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Give Jimmy a Break


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Of all of the things that came out of yesterday's press conferences, surely one of the most obvious was Jim's ongoing health battle.

We have heard his eyesight has been under threat - and his hesitancy reading his original statement suggests that it may be worse than we feared. He looked distracted .... and in pain. Yes - he was very upset about removing Bailey .... but it was more than that.Don reminded him that he's going away on Wednesday - no mention of why or where. There is no way he would leave now - if he had a choice

Of all the things Gary said on Footy Classified, I thought the most significant - and most impressive - statement that he made was that "he didn't want to get involved - but that he would help Jimmy personally in the short term if he possibly could"

Really Jimmy should stand down in his own interests. Perhaps it is only his spirit which is holding the club together - but the longer the rift beneath him continues the harder it will be to contain the damage when he is gone.

Don - take charge; Gary - take over as Football Director until the new coach is settled ; Cameron - stay out of the football department ... or quit ; Chris - back up the new coach .. or quit.

Jim - look after yourself

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Really Jimmy should stand down in his own interests. Perhaps it is only his spirit which is holding the club together - but the longer the rift beneath him continues the harder it will be to contain the damage when he is gone.

Don - take charge; Gary - take over as Football Director until the new coach is settled ; Cameron - stay out of the football department ... or quit ; Chris - back up the new coach .. or quit.

Jim - look after yourself

Agree with everything there Hoopla. Something you should e-mail to the club, particularly the individuals' responsibilities.

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Of all of the things that came out of yesterday's press conferences, surely one of the most obvious was Jim's ongoing health battle.

We have heard his eyesight has been under threat - and his hesitancy reading his original statement suggests that it may be worse than we feared. He looked distracted .... and in pain. Yes - he was very upset about removing Bailey .... but it was more than that.Don reminded him that he's going away on Wednesday - no mention of why or where. There is no way he would leave now - if he had a choice

Of all the things Gary said on Footy Classified, I thought the most significant - and most impressive - statement that he made was that "he didn't want to get involved - but that he would help Jimmy personally in the short term if he possibly could"

Really Jimmy should stand down in his own interests. Perhaps it is only his spirit which is holding the club together - but the longer the rift beneath him continues the harder it will be to contain the damage when he is gone.

Don - take charge; Gary - take over as Football Director until the new coach is settled ; Cameron - stay out of the football department ... or quit ; Chris - back up the new coach .. or quit.

Jim - look after yourself

The best thing that has been written on here in weeks.

Getting him to do might be harder.

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Of all of the things that came out of yesterday's press conferences, surely one of the most obvious was Jim's ongoing health battle.

We have heard his eyesight has been under threat - and his hesitancy reading his original statement suggests that it may be worse than we feared. He looked distracted .... and in pain. Yes - he was very upset about removing Bailey .... but it was more than that.Don reminded him that he's going away on Wednesday - no mention of why or where. There is no way he would leave now - if he had a choice

Of all the things Gary said on Footy Classified, I thought the most significant - and most impressive - statement that he made was that "he didn't want to get involved - but that he would help Jimmy personally in the short term if he possibly could"

Really Jimmy should stand down in his own interests. Perhaps it is only his spirit which is holding the club together - but the longer the rift beneath him continues the harder it will be to contain the damage when he is gone.

Don - take charge; Gary - take over as Football Director until the new coach is settled ; Cameron - stay out of the football department ... or quit ; Chris - back up the new coach .. or quit.

Jimma can't afford to give up anything!

Jim - look after yourself

Giving up, is something we can't let him do!

That's what the players did on Saturday, they gave Up! Threw in the towel !

We cannot let Jimma give Up, we have to ease his workload a lot,,, and make things more enjoyable for him. But he has to stay involved, stay in his life, to fight,,,, NOT Give In!

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IMO Stynes is struggling fighting the good fight on a personal level. He looked terrible at the Press Conference and what little energy he might have seemed more than spent Its an admirable effort and must be most demanding on him that he seems unable to handle the demands of AFL Club presidency (which in truth would test a person in full health).

He should step aside to allow himself to focus on his health. Its too bigger to fight the health complication and to address the problems at the Club. He put the Club's and his interests to the fore at the same time.

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Don't understand why he still does it. Especially with McLardy - who by all accounts has done an outstanding job as acting President - able to take over the reins. Everyone would understand if he stepped aside to actually get his health right and noone would begrudge it.

Lot of non-MFC people think we have one of the best boards running around, he should utilise it and remove himself from as much of the day-to-day as possible to get himself right.

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I totally agree with the OP.

I am distressed by the state of our Club. However, I am absolutely fuming that Jim Stynes had to participate in that press conference yesterday in his state of health. The OP's allotted duties are spot-on. I would add two others. Firstly, if the rumours are true, any older B-grade player anxious about their status needs to "suck it up" and earn their spot in the Premiership 22 on the field. Secondly, the person(s) who actively orchestrated any behind-the-scenes dramas that led to Jim Stynes being in that room yesterday must be asked to leave our Club. Your "services" are not required.

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I think this is an issue that Gary said last night that he would talk to Jimmy about - as an old friend. He said that Jimmy's health was the number one priorty.I dont know whether he said it or someone else did (i've never listed to so much football radio in the past three days)but it could also be that the Club is actually taking his mind off his own issues so in a sense is helping him. No one would begrudge Jimmy if he took a couple of months off and concentrate on himself and his family. Don is a great and capable person and mefc supporter and would be a natural fit to slip in and take it on 100%. The Board also need to stand up at the moment and take on more. They have to question themselves as to why this situation came to a head now and why it wasn't tackled sooner so it didnt take a 30 goal thrashing which would only excerbate the problem. Obviously there were moves after the conversations with the players during the week with regard to Cameron but the thrashing unfortunately bought forward the move on Dean and saved Cameron. I am now of the belief that the Club had to get in early now that Craig had gone from Adelaide and the limited names that are available. Camerons extension was a matter of sheer luck. I don't believe he will be there in the preseason 2012. As I stated in another post his position is now untenable.(Sorry got off track)

Edited by longsuffering
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That's the most upsetting thing out of all of this. Who ever did start all this pack your bags and p*#@ off, you could see Jimmy was in pain and unwell how could you? I love this club but what is most important is Jimmy's health and also the well being of his family and loved ones. Who ever you are you should be ashamed of your self.

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IMO factions have begun at different departments within our club since Jimmy has been ill.

I agree with the words of Grant Thomas from last nights "Footy Classified"

The Football Dept which looks after Players, coaches Recovery etc has different goals and time frames to the Administration Depts who handle Finance Marketing, Sponsorship.

Once the 2 strong areas got out of synch with one another it is always going to cause friction. IF anyone is trying to dabble in both sides of these Depts-well there is a major problem....There is a very broad and simplistic view of what has been brewing.

Jimmy has not had the strength to deal with all this understandably. Although this club is 153 years old, right now i look at the club as being 4 years old...."Growing Pains" is the best analogy i have read on here.

I am glad all this has come out now......The words of Garry Lyon last night made me feel a lot better....more people will fall, others are now on notice...But for Christ Sake this Club better get it's act together, for both itself and our President Jimmy Stynes.

Edited by why you little
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Of all of the things that came out of yesterday's press conferences, surely one of the most obvious was Jim's ongoing health battle.

Really Jimmy should stand down in his own interests. Perhaps it is only his spirit which is holding the club together - but the longer the rift beneath him continues the harder it will be to contain the damage when he is gone.

Don - take charge; Gary - take over as Football Director until the new coach is settled ; Cameron - stay out of the football department ... or quit ; Chris - back up the new coach .. or quit.

Jim - look after yourself

Agree except if Jimmy wants to stay as President thats fine by me (he can take all the leave he needs and come back when he is ready to do so).

Shame on all those who put him in that room yesterday, how about showing the same intestinal fortitude he shows.

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Agree except if Jimmy wants to stay as President thats fine by me (he can take all the leave he needs and come back when he is ready to do so).

Shame on all those who put him in that room yesterday, how about showing the same intestinal fortitude he shows.

He put himself in there, MFC is one of Jimma's passions, he needs his passions to give him strength. Like all things they have their Ying & Yang, good & bad. As long as Jimma's getting a feeling of contribution, without being drained then it's good.

We have to Let him stay involved in his life & this is Big to him. Taking it away could destroy his fight.

We have to keep him doing what he loves, & show him love & respect back. That will feed his inner fire. Keep on firing Jimma!

Peace be with you all, & god bless all who believe.

Edited by dee-luded
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Agree except if Jimmy wants to stay as President thats fine by me (he can take all the leave he needs and come back when he is ready to do so).

Shame on all those who put him in that room yesterday, how about showing the same intestinal fortitude he shows.

Agreed regarding him staying President, and I can't imagine there would be many that woud disagree. As to the second part of your post, I think you will find that everyone would have tried to do it for him, but can't see him letting enyone do it for him. I can only imagine how his poor wife feels, seeing him pushing himself when he needs to be looking after himself. Hopefully he can step back and concentrate on the things that really matter like his health and his family. The MFC will be ok, there's a few kinks to iron out, but it will be ok.

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Guest hangon007

Of all of the things that came out of yesterday's press conferences, surely one of the most obvious was Jim's ongoing health battle.

We have heard his eyesight has been under threat - and his hesitancy reading his original statement suggests that it may be worse than we feared. He looked distracted .... and in pain. Yes - he was very upset about removing Bailey .... but it was more than that.Don reminded him that he's going away on Wednesday - no mention of why or where. There is no way he would leave now - if he had a choice

Of all the things Gary said on Footy Classified, I thought the most significant - and most impressive - statement that he made was that "he didn't want to get involved - but that he would help Jimmy personally in the short term if he possibly could"

Really Jimmy should stand down in his own interests. Perhaps it is only his spirit which is holding the club together - but the longer the rift beneath him continues the harder it will be to contain the damage when he is gone.

Don - take charge; Gary - take over as Football Director until the new coach is settled ; Cameron - stay out of the football department ... or quit ; Chris - back up the new coach .. or quit.

Jim - look after yourself

While we are at it ...

Yeah and supporters grow some balls and do you're bit every week. At least turn up to the damn games & support our team and stop sledging them.

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Guest hangon007

He is not up to it and he should step down.

Yeah Jimmy give it away ... this bunch are just not worth it ... ungrateful herd that they are.

Think of yourself first ... just like they do.

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Agreed regarding him staying President, and I can't imagine there would be many that woud disagree. As to the second part of your post, I think you will find that everyone would have tried to do it for him, but can't see him letting enyone do it for him. I can only imagine how his poor wife feels, seeing him pushing himself when he needs to be looking after himself. Hopefully he can step back and concentrate on the things that really matter like his health and his family. The MFC will be ok, there's a few kinks to iron out, but it will be ok.

I agree...Jimmy did that Presser yesterday because he chose to do it...He owed that one to Dean.

Take this all away from Jimmy and he will lose a lot of his Fight.

Jimmy is the President, but right now he needs people to help him.

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IMO factions have begun at different departments within our club since Jimmy has been ill.

I agree with the words of Grant Thomas from last nights "Footy Classified"

The Football Dept which looks after Players, coaches Recovery etc has different goals and time frames to the Administration Depts who handle Finance Marketing, Sponsorship.

Once the 2 strong areas got out of synch with one another it is always going to cause friction. IF anyone is trying to dabble in both sides of these Depts-well there is a major problem....There is a very broad and simplistic view of what has been brewing.

Jimmy has not had the strength to deal with all this understandably.

And on that basis Jimmy should stand aside to deal with his health issues and allow someone with the energy to carry this through. If you buy that the factional issues involving the CEO is causing these problems adnd the problems have been there for a while is Jimmy due to circumstances unable to deal with this? The situation the Club finds itself should have been avoided. And Jimmy's personal battles have created a leadership vacuum that the rest of the Board cant or wont fill.

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I agree...Jimmy did that Presser yesterday because he chose to do it...He owed that one to Dean.

Take this all away from Jimmy and he will lose a lot of his Fight.

Jimmy is the President, but right now he needs people to help him.

Yep, and thankfully it seems he will get the help he needs

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I wonder if some might stop for a moment to think that its being able to do this very job which might give him some sustenance for the soul. Its a focus, almost a distraction possibily at times from his obvious health issues. And he's looks more than a tad crook atm. There may wel lbe a symbiosis of sorts occuring between Jim and his role.

Happy for him to remaiin if he wishes to. But look after yourself mate !! For you and your family :)

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And on that basis Jimmy should stand aside to deal with his health issues and allow someone with the energy to carry this through. If you buy that the factional issues involving the CEO is causing these problems adnd the problems have been there for a while is Jimmy due to circumstances unable to deal with this? The situation the Club finds itself should have been avoided. And Jimmy's personal battles have created a leadership vacuum that the rest of the Board cant or wont fill.

Sure, The Big Jimma needs help, and thankfully it has been asked for. Maybe Jimma was too proud to ask before...whatever it was.

Quite possibly our CEO was trying to do 3-4 jobs to cover for Jimma thus when it all came out it was decided to keep CS on.

I think Garry Lyon is going to be the best weapon for Jimma...Last night and today on morning radio G Lyon made it clear he was going in boots and all to sort out any problems.

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Sure, The Big Jimma needs help, and thankfully it has been asked for. Maybe Jimma was too proud to ask before...whatever it was.

Quite possibly our CEO was trying to do 3-4 jobs to cover for Jimma thus when it all came out it was decided to keep CS on.

I think Garry Lyon is going to be the best weapon for Jimma...Last night and today on morning radio G Lyon made it clear he was going in boots and all to sort out any problems.

Did he ask for it? Or did it take a crisis to do it? If Jimma was too proud could he be putting himself before the interest of the Club? The Board should be responsible for overseeing that or do they?

It would be nice if our CEO was doing one job effectively..his own. He wasnt covering for Jimma at all. Two month ago Stynes decided to take control of the FD after Schwab and Connolly had been heavily critised in the report. A 12 month extension for a CEO is a rice paper walk. He is on shaky ground.

Great news on Lyon. Will he write a good article in Age on the weekend or will he give us a 10sec compliment on the Footy Show?

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I wonder if some might stop for a moment to think that its being able to do this very job which might give him some sustenance for the soul. Its a focus, almost a distraction possibily at times from his obvious health issues. And he's looks more than a tad crook atm. There may wel lbe a symbiosis of sorts occuring between Jim and his role.

Happy for him to remaiin if he wishes to. But look after yourself mate !! For you and your family :)

Thanks Bub for putting a human face on it. Totally agree. Jimmy needs to remain as president of MFC, active or not.

We love him as our leader, like the Brits love the Queen.

Some of those MFC high paid extras can pull his weigh, and theirs!

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Did he ask for it? Or did it take a crisis to do it? If Jimma was too proud could he be putting himself before the interest of the Club? The Board should be responsible for overseeing that or do they?

It would be nice if our CEO was doing one job effectively..his own. He wasnt covering for Jimma at all. Two month ago Stynes decided to take control of the FD after Schwab and Connolly had been heavily critised in the report. A 12 month extension for a CEO is a rice paper walk. He is on shaky ground.

Great news on Lyon. Will he write a good article in Age on the weekend or will he give us a 10sec compliment on the Footy Show?

The Andrews Report should be available to all of the members i agree...It will surface.

I obviously have more faith in Garry Lyon than you do. He was very up front last night & This morning....let's just wait & see.

He won't go in there to waste his time.

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