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I have always blamed the Melbourne Football Club for what Watts has turned into .

To have him play his first game against Collingwood to load such heavy expectations on a young man, to basically throw him to the wolves and for him to get crunched as he did with no real back up from his team mates at the time for me set the tone for Watts then and unfortunately now

I have no doubt that Watts has the making of a Brilliant Footballer , but how to drag that out of him and turn it into consistent performances is something I am longing to see a good coach do

I hope that Roos is that Coach not only for Watts sake but also for the Melbourne Football club and us as supporters.

Watts tantalises with some brilliant passages of play and some deft decision making at times , then you see him at other times run along side a opposition player till they kick the ball without Jack making any real effort to intervene , his tackling at times is like a bee landing on a flower , the bee has the potential to do real damage when it wants to but in these instances it just doesn't.

Deep down I like Jack but he needs to become a more aggressive and more regular performer and realise that he is part of the bigger picture and that he can have a real impact and help turn around the fortunes of the MFC around , and when he does that not only will he will earn the respect from all players including opposition players and all coaches, but most of all, from all of us as supporters.

Like many here I look forward to that day I just hope it isn't that far away as it seems at the moment

This crap about Watts being mistreated needs to end. If that's the biggest concern is his life he's doing alright, it was nearly five years ago.
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I thought we were talking about Melbourne, not Geelong or Hawthorn. How many of our players do that, apart from Nathan Jobes. Consistency will come eventually but we are 5 games in to the a Roos era

We are talking about Melbourne , but the players should have attended yesterday. Hawks and Cats are the benchmark, and yes we are only five games in and yes there is a long way to go.
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McVeigh or Malcheski lost their baby girl a couple of years ago, bloody tragedy, you could understand if he hadn't come to terms with the loss and as a consequence his football suffered. Five years later Watts (some still would have us believe) hasn't yet gotten over his debut. I doubt that's true but if it is he needs to quit football now.

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We are talking about Melbourne , but the players should have attended yesterday. Hawks and Cats are the benchmark, and yes we are only five games in and yes there is a long way to go.

Just heard all players did attend. Nice one.
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I have defended Jack Watts since his drafting.

This was one of his worst games.

86% effective disposals is excellent however.

We compare him to N Reiwoldt and other no 1 picks and I have done that.

Try comparing him to Robbie Flower. A lightly built and skillful player that can take a mark and hit a target. or Keith Greig.I think they are more his style. If he turns out as good as them we should all be happy.

Edit: If you want to compare him to a forward his stats are better than Tom Hawkins at the same age. http://www.footywire.com/afl/footy/ft_player_compare?tid1=12&pid1=3107&tid2=10&pid2=1759&type=A&fid1=O&fid2=O

Still better then N Reiwoldt at the same age. http://www.footywire.com/afl/footy/ft_player_compare?tid1=12&pid1=3107&tid2=16&pid2=63&type=A&fid1=O&fid2=O

Nic Nat - http://www.footywire.com/afl/footy/ft_player_compare?tid1=12&pid1=3107&tid2=19&pid2=3108&type=A&fid1=O&fid2=O

Mathew Kruezer -http://www.footywire.com/afl/footy/ft_player_compare?tid1=12&pid1=3107&tid2=4&pid2=2301&type=A&fid1=O&fid2=O

Tom Scully - http://www.footywire.com/afl/footy/ft_player_compare?tid1=12&pid1=3107&tid2=25&pid2=3314&type=A&fid1=O&fid2=O

Jonothan Patton -http://www.footywire.com/afl/footy/ft_player_compare?tid1=12&pid1=3107&tid2=25&pid2=3639&type=A&fid1=O&fid2=O

Bryce Gibbs - http://www.footywire.com/afl/footy/ft_player_compare?tid1=12&pid1=3107&tid2=4&pid2=1719&type=A&fid1=O&fid2=O - Gibbs more disposals less effective.

Jarryd Roughead - http://www.footywire.com/afl/footy/ft_player_compare?tid1=12&pid1=3107&tid2=11&pid2=1485&type=A&fid1=O&fid2=O

Actually he's tracking quite well.

Edited by ManDee
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I don't know, I think we're being really harsh. The reality is that Watts hasn't got the cattle around him to feed him the ball. He is a bit of a pea heart but you can still make it in this league.

He's not going to be the guy that lifts the club into the finals, in the same way Franklin never was. We need a good core of grunt players like Viney and Jones, and strong leaders to do that. Watts need not fit into any of those categories to be as good as he can be. He needs players around him to win the ball in other areas. Watts is the necessary player you need when you're flying. He is not the saviour.

Edited by Cudi_420
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I don't know, I think we're being really harsh. The reality is that Watts hasn't got the cattle around him to feed him the ball.

grant birchill coped it for the same reason,sent to play in ressies until he could cope with getting the pill as being an outside runner thats your job.

i can name other outside runners playing in krap teams that still get consistent numbers and dont have the team feeding them.

this argument keeps going on,the bottom line is 5 years and cant perform.

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The issue isn't how often he gets the ball or how he uses it. This has nothing to do with what people are complaining about,

The problem is his work rate, his desire to win the ball and willingness to put his body on the line to do the things all AFL players are expected to do week in, week out.

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The issue isn't how often he gets the ball or how he uses it. This has nothing to do with what people are complaining about,

The problem is his work rate, his desire to win the ball and willingness to put his body on the line to do the things all AFL players are expected to do week in, week out.

with Roos constantly going on about non negotiable you have to wonder why Watts is in the side

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shaking my head at people comparing Watts to Riewoldt

Watts doesn't have 1000th of the courage Riewoldt does, and he never will

Hes also extremely physically weak

Send him to Casey

If you compare him to Reiwoldt at the same age, Watts has more disposals more tackles! Disposal efficiency not measured in Reiwoldts early career. But I agree, IMO he is more like Flower or Greig.

I don't think he is physically weak. I think he chooses not to get hurt, that could be considered a weakness or smart.

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We need to accept Watts for the player he is and not the player we wanted him to be. What we can't except is lack of effort, I don't care for stats as there is so many easy touches in AFL football to get your numbers up, but when you don't run and work hard that is unacceptable.

Jack needs to be dropped, bring in players that want to run and work hard.

Edited by drdrake
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The problem is his work rate, his desire to win the ball and willingness to put his body on the line to do the things all AFL players are expected to do week in, week out.

I don't care if he doesn't put his body on the line -as long as his work rate is good and has a desire to win the loose ball - both these are sadly lacking.

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Before I start, this is not meant to be a 'name drop'. Was fortunate enough to go into the rooms after Sunday's game. Of course the hope was we could sing the song with the boys after a victory, but that was obviously not to be. The main group which came out of the meeting was the back line group. Rawlings spent a long time talking to them very quietly. After a short time, some others trickled out of the meeting with the Coach, but no sign of JW. Just outside the 'cage' a Board member was talking to a woman - whose role I am unsure of - and asked "Where's Jack". I am assuming the question was relating to Jack Watts. The woman responded, "Roosy's kept him in for a bit of a chat". About 10 minutes later, Jack appears, bag in hand, hugs Mum and leaves. We left at the same time. The only consolation was the little girl outside the club room doors who presented Jack with a bunch of Easter eggs.

It appeared Jack had not even had a shower. He looked pretty down, as did Roosy in the rooms. Make of this what you will, but I would not be surprised if it's in Salem, out Watts next week.

still a mummy's boy, is young bamby.

..... cut the apron strings Jack, before you lose your career. time to learn a bit of 'Bloke', Jack. leave home, move out & learn.

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We need to accept Watts for the player he is and not the player we wanted him to be. What we can't except is lack of effort, I don't care for stats as there is so many easy touches in AFL football to get your numbers up, but when you don't run and work hard that is unacceptable.

Jack needs to be dropped, bring in players that want to run and work hard.

If it doesn't suit your argument you don't like stats.

For me it is effective disposals. Name a player at Casey that can do Jacks role as well, if not he stays.

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He's had one bad game, round one he was our BOG.

he has to stop being a sheep & start to create, work & build on his standards he has set, which includes bringing a reasonable level of intensity, aggression & attack on the game.

He has shown he can, so why won't he? leaves it up to others to chase wholeheartedly, to tackle, to do the heavy work.

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With ball in hand he is excellent, probably our best.

75% of the time he goes more than alright, its just those one on one contests, that Roos needs to teach him how to fix.

Gotta have faith as we dont have many elite skilled players and afford to drop them .

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If it doesn't suit your argument you don't like stats.

For me it is effective disposals. Name a player at Casey that can do Jacks role as well, if not he stays.

actually,i think there would be a few players within the club that would like a free rein to be an outside runner.

and there would also be a few that would like 6 games in that spot to prove themselves,let alone 5 years.

go down to any local footy club and ask a player if he would like to be an outside runner and have 6 games to prove himself.

think you might be surprised at the result.

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I thought we were talking about Melbourne, not Geelong or Hawthorn. How many of our players do that, apart from Nathan Jobes. Consistency will come eventually but we are 5 games in to the a Roos era

the problem is that we can't afford to carry passengers on the physical part of our game, as we are trying to repair our soft bruise free Culture.

being patient with those who will not put their bodies on the line for the Jumper, or chase tackle every time its their turn, have to go back to Casey to learn the Deesire. If they don't, & we carry the soft ones, then the whole team culture will stay as it has been. bruise free.

Roos said a couple of weeks ago, they have to learn the 'basic non negotiable's', in Aussie Rules football. "If you can't perform those basics then you can't play".

thats IF we aspire to become like a "Cats" or a "Hawks".

Edited by dee-luded
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This is the thing...he just doesnt crunch other players...they fling him off, brush him aside....almost contemptuously.

Half the thing about tackling, whether the pc here care to acknowledge it is its a chance to legitimately HURT the other side. You crash opposition into the ground, you punnish them for taking too long etc. Its PHYSICAL and if you dont want to play this then dont go out there.

JAck Watts IS bruise free footy...hate to say it

some have mentioned send him to boxing. and others have said that will scare him off more.

Yabby Jeans would have been good for Jack W.

Yabby had the players wrestle one another, often. Where there wasn't punches thrown, but strength used, to hold or turn over, etc. To win, to stay on top, & to show when they're ready.

Maybe we need to borrow this from Yabby to aid this clubs rebirth.

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If it doesn't suit your argument you don't like stats.

For me it is effective disposals. Name a player at Casey that can do Jacks role as well, if not he stays.

So you are happy for a player to get minimal stats as long as they hit the target. The bloke doesn't want to work hard, he had a team mate ran past him to go and apply pressure, I'm sorry you don't work hard you get dropped. I accept he is an outside player but outside players have to run and run and run, Jack doesn't do this.

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The thing that disappointed me about his game on the weekend wasn't the fact that he's not crunching players with tackles or putting his head down and barging through a pack like Jones or Viney. I don't expect that of him and it's not his role. The thing that made me think he should be dropped were his efforts on a couple of occasions in 1:1 marking contests I think against Prestia. He has the height advantage but on more than one occasion didn't fight hard enough (or at all) for front position and then was pathetic in the marking contest losing without a whimper to a guy 20cm shorter. This is unacceptable and is why he should be dropped because he showed no fight to win the contest, no intensity to work to front position. There are other examples as well where he stands off packs like a seagull but these marking contests are what did it for me. Standards have to be set for this team and he needs to prove his worth in a stretch of games at Casey before coming back. 1 or 2 games won't cut it he needs to prove it over 4-6 games consistently til it is drummed into him.

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actually,i think there would be a few players within the club that would like a free rein to be an outside runner.

and there would also be a few that would like 6 games in that spot to prove themselves,let alone 5 years.

go down to any local footy club and ask a player if he would like to be an outside runner and have 6 games to prove himself.

think you might be surprised at the result.

I like your work mate and you make a lot of sense but you are very hard to read.

Edited by jabberwocky
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I don't care if he doesn't put his body on the line -as long as his work rate is good and has a desire to win the loose ball - both these are sadly lacking.


He has all the skills to be a great player except one.

If he doesn't win the initial contest, he drops off. Absolutely no second effort.

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actually,i think there would be a few players within the club that would like a free rein to be an outside runner.

and there would also be a few that would like 6 games in that spot to prove themselves,let alone 5 years.

go down to any local footy club and ask a player if he would like to be an outside runner and have 6 games to prove himself.

think you might be surprised at the result.

Who at MFC can do it better?

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