player. Pity he with the Hawkes but hope its not long term.
  10. Now the only thing left to do this year is see who the MFC recruits and what will happen to Messendon. Its been a long and draining season for me so very glad its now over. Nice to meet you guys on this forum as I live in Country WA so there is very few MFC supporters around here. I have enjoyed having a joke or two as well as venting on the Demonland Forums this season. God knows I needed it at times. Oh OD this Avatar symbolises the MFC needs to be much more unforgiving and aggressive in the 2014 and beyond seasons. No more Mr Nice Demon.
  11. I don't need to be harsh as its the way he attacks those that may disagrees with him that ensures he always loses every argument. But I did see you give him a spray or two.
  12. I could go and see if he has a brother as I am sitting in the Wheatbelt right now LOL
  13. Keep this to yourself but I think BBO is a little upset that you keep rejecting his sister
  14. May be next year they can have dwarf running which can be sponsored by the Saint Kilda FC
  15. Once they stop following due process and started their harassment and bullying campaign IMO they became a Mob. I seen footage of Police having to get involved in the protest, that means they have started to act illegally. No community can afford to have people doing what ever they want, just because they believe they have a right to do it. No the community had a right to express their views and opinions which they did do in the appropriate forums. But the umpire has made its decision so they need to respect the process and move on. With all due respect to Dee-luded I simply think he does not understand the purpose or the process of establishing Town Planning Schemes. Communities should have a voice with regards to their local area but this needs to be done in a fair and equitable way. As leaving decisions like this to popular vote would cause so many issues. A number of times he has stated that Money is our God. Well I have no God. Communities do in fact need money to survive so its important to allow areas for commercial purposes like retail etc. This is not an evil thing to do. Personal I don't care if the Maccas store opens up or not.
  16. No I support communities. Its unfortunate but it appears you have completely missed the point of what I been trying to say here. As I live in a residential area therefore a Tattoo Parlour is not allowed to open up next door to me. That what zonings and Town Planning schemes are all about as they are designed to protect communities by allow appropriate developments/activities in specific areas only. Communities need residential, commercial, industrial , cultural, civic etc. areas set aside. In this case however part of the community is the land owner who has a legal right to develop his land as long as its consistent with the zoning in which it is sited. The community had an opportunity to have input into setting the Town Planning Scheme which included the zones etc. It clearly that the community did not object to the zoning in this case as there appears to be a number of businesses offering similar foods for sale and no one objected to these stores operating in this area. I even taken the time to look at the street and surrounding areas via Goog Maps. IMO a Maccas store would not be inconsistent with the other commercial buildings already there. In fact I would think it would improve the standards in the area by having a modern building there. I believe in fairness to all and that would not happen if it was left to a majority vote with regards to this or any other development. As your are actually advocating to remove the land owners rights to use his own property without any compensation. It appears to me most if not all the agreements against this development are based on BS (Made up issues or ones that can be managed). How would you like it if you wanted to build a shed in your back yard which is a similar shed to every other property in the street but your neighbours hate you so they all object to you having this shed? Another example is you wanted to start a fish and chip shop next door to another fish and chip shop, but the owner of that other store objected to your business, as they did not want the competition and the other owner is more popular in town. No, my mind is clear here as I am well aware of this issues your system of popular vote on development issue will cause the communities etc. They can be times when decisions have to be made for the good of the wider community e.g. where should potential offensive industries such as egg farms be located. Under your system they would likely not be allowed anywhere. For the third or fourth time I must state this is not about the money or even if the Maccas store actually opens up. To me its about having a fair and equitable system for development.
  17. BBO love to but just had to drive 2 hours to my other place to do chores and then drive back here So I need a drink or two first.
  18. BB do you need me to show her how then, as it appears you have been neglecting you duties' ROFLMAO
  19. Come on BB we all know you have a secret crush on her. You are with friends here so please tell us what you really think?
  20. I hope everyone is ready for the big day? Bananas, bear and meat pies for all for this special event. I have my special big event Avatar for you all to enjoy. So relax, sit back and enjoy the Shockers getting a flogging from the Hawks.
  21. You can never meet a more parochial Sandgroper then me. So if you screw around with my WA Football team,I will always want Vengeance! Methcoast did and will again with their WAFL Host Club arrangements, so I am no longer a supporter and have the same issues with regards to the Shockers. These arrogant Clubs cost my WAFL team at least one Grand Final win. Therefore I can only wish them both bad luck and misfortune. It will be a cold day in Hell before I would support either of them again. My WA Team which I have supported since I was three or four (way before the AFL started) wears blue and red and sings "Its a Grand Old Flag" and are the 2013 WAFL Premiers. So you can all understand why IMO there is only one AFL team worth supporting? So my heart beats true for the Dees in the AFL. Therefore any other AFL team is at best only second rate to me anyway. Go the Dees!
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