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Time to go Mark Neeld

Grand New Flag

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The MFC need to be very careful about handling the coach situation. I am in favour of keeping Neeld until at least the end of this season, for the following reasons

  • It will provide us with more time and data to assess the progress of the list and the coach
  • It will demonstrate the MFC is not a rabble of flighty hens unable to keep to their own directions, plans and commitments. This would be important in attracting the next coach.
  • It will allow time for a spill of the board that employed Neeld (should he go) such that they are not responsible for hiring his replacement
  • It will allow us to identify what went wrong with the Neeld /Craig FD (if indeed it has gone "wrong")

Should we sack Neeld prior to the end of the year, we would be telling any future coaching aspirant they have 15 months to turn what has been widely acknowledged as a weak list around. This would result in most first time Coaches avoiding us and leave us with failed but experienced Coaches that can't get a role elsewhere...

We need to stay calm and support Neeld.

The reality of our situation is that the team has lost one game (to Port) that we expected to win, we have lost several by margins greater than acceptable that we expected to lose and most recently lost to Brissie in Brisbane by 28 points... not a huge surprise.

We need to learn to grind out 4 quarters of effort to stop the blow outs, and the Carlton game will be a good test of our improvement in this area.

Edited by PaulRB
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I can see the players are bereft of confidence in themselves and each other.

And while that is the burden of the coach it doesn't mean he that 'the players aren't playing for him.'

This is an important point I think: the players may well be giving it their all, having made the mental commitment of "buying in", but still not go out inspired and enlivened by the coach. Which will make a difference.

The coach has to bring something to this connection too - and if he fails to uphold his side of the bargain, no amount of buy-in and commitment and sincere effort is going to see the team playing as well as another team where the players' buy-in and commitment and sincere effort is joined to a vision and energy spread through them by the coach. Put simply, if you yoke yourself to a lame duck, you are not going to make great progress.

The coach may not run out onto the field, but what he has put into the players is out there.

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Should we sack Neeld prior to the end of the year, we would be telling any future coaching aspirant they have 15 months to turn what has been widely acknowledged as a weak list around. This would result in most first time Coaches avoiding us and leave us with failed but experienced Coaches that can't get a role elsewhere...

Allowing 15 months to turn things around isn't necessarily such a bad idea. Maybe that's where we need to be.

I dismiss your allegedly acknowledged condemnation of the list, on the grounds that it is not proven - it is part of the defend-Neeld argument, but who is to blame - coach or players - is one of the big debatable issues; and surely regardless of everything we need to have a coach who sees good in and has faith in the players.... We need to get the best out of them, end of story, for me.

If the reality bus is already pulling out and about to be on its way, we may at this moment actually need a coach (Neeld, or someone else) who will back himself to get things well and truly moving inside of a 15 month time-frame.

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I found it interesting that Malthouse announced this week if he had to tolerate what Neeld has he would have been out. Interesting call so why hasn't Neeld taken the hint and resigned as he seems to copy everything his mentor (Malthouse does). Maybe the irony will be that Mick's Blues will belt the hell out of this week and put the final nail in Neeld's coffin.

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To all posters who support Neeld.

I don't think that is very deep pool of posters.

At this stage, I don't think he will get past August but I don't want to fire him in May.

Does that make me a supporter of Neeld?

I don't think he would see it that way.

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While I am on it did anyone get a letter from the club yesterday signed off by Mark Neeld? He acknowledges that many have written to him expressing their unhappiness at the team performance and have stated they will not take up membership or renew. I have renewed recently, having said I wouldn't till Neeld went but I figure nothing will happen till Jackson does his review but the last thing the club needs is a letter from the source of our problems telling us everything will be OK. I would be happier if he offered to stand aside then see who renews

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Allowing 15 months to turn things around isn't necessarily such a bad idea. Maybe that's where we need to be.

I dismiss your allegedly acknowledged condemnation of the list, on the grounds that it is not proven - it is part of the defend-Neeld argument, but who is to blame - coach or players - is one of the big debatable issues; and surely regardless of everything we need to have a coach who sees good in and has faith in the players.... We need to get the best out of them, end of story, for me.

If the reality bus is already pulling out and about to be on its way, we may at this moment actually need a coach (Neeld, or someone else) who will back himself to get things well and truly moving inside of a 15 month time-frame.

I'd love someone to turn it around in 15 months, but for the MFC to tell a prospective coach that they have a season and half to turn it around, when for many aspiring senior coaches they'll know they only get one chance, would deter several prospects from applying.

On the quality of our list, I'd suggest that

  1. NOT having a player rated in the top 50 AFL players (Herald) for the last couple of years,
  2. having NO All Australian players for the past couple of years,
  3. having a midfield BEREFT of A-grade midfielders (Jones may be getting there),
  4. having a youth development program that has SQUANDERED high draft pick kids for the past 5 years...

Indicated there are some quality issues with our list that will take more than 15 months to address.

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I would be happier if he offered to stand aside then see who renews

Do you think that a strong club -


- would allow such an act?

For the head coach to be threatened enough by correspondence from lapsed members to stand aside so that 'these happy few, these band of brothers' will re-sign with the club they love?

Edited by rpfc
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Do you think that a strong club -


- would allow such an act?

For the head coach to be threatened enough by correspondence from lapsed members to stand aside so that 'these happy few, these band of brothers' will re-sign with the club they love?

Spot on RFPC, i agree 100%

We are a weak club who are bullied by the media and our own supporters..... It is very sad to watch

If you don't want to renew your membership Older Demon - don't. Don't hold the club to ransom... i've got stronger words but you are entitled to your opinion

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The MFC need to be very careful about handling the coach situation. I am in favour of keeping Neeld until at least the end of this season, for the following reasons

  • It will provide us with more time and data to assess the progress of the list and the coach
  • It will demonstrate the MFC is not a rabble of flighty hens unable to keep to their own directions, plans and commitments. This would be important in attracting the next coach.
  • It will allow time for a spill of the board that employed Neeld (should he go) such that they are not responsible for hiring his replacement
  • It will allow us to identify what went wrong with the Neeld /Craig FD (if indeed it has gone "wrong")

Should we sack Neeld prior to the end of the year, we would be telling any future coaching aspirant they have 15 months to turn what has been widely acknowledged as a weak list around. This would result in most first time Coaches avoiding us and leave us with failed but experienced Coaches that can't get a role elsewhere...

We need to stay calm and support Neeld.

The reality of our situation is that the team has lost one game (to Port) that we expected to win, we have lost several by margins greater than acceptable that we expected to lose and most recently lost to Brissie in Brisbane by 28 points... not a huge surprise.

We need to learn to grind out 4 quarters of effort to stop the blow outs, and the Carlton game will be a good test of our improvement in this area.

Mate, do disrespect but things are past this point. The situation is far worse than you suggest. Make no mistake, staying on the current path is suicide. It is blind suicide faith.

The playing group is broken, they want out of this rabble of a club. If we wait until seasons end there WILL BE A MASS EXITUS. Half our list is out of contract. I have spoken in detail with a recently retired player about this. The situation is dire.

The reason for changing coached now is to give us some chance of holding onto these players come seasons end. If a caoch can be brought in who can inspire and get the players playing for there club, their gurnsey, that can create self belief we will not only see better performances, and less blowouts we will also see more wins and most importantly we have some chance of holding onto our players seasons end. This is the fundamental reason why Neeld must be sacked immediately.

Can I remind you that we have one just one game under Neeld (not including new franchises), but what is more concerning is that we are getting worse not better.

Mark my words.... we will again get smashed this week, it will be another heatless thrashing.

The question must be asked. What have we to lose changing coaches right now? Can we be worse? The answer is almost certainly no. We can bring in a caretaker, you never know the caretaker could end up being like Roos was when he took over Sydney. Regardless we will have 15 rounds to find the best experienced coach possible.

For the sake of our club, Neeld must go. He should resign in shame, but that is not reality.

Edited by Grand New Flag
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To all posters who support Neeld.

His team who he now owns are playing very bad football. High draft picks who have come to this club are now playing bad football under Neeld.

It is not rocket science. Neeld cannot get his team to play good football, therefore the club must get a coach who can get players who are drafted by this club to play AFL quality football.

It is a no brainer.

Neeld will take care of Neeld - eg:: If he keeps getting flogged he will go

There is no need to panic - the odds of him being coach at the end of 2013 are pretty slim - I don't understand why posters feel the need to rush this

We are going to be a poor side in 2013 no matter who is coach. Anyone who thinks Neeld doesn't deserve a chance to finish the 2013 season is either stupid or has an agenda.

If anyone says the players will benefit - you are delusional - exactly how is the playing group going to improve without Neeld there? THe players play on game day not the coach, All the same issues with Neeld there are still going to be there without Neeld

Edited by Unleash Hell
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Funny. On more than one occasion you derided supporters for reading training reports. But in the same breath you acknowledge that you do. What a [censored].

The players have trained far better than previously, but what we've learnt is that dancing with your Sister is dancing with your Sister. Training has been far better and more professional, but clearly there isn't the same intensity.

And just as clearly Mark Neeld has learnt that his evaluation of training when compared to AFL intensity has been [censored] poor, as has mine. But more likely the players don't emotionally play for him.

But no doubt you'll be reading those same reports that you joke about next year, ****.

PS: I had to actually edit my noun - ****. And this poster is one. I was recently banned when I fully expected an expletive to be censored by the site's automatic function. For me it was easier to just type the expletive knowing that it would be censored. Silly me. It somehow appeared. But then I see the words [censored] and [censored], etc. go unpunished and I realise that the moderators are stupid flogs. Go figure. Even James Packer says it on prime time at 7pm on a Sunday night, but I get banned for an inadvertent appearance that escaped the site's quality control. And they let all these other narratives appear. As I said, they're stupid (moderators) flogs.

I jokingly derided those for training reports and clearly stated that I read them as well.

But you agree with the rest of what I wrote so that's great

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Mate, do disrespect but things are past this point. The situation is far worse than you suggest. Make no mistake, staying on the current path is suicide. It is blind suicide faith.

The playing group is broken, they want out of this rabble of a club. If we wait until seasons end there WILL BE A MASS EXITUS. Half our list is our of contract. I have spoken in detail with a recently retired player about this. The situation is dire.

Dribble - please provide evidence - not speculation

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Mark my words.... we will again get smashed this week, it will be another heatless thrashing.

The question must be asked. What have we to lose changing coaches right now? Can we be worse? The answer is almost certainly no. We can bring in a caretaker, you never know the caretaker could end up being like Roos was when he took over Sydney. Regardless we will have 15 rounds to find the best experienced coach possible.

For the sake of our club, Neeld must go. He should resign in shame, but that is not reality.

If we get smashed by Carlton wouldn't the coaching issue logically take care of itself?

You're argument is nothing more then speculation - there is no need to rush Neeld out the door yet. You're more then likely get your wish if we get smashed by the blues and beaten by GC the week after

At least let the club show some professionalism the ability to honor contracts and review who is out there and wants to coach this rabble of a weak club

Edited by Unleash Hell
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The playing group is broken, they want out of this rabble of a club. If we wait until seasons end there WILL BE A MASS EXITUS. Half our list is our of contract. I have spoken in detail with a recently retired player about this. The situation is dire.

Name the player of GAGF

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Where is the proof of a mass exodus of players, and which players? If Neeld really has lost the team to the point that the players are going to leave you'd think there would be a bit more evidence. I get scared when I read all these posts about players leaving, but then I searched for anything that resembled facts, nothing, it's like the WMD in Iraq they didn't exist. We are playing exactly like I expected, a bunch of kids, this will change.

I realize I'm a minority opinion, thanks for not being nasty about it.

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Name the player of GAGF

I can't name the player as he is still involved with the club (thus should know), however, as I said he is recently retired and was a well liked senior player. What I am saying is not speculation. Last June I posted that Martin, Pettard, Moloney, Rivers, Davey and Green had all had major fallings out with Neeld. I said the only one of this group that would be here in 2013 was Davey as he was the only one in contract and too old to trade. I was savaged on this forum............. 5 months later it was reality. Let me say, the situation this season is far worse than last season. What I say may be second hand, but it is true. My past record must be taken into account, evidence in the performance of the players, evidence from other sources backs up what I am saying. Something is very wrong, many more players are preparing to leave.

This is Neeld's responsibility, he is a dud. He has done untold damage. If this situation is not sorted shortly he will bring down our club. We will become extinct. That is how serious things are.

I am on my knees, I am begging, the board must fire Nelld now or take ultimate responsibility for the death of the club.

Edited by Grand New Flag
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thanks for at least replying and further clarifying your concerns. I'm guessing your talking about a past #24?

Theres no doubt that players who have been around since the day bailey was appointed would hate the fact they are going to be part of a 2nd rebuild, thus sacrifice their playing careers to a loosing cause. I'm also quite sure that they are over hearing Neeld quote the games ex[perience line, when he helped push out Moloney & Rivers - two of our more senior players....

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I can't name the player as he is still involved with the club (thus should know), however, as I said he is recently retired and was a well liked senior player. What I am saying is not speculation. Last June I posted that Martin, Pettard, Moloney, Rivers, Davey and Green had all had major fallings out with Neeld. I said the only one of this group that would be here in 2013 was Davey as he was the only one in contract and too old to trade. I was savaged on this forum............. 5 months later it was reality. Let me say, the situation this season is far worse than last season. What I say may be second hand, but it is true. My past record must be taken into account, evidence in the performance of the players, evidence from other sources backs up what I am saying. Something is very wrong, many more players are preparing to leave.

This is Neeld's responsibility, he is a dud. He has done untold damage. If this situation is not sorted shortly he will bring down our club. We will become extinct. That is how serious things are.

I am on my knees, I am begging, the board must fire Nelld now or take ultimate responsibility for the death of the club.

I am heavily conflicted with this post

On one hand I don't like hearing my club being in this situation with the playing group being unhappy - and i don't reckon you need to use your imagination to see who you maybe alluding to (12 & 8)

On the other hand I'd say this attitude is that of a weak playing group and a weak club. Players should never dictate how they play the game. Only 8 had achieved anything being an AA in 2009??, the rest haven't achieved anything - none are consistent AFL players, none deserve any recognition

So do we choose the hard road - and install a new culture of hard work and professionalism - or do we cave in to demands for short term gains and more then likely stay weak? As i said I am heavily conflicted - this club is f'ked either way it goes - I give up

Edited by Unleash Hell
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thanks for at least replying and further clarifying your concerns. I'm guessing your talking about a past #24?

Theres no doubt that players who have been around since the day bailey was appointed would hate the fact they are going to be part of a 2nd rebuild, thus sacrifice their playing careers to a loosing cause. I'm also quite sure that they are over hearing Neeld quote the games ex[perience line, when he helped push out Moloney & Rivers - two of our more senior players....

Yep you can't stick up for Neeld on that one really - he''s dug his own hole there

Byrnes has been good but the rest have had little to no impact - so at the moment it's a clear error in judgement by Neeld.

Again as I posted before - there is no way out of the hole apart from hard work, our list might have older players on it but AFL experience is on par with GWS and GC - and that is a reality

It depends what you want more I guess - short term gains or long term?? I will sacrifice short term for a club in the future I think can win every week and compete with the best. Neeld will dictate his own fate from here IMO If the players don't want to play for him they will lose over the next few weeks and he will be gone - it will take care of itself

And I am done with this thread and this club - it's too bloody depressing and it's doing my head in

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It's getting to be like some kind of competition, where posters try to outdo each other with the ridiculousness of their claims.

You don't kick 14 goals in a match without some semblance of discipline, structure and competitive effort. Our 14.10 is a higher score than Collingwood, St Kilda, Sydney, Fremantle, Richmond, Adelaide, The Bulldogs, Port, and West Coast could manage last round, and only a goal less than North and Hawthorn. Guess all those teams will have to sack their coaches as well.

Bing we got 14 goals because Brisbane are an ordinary side that had some of their better players out, Handly, Black and Rich; if they were playing I would imagine that we would have lost by more and scored less.

We seem to have nothing there at the moment, we should have beaten the Bears on the weekend, I tipped us because of their outs and our good form in the last quarter against GWS, but I won't tip them again this year.

We seem to be playing like some suburban football team.

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Mate, do disrespect but things are past this point. The situation is far worse than you suggest. Make no mistake, staying on the current path is suicide. It is blind suicide faith.

The playing group is broken, they want out of this rabble of a club. If we wait until seasons end there WILL BE A MASS EXITUS. Half our list is out of contract. I have spoken in detail with a recently retired player about this. The situation is dire.

The reason for changing coached now is to give us some chance of holding onto these players come seasons end. If a caoch can be brought in who can inspire and get the players playing for there club, their gurnsey, that can create self belief we will not only see better performances, and less blowouts we will also see more wins and most importantly we have some chance of holding onto our players seasons end. This is the fundamental reason why Neeld must be sacked immediately.

Can I remind you that we have one just one game under Neeld (not including new franchises), but what is more concerning is that we are getting worse not better.

Mark my words.... we will again get smashed this week, it will be another heatless thrashing.

The question must be asked. What have we to lose changing coaches right now? Can we be worse? The answer is almost certainly no. We can bring in a caretaker, you never know the caretaker could end up being like Roos was when he took over Sydney. Regardless we will have 15 rounds to find the best experienced coach possible.

For the sake of our club, Neeld must go. He should resign in shame, but that is not reality.

So....I ask again who will replace him.....If an experienced coach comes in and does not turn it around in three weeks.......Will you call for his sacking????..........What happens after Neeld is gone?????........We would lose more players because who would want to stay.....The board must back the coach or we may as well fold now.......We will just go from one coach to another to another to.........Sometimes you just have to back your decisions and not cave into media andc wishy washy supporters......

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I am heavily conflicted with this post

On one hand I don't like hearing my club being in this situation with the playing group being unhappy - and i don't reckon you need to use your imagination to see who you maybe alluding to (12 & 8)

On the other hand I'd say this attitude is that of a weak playing group and a weak club. Players should never dictate how they play the game. Only 8 had achieved anything being an AA, the rest haven't achieved anything - none are consistent AFL players, none deserve any recognitiion

So do we choose the hard road - and install a new culture of hard work and professionalism - or do we cave in to demands for short term gains and more then likely stay weak? As i said I am heavily conflicted - this club is f'ked either way it goes - I give up

A couple of things Unleash Hell. Firstly, the situation is far worse than just (12 & 8). I would name all the players I have been told, but its second hand, may have some errors, would destroy confidence with my source and destroy my friendship since I promised I would not (unliuke last year). I agree with you that you never want the players to dictate terms. They are not, they are not making demands, they are simply preparing to leave. I have another friend who is a player manager who looks after a number of Melbourne players who said that this is so well known, not only are Melbourne players enquiring about options, other clubs have already starting making inquiries. This is a very serious situation.

I have said this before and I will say it again. It is the coaches primary responsibility to get the most out of his players. This coach has divided the playing group, and destroyed their confidence and self belief. Our performances since his arrival have been beyond appaulling and we are going backwards. The buck must stop with the coach. He must be fired quickly.

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