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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/23 in all areas

  1. 20 points
  2. The trading process started late last week with the List Managers/Recruiters annual meeting to discuss their list status and trade posibilities. To flag mfc being 'open to a trade' all it had to do was leave Clarrie off the so called 'untouchables' list. Or there was some other mechanism at that meeting to flag mfc's position. Naturally, clubs started doing their homework. It was only a matter of time before the info reached Twomey and Beveridge. MFC didn't leak a possible Oliver trade - it is part of the trading process. This also answers the question of how other clubs came to know that mfc was open to trading him. It is worth noting that his management made no comment and the club has not denied the story. Clubs don't let Oliver type players go without exceptional reasons. We don't know what they are but shouldn't doubt that being open to trading him is the result of a long and considered process.
    17 points
  3. McQualter rocking up on his first day ... Seriously though. Great appointment and welcome to Demonland.
    14 points
  4. Perhaps no comment is an indication of our strategy? Which I hope involves giving clarry a massive rocket and wake up call. Like every dees fan I would be shattered if clarry left. But there was plenty of publically available evidence of lack of professionalism on his part this year. Applying the iceberg principle there was no doubt more stuff not in the public arena. Another year of distractions could torpedo next season and beyond. For goody it is all about creating a team that is contention every year. Culture underpins that goal. Crossroads for clarry me thinks. I was absolutely against trading out Watts. But I acknowledged the club had all the info and respected the right of goody to make the call. And hard to argue it wasn't the right call. I'll put my trust in the club to make the right call again.
    14 points
  5. Well said mate. The club is bigger then the individual and whilst I don't think he'll get traded, supporters do need to brace themselves for the reality that it definitely could happen. Unpopular opinion here but I have full trust in Goodwin and the list management however way they handle this situation.
    13 points
  6. This is a place of opinions, so you’re entitled to yours. My opinion is you and I probably know less than 10% of what has transpired/is transpiring and we’re therefore incapable of reliably diagnosing what state of ‘repair’ the relationship is in. I’ll defer my trust to those that known more than 10% of what is going on.
    12 points
  7. Like the sky was falling when Max went down against Brisbane, you have no capability to think anything but the worst in every scenario. Young players get opportunity through injury and suspension and teams adjust when players are out, like we did during Clarry’s absence this season. As for Brayshaw every player in the competition is 1 hit away from a career ending concussion just like Daniel Venables. Whatever the outcome things will be fine, we will have Oliver back focused or we will have picks that JT and Lamb have shown they will use wisely. Teams need to continually evolve. The sun came up today, I’m still breathing and my family are healthy, life’s good look at positives and enjoy it
    11 points
  8. My question is how the heck am I supposed to get any work done today now?!?!
    11 points
  9. I don't think it's about being seduced by picks this time mate. It's about maintaining the culture that the club has tried so hard to foster, and maximising what is a dreadfully sorry and sad situation. Clarry is my favourite player, I'm devastated. But we've got the picks this year to work a deal that could rejuvenate our list. The other thing not being talked about is the potential dramatic impact not having Clarry in our midfield will have on our game style. Collingwood have shown you don't need an elite midfield to win a flag. They've bucked the trend in that regard. I trust JT, Lamb and the broader club to do what's right for the MFC here. As gut wrenching as that is. I suspect many of us are so strongly bonded to Clarry because we waited so long for an elite midfielder and then we got him, he helped us win a flag and now here we are...
    11 points
  10. What Collingwood did with De Goey and Richmond did with Dusty is irrelevant. There is not one person on this forum, or one supporter who understands anywhere near as much about what is going on as those making decisions at the club. The ongoing assumption that ‘Melbourne just aren’t putting their arms around Clarry’ like Collingwood did with De Goey is naive.
    11 points
  11. His stats pre injury Round 1: 37 and a goal Round 2: 25 and 2 goals Round 3: 34 Round 4: 41 in that shocking loss to Essendon Round 5: 31 and a goal Round 6: 37 Round 7: 28 Round 8: 34 and a goal Round 9: 30 against Port playing the last quarter with an injured hamstring. He was on 38 votes in the coaches award by round 10 I understand stats don’t always tell the whole story, but he was consistently our top 1-2 players every game. As for Brownlow votes, Neale won it so we know how much that says.
    10 points
  12. I once stood next to him at a Mexican restaurant. He told me he was keen on the beef burrito. Make of that what you will…
    9 points
  13. Shut the borders Dan! No one out.
    9 points
  14. Can't stand the crunt, whoever is feeding him info from the MFC should be burnt at the stake along side him.
    9 points
  15. Literally in the waiting room to get a vasectomy. I’m not sure what’s going to hurt more 😭
    9 points
  16. Your obsession with untried 18 year olds is ridiculous. You were one of the posters last year claiming this draft would be a super draft when most were saying that's the rhetoric every year. You also loved Weideman at draft time. You love potential, not actual proven elite AFL talent. To say Reid has a more rounded game than Oliver when he's never played an AFL game is frankly laughable. Having said that, in the long run, we may well be better off trading out Clarry and in Reid. But FMD, Reid's game is more rounded 🤦
    9 points
  17. He also drafted Weid He is a great recruiter but drafting is an imperfect science.
    9 points
  18. Will be good to see the entire team under one roof. All 12 of them.
    8 points
  19. That’s weird. I’m convinced @JimmyGadson and Eeyore are the same person. I can’t read your posts without doing the voice Jimmy!
    8 points
  20. Anyone else struggling to comprehend how she can be 7 months pregnant with a 2-year-old?
    8 points
  21. Shouldn’t take too long. I don’t post often.
    8 points
  22. Think about West Coast and Ben Cousins. They got a premiership with him, but their culture was a disaster and they never managed to win another. If Clarry threatens the culture, and we are not best placed to analyse this, the club is, then he has to go.
    8 points
  23. The only way you'd lose out on this is if it were to cause unrest within the group, club and individual. That would be a disaster. But if everyone was okay with it and we received what we should in way of picks, which would see us land Reid and and a McKertcher... We'd be better off as a team whether people want to hear that or not. Reid can play everywhere and displays exactly the same level of competitiveness and contested ball winning ability as Clayton. He's further advanced than Clayton at the same age and already possesses traits that Clayton doesn't. McKertcher is the class, user and runner we need so desperately for that link and connection. I'll be content if Clayton stays and can get help and endeavour to improve other aspects of his game. But I definitely won't be upset if all parties come to an agreement and believe it's best for club and individual.
    8 points
  24. Harley Reid has a more well rounded game than Clarry as it stands. Clarry hasn't improved his week areas, regardless of how good his contest work is. Many people are blinded by their love for one individual. Might just be the best thing for Clayton and us long term. Everyone thought a Collingwood would fall off a cliff once Treloar left and Stephenson (to a lesser degree). We've shown that we actually function better as a side without another inside specialist in the side. Why don't we wait and see, eh?
    8 points
  25. Back when I posted this, I was talking about the potential Oliver trade. All is now revealed, as promised.. #ETthetradebreaker. #No1inthebizz.
    8 points
  26. Staying according to this afl article Star Dog in talks, Power mid attracts interest, flag Dee to stay - https://www.afl.com.au/news/1048515 MELBOURNE forward Harrison Petty will stay at the Demons despite Adelaide's interest in the premiership player. The Demons will be in negotiations with the Crows to trade in forward Shane McAdam, with Adelaide having interest in luring back South Australian Petty. However, despite having a pull home, Petty is locked in to remain at Melbourne, where he is contracted for the next two seasons and highly valued as a part of the Dees' group.
    7 points
  27. Sweet Jesus. Might be easier to start a thread about who’s actually staying.
    7 points
  28. You can’t stuff up team selection if you trade away all your good players.
    7 points
  29. Sucking up to the boss already. No wonder he got the job. Hopefully he will also complement Goodwin, too.
    7 points
  30. Yeah look don't worry I definitely see that side of it as well, but I think Goody has now reached a point where enough is enough. He's backed these blokes long enough now and it hasn't paid off for the last 2 years. I think deep down he knows he's on borrow time with the list we have. @WalkingCivilWar made an interesting discussion around Goody giving the players an almighty spray after our loss to Carlton in the final. Whilst its seen as completely out of character, I think that was the sign right there that he was at tipping point and was simply fed up with the playing group after backing them to the tilt. Such an interesting few weeks coming.
    7 points
  31. You didn’t complain in 2021 when he won a flag and our B&F and the coaches award. A lot of revisionism on this board based off this season where he missed 10 weeks, and has also carried a knee injury heading into finals. He was brilliant prior to his injury. Short memories.
    7 points
  32. You need a lesson in spelling
    6 points
  33. My Nanna is from Wudinna, and her grandparents names are on the Australia Farmers monument located there, rest assured everyone I am not feeling lured to head “home”!
    6 points
  34. He was definately flirting with you.
    6 points
  35. he's contracted. will only be traded if it suits us. Harry comes across as a team player. very much doubt he would be hard managed like Clarry. he'll stay and be professional about it. The Clarry headlines have come like a bolt from the blue (to me anyways) but we need to stop jumping at shadows. stay calm people. P.S. i didn;t miss Tom Morris while he was in exile. He's a piece of....
    6 points
  36. He’s not from Adelaide. He’s from a town like 500km away.
    6 points
  37. That was the same meeting where the no bananas rule was repealed and the no live music rule was abandoned. I'm riding hard on the 'undefeated record-breaking season' wagon, so for me every game is absolutely crucial! I'm hugely invested in it. Once I got a taste of the possibility, I've wanted it more and more every time I think about it.
    6 points
  38. That doesn’t stand. He’s never played a game of football at the top level.
    6 points
  39. They’re a statistical anomaly Are we going to plan our future around a club that has just won a flag by winning finals by a combined total of 12 points and a lot of luck? I hope not An elite midfield is and always has been the most important element of being successful. It’s why we started our build with the midfield. I hope like hell that we don’t bend over and that we get a seriously good deal and at least one established player out of this disastrous turn of events. Draft picks that may or may not come good won’t cut it for mine. If we don’t win another flag with this current list in front of our home crowd at our home ground, this entire era will be a wasted opportunity. Supporting this club is exhausting
    6 points
  40. You have close to zero idea what they have been doing or attempting to do with him over the last 12+ months. Me too. That’s my point. Who’s to say they haven’t attempted on many occasions but he’s not responding sufficiently well to those attempts ?
    6 points
  41. I genuinely thought GWS were going to be bottom 4 this year after losing their midfield brutes Tarranto and Hopper..
    6 points
  42. Of what seemed like a limited selection of experienced coaches, he seemed like the best available - and it is an endorsement of the club that he wanted to come to us. He is coming from a highly successful culture, but also fits the mould of more humble leaders that are increasingly coming into the game, which Goody represents. I think he will also be excited to come to a fresh environment. Good start to the post-season.
    6 points
  43. Pretty sure I broke the story about Ben Kennedy coming to us.
    6 points
  44. See, this is the quandary. But I just can’t reconcile that while Clarry is a genuine star, his excellence simply doesn’t appear to translate into team success. Or at least not the success or dominance that I’d expect. His brilliance to win the footy on congestion, but then blindly banging the footy on his boot & kicking it in a way that sees it travel vertically moreso than horizontally, he’s become somewhat of cliche. I know he’s capable of more, but he just doesn’t do it.
    5 points
  45. Depends if he could get his hands free or not.
    5 points
  46. Nudge has been taking lessons at the school of @Grand New Flag
    5 points
  47. The general consensus is that footy is 90% between the ears; confidence, self-belief etc. We have a very experienced and accomplished player at our Club and people are questioning the decision to keep him on. 🤷‍♀️ Despite being routinely maligned by fans of his own club, Jake is extremely well-respected and highly valued by his teammates and coaching staff. He is much-loved by the players, in particular the younger players who look up to and admire him. This will undoubtedly be an asset next season, even though he won’t be playing. Nobody at our Club would consider him a waste of a spot on our list.
    5 points
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