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Roos says Watts the problem?

Barney Rubble

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DeeO, Neeld never bagged out Watts....not once.

Please, we can't hang him for everything!

Actually, you are incorrect. I wouldn't go as far as saying that the following articles are outright baggings of Watts (the connotations were subtle but unmistakable) but the messaging delivered towards him was more stick than carrot and something that needed to remain in house rather than being displayed for all the world to see. They didn't help.

Lift you game, Melbourne Mark Neeld tells Jack Watts.

Neeld's blank canvas.

With all that said, I do reckon Jack needs a spell at Casey sooner rather than later. If he has been dropped, it has always been seen as a 'punishment' and has been a Clayton's omission (he was always put back into the team the next week). The reason for his demotion should be for him to display consistently the behaviours required for him to get back into the 22. It should be seen the same way that Toump and Trenners stint in the twos were.

That being said it sounds like he will stay for this week.

Plus Roos didn't really spray he or Howey. I think he was firm but it wasn't an old fashioned Ron Barassi style bake.

Edited by Colin B. Flaubert
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Today I'm confident the players would have discussed this at length in the match review. Roos said a few weeks back he actually stands back and lets the leadership group run the review, pointing out good and bad plays.

I'm sure it would've all been constructive criticism with a fair dose of reality check for Watts. He's not only letting the team down but he's letting down himself with the talent he has. Unlike Neeld, Roos is a coach who can get that into the psyche of a player and get results. He knows Watts is a project player, but would be disappointed he's going backwards every week.

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I have been a huge supporter of Watts... The club paraded him around like he was the next Wayne Carey, before he'd even played a game... The pressure placed on his shoulders was a absolute joke... The work of a board hell bent on recreating the Norm Smith era... Its embarrassing what the MFC have done to these young men...

In three years they stripped the playing group of all on field leaders and expected Watts, Trengove and Scully to lead this club to a premiership...lol... Jeez... Surely they knew it was a flawed plan?

After watching Watts this weekend I can now see why supporters are upset... His game was terrible... He may never be great or the next Wayne Carey... But jeez, he needs to work hard than he did... We all saw his game... I can't think of excuses for him anymore... Maybe some time at Casey will do him some good... Take some pressure of him and allow him to play back into some kind of form... He needs to learn how to chase, tackle and general pressure acts... The club should employ a jujitsu master to teach him how to use his body... Because if this continues, he will go the way of Morton... Which will be a shame... He has talent and we need to find away to get it out of him...

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It's quite clear now that he won't be dropped. Discussion can now turn to what he needs to do against the Crows to restore some faith.

Grab some players in tackles with real authority, & all his strength... dump them to the ground. I don't care if he gives away free kick/s, just show it. If someone has a go at him they're also having a go at the jumper. Go back at them.

Show some spirit & fight back... don't lay on your back waiting for a tummy tickle.

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They talked about Watts on SEN this morning and Plough Wallace's thoughts were that the best option was for Roos to give Watts 4 to 6 weeks playing on the wing where he trained to be all season and see what he has to offer the team and tell him that is what you are doing. That is you have 4 to 6 weeks to demonstrate your worth. This seems a reasonable approach because the club has tried him in many rolls to try to identify his niche position. Most players are happy and willing to play the role they are assigned to.

This approach gives Jack some certainty of his near future and a sense of urgency that he needs to start to perform and a level of accountability as long as Roosey's expectations are made clear. Those expectations may be as simple as minimum tackle counts, pressure acts, defensive acts etc, all the stuff that anyone who is committed to the cause could do. All the things we don't see Jack do.

I would also have a sports psychologist working with him, some of those dropped marks under no pressure and handballs backward to anyone else remind me of someone who is not focused on the job at hand, devoid of confidence, thinking negatively about what could I stuff up next.

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I have been a huge supporter of Watts... The club paraded him around like he was the next Wayne Carey, before he'd even played a game... The pressure placed on his shoulders was a absolute joke... The work of a board hell bent on recreating the Norm Smith era... Its embarrassing what the MFC have done to these young men...

In three years they stripped the playing group of all on field leaders and expected Watts, Trengove and Scully to lead this club to a premiership...lol... Jeez... Surely they knew it was a flawed plan?

After watching Watts this weekend I can now see why supporters are upset... His game was terrible... He may never be great or the next Wayne Carey... But jeez, he needs to work hard than he did... We all saw his game... I can't think of excuses for him anymore... Maybe some time at Casey will do him some good... Take some pressure of him and allow him to play back into some kind of form... He needs to learn how to chase, tackle and general pressure acts... The club should employ a jujitsu master to teach him how to use his body... Because if this continues, he will go the way of Morton... Which will be a shame... He has talent and we need to find away to get it out of him...

agree with all that. But it is up to Jack as to how much he wants to play...
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Roos is obviously trying to get the most out of Watts by using the carrot rather than stick. I think this is the correct approach. (Although Watts’ game on the weekend would have tested his patience and I would always pick our best 22. I doubt he is in it the way he is playing.)

I also think Roos realises he has more chance of improving Watts’ intensity and turning him into an AFL footballer than he has improving the skills of the alternatives (McKenzie, Nicholson, Evans, Fitzpatrick etc).

he also pulled those 2 players aside to give them a Rev up, for the reason to let it be seen & obvious. so this was both for the supporters, & for the players to see something was being attended to. & Watts wasn't being singled out.

so Roos wanted us to see he was handling it, but the anger of the decades of screwups from the Mfc is still enraging.

Our situation isn't Watts fault, its ours, for years of poor decisions, but we don't want Wattsy to become yet another statistic of our failures. we want him to lighten up, & play his heart out.

And for gods sake Jack, Chase, use your speed & drag someone down.

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3 threads about Watts just on the first page of Demonland, maybe we should listen to what Roos is saying?

It is a fan forum stuie.

Watts is a no. 1 draft pick who is performing poorly.

Surely you understand the nature of the human beast!

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It is a fan forum stuie.

Watts is a no. 1 draft pick who is performing poorly.

Surely you understand the nature of the human beast!

I get it, don't worry I get it, I'm as frustrated as anyone, just thinking maybe we try something different with our approach and expectations, take a leaf out of Roosy's book of Zen.

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I basically agree with you P-Man Roos has to preserver he has little choice.

However I see no reason why supporters would not give up.

The Supporters pay their money and have then endured 6 -7 years of the worst performing team in the recent history of the AFL.

They see a number one draft pick with obvious talent wander around with low intensity for years.

Seems reasonable to give up on him to me.

exactly OD, but Roos assumes the responsibility as Coach, to rectify JW's situation. he must have decided that dropping Wattsy, make make him give up all together..

I hope the leadership group will take the lead on this, & help get Jack jumping.

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They talked about Watts on SEN this morning and Plough Wallace's thoughts were that the best option was for Roos to give Watts 4 to 6 weeks playing on the wing where he trained to be all season and see what he has to offer the team and tell him that is what you are doing. That is you have 4 to 6 weeks to demonstrate your worth. This seems a reasonable approach because the club has tried him in many rolls to try to identify his niche position. Most players are happy and willing to play the role they are assigned to.

This approach gives Jack some certainty of his near future and a sense of urgency that he needs to start to perform and a level of accountability as long as Roosey's expectations are made clear. Those expectations may be as simple as minimum tackle counts, pressure acts, defensive acts etc, all the stuff that anyone who is committed to the cause could do. All the things we don't see Jack do.

I would also have a sports psychologist working with him, some of those dropped marks under no pressure and handballs backward to anyone else remind me of someone who is not focused on the job at hand, devoid of confidence, thinking negatively about what could I stuff up next.

Ahhh yes, yes. That was a recording from his and my convo we had on air as i drove home Saturday night.

Autograph line starts here:

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Actually, you are incorrect. I wouldn't go as far as saying that the following articles are outright baggings of Watts (the connotations were subtle but unmistakable) but the messaging delivered towards him was more stick than carrot and something that needed to remain in house rather than being displayed for all the world to see. They didn't help.

Lift you game, Melbourne Mark Neeld tells Jack Watts.

Neeld's blank canvas.

With all that said, I do reckon Jack needs a spell at Casey sooner rather than later. If he has been dropped, it has always been seen as a 'punishment' and has been a Clayton's omission (he was always put back into the team the next week). The reason for his demotion should be for him to display consistently the behaviours required for him to get back into the 22. It should be seen the same way that Toump and Trenners stint in the twos were.

That being said it sounds like he will stay for this week.

Plus Roos didn't really spray he or Howey. I think he was firm but it wasn't an old fashioned Ron Barassi style bake.

ah, of course.

If he's dropped atmo, he'll cop a public savaging down at Casey... this would NOT be good for his situation. or his parents/family.

if he must go back to Casey for a spell, it would be better done under healthier & somewhat happier circumstances. at the moment his confidence would suffer more with the anger around at this moment.

Edited by dee-luded
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agree with all that. But it is up to Jack as to how much he wants to play...

its tough to let go... I've wanted him to succeed now for so long... Suppose i fell for the dreams sold to me by the board... He really does need some time in Casey to get form... If Toumpas and Trengove can go back, then he can... As far as his lack of intensity and desire... i really think jujitsu, boxing, ground grappling or some kind of martial arts will help... But i suppose its really up to him really...
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ah, of course.

If he's dropped atmo, he'll cop a public savaging down at Casey... this would NOT be good for his situation. or his parents/family.

if he must go back to Casey for a spell, it would be better done under healthier & somewhat happier circumstances. at the moment his confidence would suffer more with the anger around at this moment.

Eh? Wait until he's playing well and with confidence and then drop him?

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Actually, you are incorrect. I wouldn't go as far as saying that the following articles are outright baggings of Watts (the connotations were subtle but unmistakable) but the messaging delivered towards him was more stick than carrot and something that needed to remain in house rather than being displayed for all the world to see. They didn't help.Lift you game, Melbourne Mark Neeld tells Jack Watts.Neeld's blank canvas.

With all that said, I do reckon Jack needs a spell at Casey sooner rather than later. If he has been dropped, it has always been seen as a 'punishment' and has been a Clayton's omission (he was always put back into the team the next week). The reason for his demotion should be for him to display consistently the behaviours required for him to get back into the 22. It should be seen the same way that Toump and Trenners stint in the twos were.

That being said it sounds like he will stay for this week.

Plus Roos didn't really spray he or Howey. I think he was firm but it wasn't an old fashioned Ron Barassi style bake.

You're right, there are connotations, but what I really saw there was the press baiting a greenhorn.

More feedback than criticism.

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its tough to let go... I've wanted him to succeed now for so long... Suppose i fell for the dreams sold to me by the board... He really does need some time in Casey to get form... If Toumpas and Trengove can go back, then he can... As far as his lack of intensity and desire... i really think jujitsu, boxing, ground grappling or some kind of martial arts will help... But i suppose its really up to him really...

I think the jujitsu, grappling, wrestling, taewkondo, would be good alternatives for him. I can't really see him wanting to throw punches.

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I think the thing that really frustrates everyone on here and the AFL world is that Watts has the potential to become one of the games best players.

Most players and number one draft picks even dont have that potential.

I really believe that also, he has more talent in his left finger than most people i have ever seen.

Nathan Jones has shown what talent, dedication and hard work can produce. You can too Jack

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Well done, Roosy. This is clearly the way to play Jack. You've just gotta keep nurturing him until it clicks. He realises how important Watts could be. I'm glad Roos is the coach. He'll sort him out.

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