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Of Course, Cyril gets off


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On 09/08/2016 at 0:48 AM, Ted Fidge said:

How about a change of pace?

Try something like this: “A most notable coward, an infinite and endless liar, an hourly promise breaker, the owner of no one good quality.”

Or this: “Methink’st thou art a general offence and every man should beat thee.”

Variety is the spice of life.

whatever else it was, it wasn't a push.  The MRP is full of crap.

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Former umpire Derek Humphery-Smith has described Hawthorn star Cyril Rioli as "incredibly lucky" not to receive a suspension for his bone-jarring bump on Melbourne youngster Clayton Oliver.


"I think he was incredibly lucky and the giveaway was that there were two different press releases from the match review panel yesterday – one of them came out and one shortly after," Humphery-Smith told SEN.


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I think you can look no further than the comments from Derek Humphrey-Smith in the Age "Hawthorn Hawks Cyril Rioli 'incredibly lucky' to avoid suspension, says ex umpire" here is an ex umpire at odds with the Rioli decision. I haven't seen the usual Hayden kennedy weekly rubbish justifying all the contentious decisions from last weekend. One can only hope the umpiring dept coaches the umpires on their errors, which of course they never admit too.

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38 minutes ago, deesrule said:

The thing that bugs me was that the two incidents referred to the Mrp and found guilty were not awarded free kicks to us and to rub salt in the Rioli one ended up with a soft free to him and a goal . Let's not even mention the fifty metres


Didn't the same happen in the Gold Coast game (or one recently) where a couple of players got fined for rough conduct or the like yet we were not awarded the free on the day?

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The bump was fantastic and is a great part of our game. Plus it woke Clarry up and he played a cracker.

I'm happy it didn't get weeks. If it was vice versa and Clarry steam rolled Rioli we would have already built a statue out the front of the G to worship our new ginger haired God.


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17 minutes ago, deeko said:

The bump was fantastic and is a great part of our game. Plus it woke Clarry up and he played a cracker.

I'm happy it didn't get weeks. If it was vice versa and Clarry steam rolled Rioli we would have already built a statue out the front of the G to worship our new ginger haired God.


rubbish deeko. deliberately shirtfronting an unsuspecting ball player who isn't in possession of the ball is a dirty, dangerous act and has no part in our game today or in the past. there is nothing tough or brave about such a cowardly act.  there are plenty of other brave physical acts that are rightly a great part of our game but this definitely wasn't one of them.

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14 minutes ago, daisycutter said:

rubbish deeko. deliberately shirtfronting an unsuspecting ball player who isn't in possession of the ball is a dirty, dangerous act and has no part in our game today or in the past. there is nothing tough or brave about such a cowardly act.  there are plenty of other brave physical acts that are rightly a great part of our game but this definitely wasn't one of them.

Absolutely nailed it.

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2 hours ago, deeko said:

The bump was fantastic and is a great part of our game.


Don't you know deeko? It's only fantastic when it's one of our players, when it's someone from another team it's dirty and if they don't get suspended it's a conspiracy!


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2 hours ago, daisycutter said:

rubbish deeko. deliberately shirtfronting an unsuspecting ball player who isn't in possession of the ball is a dirty, dangerous act and has no part in our game today or in the past. there is nothing tough or brave about such a cowardly act.  there are plenty of other brave physical acts that are rightly a great part of our game but this definitely wasn't one of them.


Such a huge difference between playing hard footy and being a dirty Hawthorn sniper.

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2 hours ago, Older demon said:

I think you can look no further than the comments from Derek Humphrey-Smith in the Age "Hawthorn Hawks Cyril Rioli 'incredibly lucky' to avoid suspension, says ex umpire" here is an ex umpire at odds with the Rioli decision. I haven't seen the usual Hayden kennedy weekly rubbish justifying all the contentious decisions from last weekend. One can only hope the umpiring dept coaches the umpires on their errors, which of course they never admit too.

We all know Rioli is a star but I have thought over the years he gets a very good go from the umps. He actually threw the ball about 20 metres on Saturday and it was ok and then he did the worst duck of the year to draw a free, causing the commentators to laugh.  

We have had 3 reportable incidents by Hawks looked at and not one drew a free. How is that possible? I hope we queried that as we won and can't be seen as whingers. 

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2 hours ago, daisycutter said:

rubbish deeko. deliberately shirtfronting an unsuspecting ball player who isn't in possession of the ball is a dirty, dangerous act and has no part in our game today or in the past. there is nothing tough or brave about such a cowardly act.  there are plenty of other brave physical acts that are rightly a great part of our game but this definitely wasn't one of them.

What should have alarmed the AFL is the impact of the bump - head or not  - and the whiplash it caused. Watch Oliver's head snap back from the force - low impact my butt and definitely dangerous.. 

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1 hour ago, nutbean said:

What should have alarmed the AFL is the impact of the bump - head or not  - and the whiplash it caused. Watch Oliver's head snap back from the force - low impact my butt and definitely dangerous.. 

But it was Cyril and he is delicious.

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7 hours ago, daisycutter said:

rubbish deeko. deliberately shirtfronting an unsuspecting ball player who isn't in possession of the ball is a dirty, dangerous act and has no part in our game today or in the past. there is nothing tough or brave about such a cowardly act.  there are plenty of other brave physical acts that are rightly a great part of our game but this definitely wasn't one of them.

DC it's going to happen when players are charging at the ball at the speed they go at. If the contact was to the scone it's a whole different scenario and they have to get weeks.

Cyril plays on the edge every game and hits harder than everyone else which made it look worse than it is. In my opinion if Clarry had disposed of it and was hit afterwards or hadn't taken possession at all I'd be calling for his head but the ball was there and impacts will happen. 

The really tough players will charge in and tackle front on. Imo that's one of the bravest things you can do, not this but it still doesn't mean I don't mind seeing s good bump now and then 

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10 minutes ago, deeko said:

DC it's going to happen when players are charging at the ball at the speed they go at. If the contact was to the scone it's a whole different scenario and they have to get weeks.

Cyril plays on the edge every game and hits harder than everyone else which made it look worse than it is. In my opinion if Clarry had disposed of it and was hit afterwards or hadn't taken possession at all I'd be calling for his head but the ball was there and impacts will happen. 

The really tough players will charge in and tackle front on. Imo that's one of the bravest things you can do, not this but it still doesn't mean I don't mind seeing s good bump now and then 

deeko, i can accept an incidental shirtfront (i.e. accidental, unavoidable, unintended or self-defence), but there is no place for the deliberate take-a-player-out shirtfront.

not only is it a cheap and dangerous action (even if head not hit) but it is my understanding it has been illegal for a few years now

everybody's opinion will no doubt change when we get the inevitable paraplegic shirtfront. meanwhile the afl go hot and cold on dangerous tackling. fcs even the nrl have banned what they call the "shoulder charge"


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3 hours ago, nutbean said:

What should have alarmed the AFL is the impact of the bump - head or not  - and the whiplash it caused. Watch Oliver's head snap back from the force - low impact my butt and definitely dangerous.. 

What alarms me is that a senior player does a high hit on a first year player with almost complete impunity (a $1000 fine for someone on Cyril's income is spare change), both in the game and at the MRP. Where's the deterrence? Where's the protection for young players? In the days when this sort of thing was "just part of the game", Rioli would have ended the game with his face rearranged, but even that's not possible now.

How "low impact to the body" got changed to "low impact to the head", without the penalty changing as a result was extraordinary. The only place that the impetus to change could only come from was MFC, as it was in nobody else's interests to change it. And the only place that the evidence for "low impact to the head" could have come from was MFC; it could only have come from the medical report. I don't believe that there was any desire on the part of MFC (or anyone else) to get Rioli suspended, but it must have been important to our side (perhaps to Ollie) that the charge read "low impact to the head".

I sincerely hope that the MRP, in their over-riding desire to avoid giving Rioli a suspension according to their own rules, were not tempted to misrepresent the evidence provided to them by MFC, and needed the MFC's intervention for the record to be corrected. There are a number of unique and strange features of this verdict, as Nasher pointed out originally, and the AFL must be hoping like hell that nobody (including Derek Humphrey-Smith, who has let the cat out of the bag) looks too closely at it before it becomes yesterday's news.

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9 hours ago, deeko said:

... If it was vice versa and Clarry steam rolled Rioli we would have already built a statue out the front of the G to worship our new ginger haired God.


If it was vice versa and Clarry steam rolled Rioli we would currently be deciding whether to contest the two-week penalty.

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13 hours ago, deeko said:

DC it's going to happen when players are charging at the ball at the speed they go at. If the contact was to the scone it's a whole different scenario and they have to get weeks.

Cyril plays on the edge every game and hits harder than everyone else which made it look worse than it is. In my opinion if Clarry had disposed of it and was hit afterwards or hadn't taken possession at all I'd be calling for his head but the ball was there and impacts will happen. 

The really tough players will charge in and tackle front on. Imo that's one of the bravest things you can do, not this but it still doesn't mean I don't mind seeing s good bump now and then 

No, he plays on the edge and hits harder than everybody else, which makes it exactly as bad as it looked.

Total cheap shot on a player who had eyes only for the ball, was fumbling it, and therefore had completely opened up the front of his body and wasn't expecting to be ironed out.

Why should we let players get away with crap like this because they 'play on the edge'. It's just complete nonsense.

There's just no place for that in footy.

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On 8 August 2016 at 3:38 PM, nutbean said:

Thanks DC - what rule is that ?

BTW  - i am incensed because the MRP have ruled it to the head - how is that not weeks ? 

Difference is that Bernie gets suspended when he does the wrong thing 

No scrutiny of the pick up spear tackles also sends a very mixed message.  Could have broken Weid's neck.  Would that have been deemed low impact too?  

Edited by monoccular
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4 minutes ago, stuie said:

Geez some of you guys must hate the way Bernie plays if this is how much you carry on...


Yup - sometimes I do. Viney in  every contest he goes to goes as hard as any footballer in the AFL  - yet I have no problem with the way he plays. 

I love Cyril's skill, his pace, his lateral movement, his marking - he is a genius. But he does have an unattractive side to his game.

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Just now, nutbean said:

Yup - sometimes I do. Viney in  every contest he goes to goes as hard as any footballer in the AFL  - yet I have no problem with the way he plays. 

I love Cyril's skill, his pace, his lateral movement, his marking - he is a genius. But he does have an unattractive side to his game.

I don't disagree with that, but I think this has been a bit of an overreaction. I thought his 3 spear tackles were much much worse than the bump. Just find it a bit cliche that so many are calling Cyril a sniper, but when Bernie plays dirty it's "finally Melbourne have some agro" and the like (not saying that was you btw nut, just talking generally).


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1 minute ago, stuie said:

I don't disagree with that, but I think this has been a bit of an overreaction. I thought his 3 spear tackles were much much worse than the bump. Just find it a bit cliche that so many are calling Cyril a sniper, but when Bernie plays dirty it's "finally Melbourne have some agro" and the like (not saying that was you btw nut, just talking generally).


I hate the way that Bernie waves his elbows around and gets rubbed out. But I absolutely love it when Oliver lays really clean, strong tackles, or when Viney attacks the ball when it's on the deck.

There's nothing wrong with playing hard footy. And there's nothing wrong with bumping per se, but it's not on to shirtfront someone who is going for the ball and has no opportunity to brace for the impact. And it's definitely not on to get them anywhere near the head in that situation. 

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Just now, Undeeterred said:

I hate the way that Bernie waves his elbows around and gets rubbed out. But I absolutely love it when Oliver lays really clean, strong tackles, or when Viney attacks the ball when it's on the deck.

There's nothing wrong with playing hard footy. And there's nothing wrong with bumping per se, but it's not on to shirtfront someone who is going for the ball and has no opportunity to brace for the impact. And it's definitely not on to get them anywhere near the head in that situation. 

Yep, and it should have been a free kick. But that's all IMO.

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18 hours ago, Redleg said:

We all know Rioli is a star but I have thought over the years he gets a very good go from the umps. He actually threw the ball about 20 metres on Saturday and it was ok and then he did the worst duck of the year to draw a free, causing the commentators to laugh.  

We have had 3 reportable incidents by Hawks looked at and not one drew a free. How is that possible? I hope we queried that as we won and can't be seen as whingers. 


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