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1 hour ago, don't make me angry said:

I live in echuca moama, I am sick of men painted that they do all the domestic violence and women are always the victim, the media only talk about half of it 

All DV is unexceptable. What happened on the Murray to those poor kids is terrible. However, the large majority of DV is perpetrated by men on women and children. Not all, of course, but the stats are pretty clear. To say it's half is simply not true.

DV stats

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4 hours ago, don't make me angry said:

I live in echuca moama, I am sick of men painted that they do all the domestic violence and women are always the victim, the media only talk about half of it 

The family courts have ruined men's lives in the past few decades with ridiculous rulings in terms of custody and asset dispersal after divorce.

There is no doubt that in an attempt to placate the feminist lobby ,our court system have used an uneven hand .

hopefully the courts are now able to recognise the damage done to perfectly decent men who have divorced their wives.

lets remember some women are violent,aggressive,domineering ,verbally and physically abusive toward their spouses and children and importantly, very , very capable of lying to the court.

we cannot discuss white ribbon day in the one hand and suicide prevention on the other as if they are totally seperate issues.

men have been forced to give custody and assets away when their earning capacity is assumed to be more resilient.

women are more likely to gain acceptance into uni, earn more in their twenties,and graduate.

they are also just as likely to break their marriage vows in this day and age.

The Sir Walter Raliegh treatment of the Australian and British courts has led to a latch key generation of kid without dads in their lives due to punitive judgements made on automatic formulas .

Surely each case must be judged on its merits.

Feminism was supposed to be about achieving equality.

it achieved much more than that.

it achieved positive discrimination and so called "affirmative action" targets, a weak willed society of limp confused boys who've never known a father,high drop out rates at uni for men who politicall didn't fit,a wipe out of the trades and technology sector in favour of feminist studies and other rot .

knock on effects of having greater female participation in the workforce have killed off industrial staples and innovation. Doubled mortgages in 15 years because they can(banks),and caused a crisis in child care .

not only has there been an over reach of feminism in western society , in which women have achieved the same levels of sexual promiscuity as men, an 80% increase in divorce rates since 1970,and the sexualisation of teenage girls through an imagined "sexual power",it has lead to many men simply not being interested in marriage ,having seen the power disparities played out live before them.

Meanwhile this same Marxist indoctrination has done little to irradicate the real inequalities existent in Muslim countries,India,Africa  and societies struggling to battle out of an agrarian based existence,concentrating merely on an extension of girl power in the more advanced countries instead.

how many men lose jobs so a woman can pursue her course for 12 hours a week? Real jobs lost for dilettante students.

i think it's time western women look to emancipating their Muslim sisters but of course that's left to western men who die in places like Iraq and Afghanistan for women's rights under an archaic theology not even western men would support.

forced marriage, genital mutilation, child infanticide,polygamy,domestic slavery- last time I heard its a Muslim problem- not caused by western men but you would not know it because it doesn't fit the media narrative.

As my father said- if men were meant to raise children they would have been born with breasts- the real oppression is in ideological fallacy that diminishes a mans right to legal recourse for access to his children and his assets after divorce.


well done feminism!!


Edited by Biffen
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Your poor Old Uncle hasn't been able to respond to some of the offensive comments above due to being laid low with health issues.

I have been afflicted by gout. Arrh, if only the sensitivity in my big toe could be transferred to other more useful areas. Anyway I've cut those beastly tomatoes out of my diet in a move to improve my health.

I actually appealed to the good doctor Hopping Dick for some alchemic advice but now that he has discovered electricity, he seems to have become obsessed with its evil possibilities.

Then the old choppers started acting up so a visit to my local dentist cum butcher was required. I must assure my avid readers that I tried to man up during the ordeal but , you know how it is, once the tears start .......

Very embarrassing, as even the receptionist was laughing at my unmanning.

So in the face of all that, the slings and arrows of my jealous detractors count for little. However, I must defend against the accusation, from our dead alcoholic writer, that "floggings are a little passe these days" . What a silly comment. Where in the world or netherworld, could that be the case? Ernie, either return to the real world or go and bury yourself, properly this time, under some back alley bar in Havana.

PS [censored] you too Biffen. It's about time you stopped being the ugly Australian in the colonies and returned to wallow among your own in the fetid inner suburban drug sub culture . 

PPS. I note in today's Age  that the Germaine Greer Collection will be available to public researchers this month. No doubt Biffen will trot along to continue his studies into a subject close to his heart.


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3 hours ago, Moonshadow said:

All DV is unexceptable. What happened on the Murray to those poor kids is terrible. However, the large majority of DV is perpetrated by men on women and children. Not all, of course, but the stats are pretty clear. To say it's half is simply not true.

DV stats

The stats are ridiculous ,particularly the sexual harassment claims in the workforce which are a gold mine for women contemplating"settling down",

the stats are admittedly skewed by Aboriginal culture ,which has ancient laws and a seperate system of punishments not comparable to western culture yet they are handily thrown in for white ribbon day.

weak policing is as much to blame for these figures if we are honest.

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4 hours ago, Moonshadow said:

All DV is unexceptable. What happened on the Murray to those poor kids is terrible. However, the large majority of DV is perpetrated by men on women and children. Not all, of course, but the stats are pretty clear. To say it's half is simply not true.

DV stats

DV against men is hardly ever reported, I have known men who have reported their female partners only to be laughed at by police this happens all the time,  stats are mostly lies,  when men report women the reports are thrown away by police 

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On 2/23/2017 at 10:13 PM, Bitter but optimistic said:

Biffen deserves a jolly good thrashing. I'm sure he'll be a reformed man after a few doses of the good Doctor Hopping Dick's electrodes.

Hopping Dick's Electrodes, sounds like one of those appliances you might find/buy in Sexyland! 

Edited by picket fence
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17 minutes ago, picket fence said:

Hopping Dick's Electrodes, sounds like one of thise appliances you buy in Sexyland! 

and pray tell, mr fence, how it is that you are in possession of such intimate knowledge of this er... establishment

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1 hour ago, don't make me angry said:

DV against men is hardly ever reported, I have known men who have reported their female partners only to be laughed at by police this happens all the time,  stats are mostly lies,  when men report women the reports are thrown away by police 

Gotta laugh at a guy who claims confirmed statistics are lies and uses his own alleged knowledge of some men to say it's half/half. According to that logic, all footy fans must barrack for Melbourne. Mate, you can believe what you want, but it all remains a fact that women and kids are the main victims of DV.

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5 minutes ago, Moonshadow said:

Gotta laugh at a guy who claims confirmed statistics are lies and uses his own alleged knowledge of some men to say it's half/half. According to that logic, all footy fans must barrack for Melbourne. Mate, you can believe what you want, but it all remains a fact that women and kids are the main victims of DV.

U have been brain washed, men that bashed by woman are embarrassed to report the abuse, because when a man is bashed by a woman eveyone laughed when a woman is bashed it's not funny both are just. As bad,  most man would never hit a woman.

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3 hours ago, Biffen said:

The family courts have ruined men's lives in the past few decades with ridiculous rulings in terms of custody and asset dispersal after divorce.

There is no doubt that in an attempt to placate the feminist lobby ,our court system have used an uneven hand .

hopefully the courts are now able to recognise the damage done to perfectly decent men who have divorced their wives.

lets remember some women are violent,aggressive,domineering ,verbally and physically abusive toward their spouses and children and importantly, very , very capable of lying to the court.

we cannot discuss white ribbon day in the one hand and suicide prevention on the other as if they are totally seperate issues.

men have been forced to give custody and assets away when their earning capacity is assumed to be more resilient.

women are more likely to gain acceptance into uni, earn more in their twenties,and graduate.

they are also just as likely to break their marriage vows in this day and age.

The Sir Walter Raliegh treatment of the Australian and British courts has led to a latch key generation of kid without dads in their lives due to punitive judgements made on automatic formulas .

Surely each case must be judged on its merits.

Feminism was supposed to be about achieving equality.

it achieved much more than that.

it achieved positive discrimination and so called "affirmative action" targets, a weak willed society of limp confused boys who've never known a father,high drop out rates at uni for men who politicall didn't fit,a wipe out of the trades and technology sector in favour of feminist studies and other rot .

knock on effects of having greater female participation in the workforce have killed off industrial staples and innovation. Doubled mortgages in 15 years because they can(banks),and caused a crisis in child care .

not only has there been an over reach of feminism in western society , in which women have achieved the same levels of sexual promiscuity as men, an 80% increase in divorce rates since 1970,and the sexualisation of teenage girls through an imagined "sexual power",it has lead to many men simply not being interested in marriage ,having seen the power disparities played out live before them.

Meanwhile this same Marxist indoctrination has done little to irradicate the real inequalities existent in Muslim countries,India,Africa  and societies struggling to battle out of an agrarian based existence,concentrating merely on an extension of girl power in the more advanced countries instead.

how many men lose jobs so a woman can pursue her course for 12 hours a week? Real jobs lost for dilettante students.

i think it's time western women look to emancipating their Muslim sisters but of course that's left to western men who die in places like Iraq and Afghanistan for women's rights under an archaic theology not even western men would support.

forced marriage, genital mutilation, child infanticide,polygamy,domestic slavery- last time I heard its a Muslim problem- not caused by western men but you would not know it because it doesn't fit the media narrative.

As my father said- if men were meant to raise children they would have been born with breasts- the real oppression is in ideological fallacy that diminishes a mans right to legal recourse for access to his children and his assets after divorce.


well done feminism!!


I see clearly now after your rant. Thanks Biffen.

So it must be my sister's fault that her ex bashed her in front of the kids. Or its the feminazis, or that she's educated, or its the Marxists, or Muslims, or that she didnt work while raising kids, yadda yadda yadda. And it's her fault that dispite working full time earning cash he now contributes jack sht towards the cost of raising his kids and chooses to spend little time with them.

We each have our own personal bias, but that doesn't negate the responsibility of men to not abuse their partners or kids, nor the fact that most DV is done by men.



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6 minutes ago, don't make me angry said:

U have been brain washed, men that bashed by woman are embarrassed to report the abuse, because when a man is bashed by a woman eveyone laughed when a woman is bashed it's not funny both are just. As bad,  most man would never hit a woman.

Last post to you. No real point anymore. You can continue if you want

I agree with your last sentence. Any violence is terrible whoever inflicts it and fortunately most people don't. 

However, if you cannot see that most DV is done by men on women then being brainwashed is your domain, and clearly you are what your user name implies.

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1 hour ago, daisycutter said:

and pray tell, mr fence, how it is that you are in possession of such intimate knowledge of this er... establishment

Drive past one every day on way to work . Alsways seems to be a lot of cars in the carparks. Also plenty in the sidestreets as well. Never actually been inside one what are they like Daisy?? 

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1 hour ago, picket fence said:

Drive past one every day on way to work . Alsways seems to be a lot of cars in the carparks. Also plenty in the sidestreets as well. Never actually been inside one what are they like Daisy?? 

i'd suggest you find a different way to work or change your employee. mr fence. you are in deep moral danger.

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9 minutes ago, daisycutter said:

i'd suggest you find a different way to work or change your employee. mr fence. you are in deep moral danger.

Correct dc! Picket seems a dubious character at best and, to think he had the effrontery to try and get an invite to The Manor.

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I am back guys, from my short sojourn. 

Let the bananas be smooth and not split.

Unluckiest person of her day was Marie Antoinette, who lost her head for allegedly saying about the poor, who were starving, let them eat cake. Actually she said let them eat banana bread and it was the media of the day who got her guillotined unfairly. She was not even allowed to appeal to the AFL tribunal.


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4 minutes ago, Redleg said:

I am back guys, from my short sojourn. 

Let the bananas be smooth and not split.

Unluckiest person of her day was Marie Antoinette, who lost her head for allegedly saying about the poor, who were starving, let them eat cake. Actually she said let them eat banana bread and it was the media of the day who got her guillotined unfairly. She was not even allowed to appeal to the AFL tribunal.

so much for cas then, mr leg. where were they? surely marie was cashed up enough to afford a decent legal team

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DV is a tricky issue, so is religion.

Daughter, nearly 8-years old, this morning asks "what is heaven". Wife responds "it's a concept, it may not even exist!'. However I've set her straight and my daughter's mind to rest, explaining that heaven does exist. I've been there. It was on the MCG members wing, Round 20, 4th Quarter.

Edited by TRIGON
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19 hours ago, Moonshadow said:

I see clearly now after your rant. Thanks Biffen.

So it must be my sister's fault that her ex bashed her in front of the kids. Or its the feminazis, or that she's educated, or its the Marxists, or Muslims, or that she didnt work while raising kids, yadda yadda yadda. And it's her fault that dispite working full time earning cash he now contributes jack sht towards the cost of raising his kids and chooses to spend little time with them.

We each have our own personal bias, but that doesn't negate the responsibility of men to not abuse their partners or kids, nor the fact that most DV is done by men.



You've missed my point entirely, no doubt clouded by your personal and emotive narrative. 

One point does not make the other untrue, or true.

Life is more complex than that- as I'm sure you know.

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Redleg- Marie Antoinette actually said" let them eat brioche"  .

The peasants were revolting.


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1 minute ago, Bitter but optimistic said:

Peasants are still revolting.

As always,it's the inner city elite,the fourth estate ,and the intellectuals (the bourgeoisie )  that caused all the problems.

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8 minutes ago, Bitter but optimistic said:

Of course, but their redeeming feature is wealth.

Did not help the Marquis de Sade.

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