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Dr Turf and Paul Gardner on SEN


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20 posts and still nobody can give us the run down on what happened :rolleyes:

I didn't hear the interview but was listening to SEN when Turfie was speaking with KB. The doctor sounded quite upset about the situation at Melbourne and KB kept on about him being the only passionate MFC supporter in town. I heard one caller who was a North Melbourne supporter who called to have a go at KB because what he was saying today about Melbourne is exactly what he said 6 months ago about the Kangaroos. The KB line is rubbish, as was the Trevor Grant column in the Herald Sun this morning which I have to say was an embarrasment to the newspaper in the way he conflated facts with opinion, some of it nonsensical.

The fact is that it's so easy to kick a man when he's down. The great majority of so-called football commentators have no idea about what really lies behind Melbourne's poor form at the moment so they are taking the easy option without any attempt at analysis or seeking an understanding of the changes necessary to implement the club's transition from what we were in 2007 to be able to compete with the Geelongs, Hawthorns and St. Kildas. It's not going to change overnight so we're going to have to put up with ignoramuses in the media who like taking pot shots at easy targets.

if and when can get apple to work I might add to thread.

just a suggestion...its a sound grab...why is it saved as a mov ?? :huh:

Real Player for me

Hehe, im trying in reaplayer but i need to download an update another 1 1/2 hrs... is it worth it?

It was good, do your update first.


Its a quicktime file. You need Quicktime to play it.

Basically, Dr Turf told Gardner that he thought the board was doing a crap job and was incapable of running a football club!

Its a quicktime file. You need Quicktime to play it.

Basically, Dr Turf told Gardner that he thought the board was doing a crap job and was incapable of running a football club!

And he stills hang on to the past, Turf cracked the sad's when his brother left the board ( voted out I think )

And he stills hang on to the past, Turf cracked the sad's when his brother left the board ( voted out I think )

I don't want to revive the bad old days but Dr. Turf was one of the people who publicly slagged Joe Gutnick at every opportunity when the Szondy group challenged him in 2001. He's entitled to criticise the current administration but I'd like to think that he would have learned by now that if you want the club to change in a positive fashion then the way to do it is to put your arguments forward constructively.

I didn't hear him tell Paul Gardner that he thought the board was "doing a crap job and was incapable of running a football club" but if he did, I hope he was able to back up these statements a fair bit better than he did when he used to rip into Joe Gutnick on David Hookes' radio show.


i get no sound either..

any chance someone can reformat to mp3 ?? or something :)



I listened. Sadly this was not what I wanted to hear from either party. United we stand divided we fall. Never air your dirty laundry in public.

Exactly when we need unity amongst all Melbourne supporters what do we get. Neither party ever wins an argument, its exactly what our opposition what us to do ... fight amongst ourselves.

Well sorry I'm not taking sides. I prefer to look for the positives and remind myself all Melbourne supporters want the same thing ... success.

Lets talk the positives ... Lets listen learn and unite for a common cause. Lets get behind Dean Bailey and the boys.

i get no sound either..

any chance someone can reformat to mp3 ?? or something :)


I think I have done that, how do I upload it to whoever?


Turfie was bagging the club on TVN the other week too! During the middle of a race meeting!! Concentrate on the tips Turfie!

Turfie was bagging the club on TVN the other week too! During the middle of a race meeting!! Concentrate on the tips Turfie!

I think he is tipping the Dees are going nowhere!


thanks :) a perceptually corrupted person ..lol :)


Thanks mate appreciate it!


KB is a dead set [censored].

This stuff really riles me up!!!

Please all you fellas living in Melbourne ring his segment tomorrow and get stuck into it. I dont understand i live in brisbane, i am a member, i watch every game on the weekend on the television i make a whole big day of it , i live and die with this club, WHAT CAN I DO? Please tell me KB? Tell me what us as supporters can do and im sure we will, he said we had 19000 members and i got an email saying we had 23 and half thousand members today, more than the bulldogs and lions i think.

KB is a dead set goose and i really hope some of you guys ring up this station tomorrow and express how much u love our team too

Actually can frankie or the mods edit the title of this thread too a petition of people to call his segment tomorrow and get stuck into him


am i the only one upset at this?

Anyone going to call tomorrow ?

am i the only one upset at this?

Anyone going to call tomorrow ?

Bartlett is a [censored] and how he gets a gig on Radio is beyond me. He came out with an idiotic comment the other day about a Demon supporter Friend who has just sold his Chalet at Bulla and was looking to place a bet on the Dees this week, seriously this bloke is from the 50's and his humour shows it.

I heard just the last part of this today when he was ranting about Dr Turf being the only Demon supporter that is jumping up and down. He obviously doesn't listen to his own station because that's all that's been on lately, Demon supporters complaining.

am i the only one upset at this?

Anyone going to call tomorrow ?

No mouse not at all. I'd like to get a few facts from the Melb board though. What are our figures, what we are doing to try and reach our target of 30k by the deadline and what our next steps are off the field. Hopefully Paul Macca has a few naswers for us.

I can't believe a bloke like Dr Turf is baggin the club on radio, Farken stand fast Turf. Let us stand as one and present a united front, instead he rips into the board but presents no solutions. If you have issues raise them with Gardner off air you w2nka.


Fantastic work Frank

Its really worth the listen (even if it takes ages to download - if you have slow internet like me)

Gardner does seem to handle himself quite well when coming under fire. Remains calm, sticks to the question, even when Dr Turf came straight out and said that he didn't think the board was competent.

KB - not sure if he was playing Devil's advocate to try and generate a positive response from Melbourne supporters, but was very dissapointed in his comments

I plan to call up tomorrow


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